2024-2025 / Master

History, research focus

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Focus courses

Choisir une version :


Finalité pour les étudiants inscrits à partir de 2024-2025

HIST0087-1Research seminar I TA30--5

Choose one module from :

Notice : Students must choose their option in relation with the final work

Module : History and Societies of Mediterranean Antiquity

Scientific coordinator : Yann BERTHELET

Choose two courses out of the following :

HIST0172-1Life and society of the ancient world
HAAR0122-2Greco-Roman archaeology - [30h Seminar, 5d Field trips, travels and pract] Q1--[+]5
PHIL0026-1Antiquity Philosophical Texts Q130--5
HREL0022-1Greek religion Q130--5
HREL0023-1Roman religion Q130--5
LCLA0077-1Latin authors 3
LCLA0067-1Greek authors 1 Q245--5
LCLA2062-1Introduction to Latin epigraphy Q230--5
LCLA0069-1History of Greek and Latin literatures Q160--5
LCLA0063-1Introduction to Greek and Latin papyrology Q130--5
LCLA0062-1Documentary papyrology Q230--5
HULG0565-1EHESS Seminar - Paris - Ancient Middle East
LLOR0053-1History and religion of Pharaonic Egypt Q230--5

Module : Mediaeval and modern history and thought

Scientific coordinators : Florence CLOSE - Annick DELFOSSE

Choose two courses out of the following :

DOCU0008-1Codicology Q230--5
PHIL0011-1History of the philosophy of the middle ages Q245--5
PHIL0013-1History of the philosophy of modern times Q145--5
HIST0160-2Commentary on Latin historical texts of the Middle Ages (in-depth approach) Q13015-5
LCLA0009-1Commentary on Renaissance Latin Authors Q230--5
LROM0014-1History of French literature of the Middle Ages (In-depth approach) Q11515-5
LROM0009-1In-depth study of Francophone authors (from the beginnings to 1350) Q23015-5
LROM0006-2Commentary on French Authors from 1350 to 1600 Q13015-5
HAAR0164-1Archaeology of buildings from late antiquity to the industrial revolution - [30h Seminar] Q1--[+]5
HAAR0113-1Architecture and monumental sculpture of XIVe - XVIe century: Gothic Belgium - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] Q130-[+]5
HAAR0111-2Seminars on History of the Art and Archeology of the Middle Ages - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] Q130-[+]5
HAAR0020-1History of Mosan Art - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] Q230-[+]5
HAAR0112-1Painting from XIV to XVI century Q230--5
HAAR0110-1Seminar on art history of modern Times : Renaissance Q230--5
HAAR0091-1Archaeozoology Q11515-5
HAAR0128-1Biological anthropology Q230--5
MUSI0022-2History of music (the modal era) - [3d Field trips, travels and pract] Q130-[+]5
MUSI0023-2History of music (the tonal age) - [3d Field trips, travels and pract] Q130-[+]5

Module : Histoire des espaces régionaux, nationaux et internationaux (Epoque contemporaine)

Scientific coordinators: Eric GEERKENS - Catherine LANNEAU - Philippe RAXHON

Choose two courses out of the following :

SPOL1203-2Introduction to International Relations Q260--5
HIST0138-1Regionalism and identities in Wallonia Q230--5
HIST0091-1History and historiography of national spaces: contemporary Germany and France TA45--5
HAAR0133-1Contemporary public art history - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] Q230-[+]5

Finalité pour les étudiants inscrits au Master en 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024 :

HIST0086-1Contemporary historiographical debates Q230--5
HIST0087-1Research seminar I TA30--5

Choose one module from :

Notice : les étudiants sont tenus de choisir leur option en adéquation avec leur "Travail de fin d'études".

Module : History and Societies of Mediterranean Antiquity


Scientific coordinator : Yann BERTHELET

Choose two courses out of the following :

HIST0172-1Life and society of the ancient world
HAAR0122-2Greco-Roman archaeology - [30h Seminar, 5d Field trips, travels and pract] Q1--[+]5
PHIL0026-1Antiquity Philosophical Texts Q130--5
HREL0022-1Greek religion Q130--5
HREL0023-1Roman religion Q130--5
LCLA0077-1Latin authors 3
LCLA0067-1Greek authors 1 Q245--5
LCLA2062-1Introduction to Latin epigraphy Q230--5
LCLA0069-1History of Greek and Latin literatures Q160--5
LCLA0063-1Introduction to Greek and Latin papyrology Q130--5
LCLA0062-1Documentary papyrology Q230--5
HULG0565-1EHESS Seminar - Paris - Ancient Middle East
LLOR0053-1History and religion of Pharaonic Egypt Q230--5

Module : Mediaeval and modern history and thought


Scientific coordinators : Florence CLOSE - Annick DELFOSSE

Choose two courses out of the following :

