2024-2025 / Master

Population and development studies, professional focus North-South cooperation

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Cours obligatoires de la finalité

SOCI0757-1Development in the South (contemporary development policies in a country in the South) Q230--3
Thematic workshop (basic multidisciplinary analytical tools and construction of an analytical approach - [45h Seminar] TA--[+]6
SOCI2261-1Introduction to research in development and international cooperation (this includes a personal piece of work) - [24h Seminar] TA--[+]9
International co-operation sociology Q145--6
SOCI1240-2North-South: imperialism, development, globalisation - a history, Theory course Q130--3

Compulsory courses

ANTH0046-1Anthropology of development Q230--6
SPOL9226-1Institutions économiques internationales Q130--3
SOCI0201-2European institutions and development cooperation - [15h Seminar] Q2--[+]3
Development policies in the South: financing and tools Q120--3
ECON2260-1Economics of Globalization Q245--6
SOCI0075-3Project management and international partners Q13015-6
LANG0913-1English - module 1, Reading scientific texts (english language) Q11020-3

Optional courses

Choose courses totalling 3 ECTS from the following :

Notice : students may take optional courses in a maximum of two thematic groups in the study cycle + possibly a language class (also throughout the whole study cycle).

Thematic group ¿Environment and development¿

ENVT3127-1Biodiversity and societies Q13010-3
ENVT0008-1Biodiversity and ecodevelopment
Anthropology of the nature of animals Q130--6
ENVT0027-1Technical and environmental democracy Q21510-6
Ecological economy Q230--6

Thematic group ¿Cultural and geographic spaces¿

GERM0005-2Postcolonial civilizations (english language) Q230--6
SOCI0764-1Geopolitics of the Western Mediterranean (english language) - [30h Seminar] Q2--[+]6
HIST0030-1History and religion of the Arab-Muslim world I Q230--6
LLOR0059-1History and religion of ancient India Q130--6
ASIE0029-1Power and Society in Modern and Contemporary China Q230--6
ASIE0003-1Tradition and Modernity in the Chinese Society Q230--6
ASIE0028-1Post-social China and Globalization: social and political dynamics (english language) Q130--6
SOCI0756-1Latin America: political, economic and social reconfigurations - [15h Seminar] Q115-[+]3
SPOL2309-1Africa, international implications (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q130--6

Thematic group ¿Education, global citizenship and training mechanisms¿

Introduction to Education and Global Citizenship Q11530-6
PEDA0056-2Conception, management and evaluation of training strategies TA3015-3
PEDA0060-2Practical questions about driving a training Q11515-3

Thematic group ¿Gender, family and development¿

SOCI0096-1Gender and development Q115--3
SOCI0752-1Introduction to gender studies, Theory course Q130--3
ANTH2228-1(pas organisé en 2024-2025) Anthropology of childhood and children - [30h Field work] Q1306[+]6

Thematic group ¿Social economy, action and public policy¿

GEST7005-1Governance and HRM of social enterprises Q130--6
Finance and reporting for social enterprises Q130--6
Critique of political economy and management, Theory Q130--3
ANTH0048-1Anthropology of capitalism Q230--6
SPOL2314-1Comparative Analysis of Public Action
SPOL2202-1Evaluation of public policies Q13015-6
SOCI0717-2Sociology of public action - [30h Seminar] Q2--[+]6
SOCI0009-1Introductory seminar to organisational analysis - [15h Seminar] Q115-[+]3

Thematic group ¿International relations: politics, economics, cooperation¿

SPOL1203-2Introduction to International Relations Q260--6
SPOL0011-1Theories of the international relations Q130--6
SPOL2226-1Seminar on international relations - [30h Seminar] Q1--[+]6
SPOL2237-1Politological analyses of Africa - [30h Seminar] (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q1--[+]6
ECON0011-2Development Economics (english language) Q13015-6
Seminar on current issues in international cooperation Q130--6

Language courses

LANG0917-1Spanish level 1 (spanish language) Q245--6
LANG0914-1English - Module 2: Listening comprehension, taking notes and lectures, Listening comprehension, taking notes and lectures (english language) Q11020-3
LANG2917-1Spanish level 2 (spanish language) Q145--6

Block 2

Cours obligatoires de la finalité

SOCI0205-1Globalisation and civil society : theory and players Q130--3

Compulsory courses

HMEM0009-1Final thesis and internship - [24h Seminar]
Initiation à la recherche en développement et coopération internationale (en ce compris un travail personnel)
SOCI0112-1Populations, families and health in the South (Africa) Q130--6
Migration Transnationalism and Development (english language) - [30h Seminar] Q1--[+]6
RISQ0759-1Risks and catastrophes in developing countries Q130--6
SPOL2331-1Analysis of public policies (theory) Q13015-3
Notice : à titre transitoire en 2024-2025, les étudiants qui ont déjà réussi ce cours dans le cadre de leur programme de bloc 1 doivent suivre le cours SOCI0075-3 "Gouvernance des projets et partenariats internationaux" à la place

Optional courses

Choose courses totalling 15 ECTS out of the following :

Notice : students may take optional courses in a maximum of two thematic groups in the study cycle + possibly a language class (also throughout the whole study cycle).

Thematic group ¿Environment and development¿

ENVT3127-1Biodiversity and societies Q13010-3
ENVT0008-1Biodiversity and ecodevelopment
Anthropology of the nature of animals Q130--6
ENVT0027-1Technical and environmental democracy Q21510-6
Ecological economy Q230--6

Thematic group ¿Cultural and geographic spaces¿

GERM0005-2Postcolonial civilizations (english language) Q230--6
SOCI0764-1Geopolitics of the Western Mediterranean (english language) - [30h Seminar] Q2--[+]6
HIST0030-1History and religion of the Arab-Muslim world I Q230--6
LLOR0059-1History and religion of ancient India Q130--6
ASIE0029-1Power and Society in Modern and Contemporary China Q230--6
ASIE0003-1Tradition and Modernity in the Chinese Society Q230--6
ASIE0028-1Post-social China and Globalization: social and political dynamics (english language) Q130--6
SOCI0756-1Latin America: political, economic and social reconfigurations - [15h Seminar] Q115-[+]3
SPOL2309-1Africa, international implications (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q130--6

Thematic group ¿Education, global citizenship and training mechanisms¿

Introduction to Education and Global Citizenship Q11530-6
PEDA0056-2Conception, management and evaluation of training strategies TA3015-3
PEDA0060-2Practical questions about driving a training Q11515-3

Thematic group ¿Gender, family and development¿

SOCI0096-1Gender and development Q115--3
SOCI0752-1Introduction to gender studies, Theory course Q130--3
ANTH2228-1(pas organisé en 2024-2025) Anthropology of childhood and children - [30h Field work] Q1306[+]6

Thematic group ¿Social economy, action and public policy¿

GEST7005-1Governance and HRM of social enterprises Q130--6
Finance and reporting for social enterprises Q130--6
Critique of political economy and management, Theory Q130--