DOCU0008-1Codicology Q230--5
PHIL0011-1History of the philosophy of the middle ages Q245--5
PHIL0013-1History of the philosophy of modern times Q145--5
HIST0160-2Commentary on Latin historical texts of the Middle Ages (in-depth approach) Q13015-5
LCLA0009-1Commentary on Renaissance Latin Authors Q230--5
LROM0014-1History of French literature of the Middle Ages (In-depth approach) Q11515-5
LROM0009-1In-depth study of Francophone authors (from the beginnings to 1350) Q23015-5
LROM0006-2Commentary on French Authors from 1350 to 1600 Q13015-5
HAAR0164-1Archaeology of buildings from late antiquity to the industrial revolution - [30h Seminar] Q1--[+]5
HAAR0113-1Architecture and monumental sculpture of XIVe - XVIe century: Gothic Belgium - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q130-[+]5
HAAR0111-2Seminars on History of the Art and Archeology of the Middle Ages - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] Q130-[+]5
HAAR0020-1History of Mosan Art - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q230-[+]5
HAAR0112-1Painting from XIV to XVI century Q230--5
HAAR0110-1Seminar on art history of modern Times : Renaissance Q230--5
MUSI0022-2History of music (the modal era) - [3d Field trips, travels and pract] Q130-[+]5
MUSI0023-2History of music (the tonal age) - [3d Field trips, travels and pract] Q130-[+]5

Module : Histoire des espaces régionaux, nationaux et internationaux (Epoque contemporaine)


Scientific coordinators: Eric GEERKENS - Catherine LANNEAU - Philippe RAXHON

Choose two courses out of the following :

SPOL1203-2Introduction to International Relations Q260--5
HIST0138-1Regionalism and identities in Wallonia Q230--5
HIST0091-1History and historiography of national spaces: contemporary Germany and France TA45--5
HAAR0133-1Contemporary public art history - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] Q230-[+]5

Choix du programme en fonction du parcours de l'étudiant

Choisir 1 programme :


Programme pour les étudiants inscrits à partir de 2024-2025

Notice : Ce programme est destiné aux étudiants qui entament le Master à partir de 2024-2025.
Les étudiants inscrits au Master avant l'année académique 2024-2025 sont soumis à l'ancienne version du programme.

Cours obligatoires du tronc commun

HIST0086-1Contemporary historiographical debates Q230--5
HIST0267-1History and social sciences TA45--5
HIST0083-1Methodological seminar on preparing a thesis TA30--5

Cours au choix du tronc commun

Notice : les étudiants sont tenus de choisir leur "module de critique historique" en adéquation avec leur "Travail de fn d'études"

Choose one module from :


Antiquité grecque et romaine

HIST0007-3Historical criticism seminar (Greek and Roman Antiquity) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10
LCLA2061-1Introduction to Greek epigraphy Q130--5

Moyen âge

HIST0009-3Historical criticism seminar (Middle Ages) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10
HIST0003-1Medieval and modern diplomacy Q23015-5

Temps modernes

HIST0010-3Historical criticism seminar (Modern times) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10

Choose one of the following courses :

HIST0003-1Medieval and modern diplomacy Q23015-5
HIST0002-1Historical statistics and computational methods applied to modern and contemporary history Q145--5

Contemporary history

HIST0008-4Historical criticism seminar (Contemporary period) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10
HIST0002-1Historical statistics and computational methods applied to modern and contemporary history Q145--5

Choose three of the following courses :


Groupe 1 : Cours d'institutions

Notice : Les étudiants choisiront leurs cours d'"Institutions" en adéquation avec leurs séminaires de critique historique et leur "Travail de fin d'études"
HIST0045-1Institutions of Ancient Greece and Rome (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q130--5
HIST0047-1Institutions of the Middle Ages (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q230--5
HIST0048-1Institutions of the early modern era (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q230--5
HIST0046-1Institutions of the Modern Era (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q130--5

Groupe 2 : Options libres

HIST0141-1International Relations in Antiquity Q230--5
HIST0143-1International relations in modern times (16th- 18th centuries) Q230--5
HIST0078-1History of International relations of Belgium Q230--5
HIST0034-1History of Burgundian States Q230--5
HIST0042-1History of the Principality of Liege Q130--5
HREL0004-1Introduction to the history of Christianity Q130--5
HREL0010-1Introduction to Reformation history Q230--5
HIST0030-1History and religion of the Arab-Muslim world I Q230--5
HIST0080-1History of information and the press in particular Q130--5
HIST0079-1History of business Q130--5
SPOL0961-1European construction history Q230--5
HIST0056-1History of books and libraries
Pascal Durand, Veronica Granata, Philippe Raxhon

Programme transitoire pour les étudiants inscrits au Master en 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024.


Cours obligatoires du tronc commun

HIST0013-3Evolution of notions and methods used in history Q130--5
HIST0267-1History and social sciences TA45--5
HIST0083-1Methodological seminar on preparing a thesis TA30--5

Choose one seminar from the following :

HIST0007-3Historical criticism seminar (Greek and Roman Antiquity) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10
HIST0009-3Historical criticism seminar (Middle Ages) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10
HIST0010-3Historical criticism seminar (Modern times) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10
HIST0008-4Historical criticism seminar (Contemporary period) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10

Choisir 1 cours d'Institution parmi :

HIST0045-1Institutions of Ancient Greece and Rome Q130--5
HIST0047-1Institutions of the Middle Ages Q230--5
HIST0048-1Institutions of the early modern era Q230--5
HIST0046-1Institutions of the Modern Era Q130--5

Choose two courses out of the following :

HIST0141-1International Relations in Antiquity Q230--5
HIST0143-1International relations in modern times (16th- 18th centuries) Q230--5
HIST0078-1History of International relations of Belgium Q230--5
HIST0034-1History of Burgundian States Q230--5
HIST0042-1History of the Principality of Liege Q130--5
HREL0004-1Introduction to the history of Christianity Q130--5
HREL0010-1Introduction to Reformation history Q230--5
HIST0030-1History and religion of the Arab-Muslim world I Q230--5
HIST0080-1History of information and the press in particular Q130--5
HIST0079-1History of business Q130--5
SPOL0961-1European construction history Q230--5
HIST0056-1History of books and libraries
Pascal Durand, Veronica Granata, Philippe Raxhon

Block 2

Focus courses

Poursuivre la version choisie :


Finalité pour les étudiants inscrits à partir de 2024-2025

PSTG0053-1Research focus internship - [200h internship] TA--[+]10
HIST0088-1Research seminar II TA30--5

Finalité pour les étudiants inscrits au Master en 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024 :

HIST0088-1Research seminar II TA30--5

Poursuivre le choix de module :

Notice : les étudiants sont tenus de choisir leur option en adéquation avec leur "Travail de fin d'études".

Module : History and Societies of Mediterranean Antiquity


Scientific coordinator : Yann BERTHELET

Choose one of the following courses :

HIST0172-1Life and society of the ancient world
HAAR0122-2Greco-Roman archaeology - [30h Seminar, 5d Field trips, travels and pract] Q1--[+]5
PHIL0026-1Antiquity Philosophical Texts Q130--5
HREL0022-1Greek religion Q130--5
HREL0023-1Roman religion Q130--5
LCLA0077-1Latin authors 3
LCLA0067-1Greek authors 1 Q245--5
LCLA2062-1Introduction to Latin epigraphy Q230--5
LCLA0069-1History of Greek and Latin literatures Q160--5
LCLA0063-1Introduction to Greek and Latin papyrology Q130--5
LCLA0062-1Documentary papyrology Q230--5
HULG0565-1EHESS Seminar - Paris - Ancient Middle East
LLOR0053-1History and religion of Pharaonic Egypt Q230--5

Module : Mediaeval and modern history and thought


Scientific coordinators : Florence CLOSE - Annick DELFOSSE

Choose one of the following courses :

DOCU0008-1Codicology Q230--5
PHIL0011-1History of the philosophy of the middle ages Q245--5
PHIL0013-1History of the philosophy of modern times Q145--5
HIST0160-2Commentary on Latin historical texts of the Middle Ages (in-depth approach) Q13015-5
LCLA0009-1Commentary on Renaissance Latin Authors Q230--5
LROM0014-1History of French literature of the Middle Ages (In-depth approach) Q11515-5
LROM0009-1In-depth study of Francophone authors (from the beginnings to 1350) Q23015-5
LROM0006-2Commentary on French Authors from 1350 to 1600 Q13015-5
HAAR0164-1Archaeology of buildings from late antiquity to the industrial revolution - [30h Seminar] Q1--[+]5
HAAR0113-1Architecture and monumental sculpture of XIVe - XVIe century: Gothic Belgium - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q130-[+]5
HAAR0111-2Seminars on History of the Art and Archeology of the Middle Ages - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] Q130-[+]5
HAAR0020-1History of Mosan Art - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q230-[+]5
HAAR0112-1Painting from XIV to XVI century Q230--5
HAAR0110-1Seminar on art history of modern Times : Renaissance Q230--5
MUSI0022-2History of music (the modal era) - [3d Field trips, travels and pract] Q130-[+]5
MUSI0023-2History of music (the tonal age) - [3d Field trips, travels and pract] Q130-[+]5

Module : Histoire des espaces régionaux, nationaux et internationaux (Epoque contemporaine)


Scientific coordinators: Eric GEERKENS - Catherine LANNEAU - Philippe RAXHON

Choose one of the following courses :

SPOL1203-2Introduction to International Relations Q260--5
HIST0138-1Regionalism and identities in Wallonia Q230--5
HIST0091-1History and historiography of national spaces: contemporary Germany and France TA45--5
HAAR0133-1Contemporary public art history - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] Q230-[+]5

Choix du programme en fonction du parcours de l'étudiant

Poursuivre le choix de programme :


Programme pour les étudiants inscrits à partir de 2024-2025

Notice : Ce programme est destiné aux étudiants qui entament le Master à partir de 2024-2025.
Les étudiants inscrits au Master avant l'année académique 2024-2025 sont soumis à l'ancienne version du programme.

Cours obligatoires du tronc commun

PTFE0009-1Thesis, including oral communication of research results TA---30

Cours au choix du tronc commun

Notice : les étudiants sont tenus de choisir leur "module de critique historique" en adéquation avec leur "Travail de fn d'études"

Choisir un autre séminaire que celui du module parmi :

HIST0007-3Historical criticism seminar (Greek and Roman Antiquity) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10
HIST0009-3Historical criticism seminar (Middle Ages) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10
HIST0010-3Historical criticism seminar (Modern times) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10
HIST0008-4Historical criticism seminar (Contemporary period) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10

Choose one of the following courses :


Groupe 1 : Cours d'institutions

Notice : Les étudiants choisiront leurs cours d'"Institutions" en adéquation avec leurs séminaires de critique historique et leur "Travail de fin d'études"
HIST0045-1Institutions of Ancient Greece and Rome (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q130--5
HIST0047-1Institutions of the Middle Ages (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q230--5
HIST0048-1Institutions of the early modern era (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q230--5
HIST0046-1Institutions of the Modern Era (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q130--5

Groupe 2 : Options libres

HIST0141-1International Relations in Antiquity Q230--5
HIST0143-1International relations in modern times (16th- 18th centuries) Q230--5
HIST0078-1History of International relations of Belgium Q230--5
HIST0034-1History of Burgundian States Q230--5
HIST0042-1History of the Principality of Liege Q130--5
HREL0004-1Introduction to the history of Christianity Q130--5
HREL0010-1Introduction to Reformation history Q230--5
HIST0030-1History and religion of the Arab-Muslim world I Q230--5
HIST0080-1History of information and the press in particular Q130--5
HIST0079-1History of business Q130--5
SPOL0961-1European construction history Q230--5
HIST0056-1History of books and libraries
Pascal Durand, Veronica Granata, Philippe Raxhon

Programme transitoire pour les étudiants inscrits au Master en 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024.


Cours obligatoires du tronc commun

PTFE0009-1Thesis, including oral communication of research results TA---30

Cours au choix du tronc commun

Notice : les étudiants sont tenus de choisir leurs "Séminaires de critique historique" et leurs cours d'"Institutions" en adéquation avec leur "Travail de fin d'études". Attention : le Séminaire de critique lié à la période du mémoire sera nécessairement choisi en bloc 1.

Choose one seminar from the following :

HIST0007-3Historical criticism seminar (Greek and Roman Antiquity) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10
HIST0009-3Historical criticism seminar (Middle Ages) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10
HIST0010-3Historical criticism seminar (Modern times) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10
HIST0008-4Historical criticism seminar (Contemporary period) - [5d Field trips, travels and pract] TA1530[+]10

Choisir 1 cours d'Institution parmi :

HIST0045-1Institutions of Ancient Greece and Rome Q130--5
HIST0047-1Institutions of the Middle Ages Q230--5
HIST0048-1Institutions of the early modern era Q230--5
HIST0046-1Institutions of the Modern Era Q130--5

Choose one of the following courses :

HIST0141-1International Relations in Antiquity Q230--5
HIST0143-1International relations in modern times (16th- 18th centuries) Q230--5
HIST0078-1History of International relations of Belgium Q230--5
HIST0034-1History of Burgundian States Q230--5
HIST0042-1History of the Principality of Liege Q130--5
HREL0004-1Introduction to the history of Christianity Q130--5
HREL0010-1Introduction to Reformation history Q230--5
HIST0030-1History and religion of the Arab-Muslim world I Q230--5
HIST0080-1History of information and the press in particular Q130--5
HIST0079-1History of business Q130--5
SPOL0961-1European construction history Q230--5
HIST0056-1History of books and libraries
Pascal Durand, Veronica Granata, Philippe Raxhon

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Additional ECTS Master in history (120 ECTS)

These additional credits (maximum 60 credits) consist of theory and practical courses in the Bachelors in History programme selected in consultation with the president of the jury depending on the applicant¿s study plan. For more information, contact the secretary of the course: corinne.bolsee@uliege.be

Optional courses

Choose courses totalling 60 ECTS amongst :

[...] At most 60 credits of courses from "Bachelier en histoire"-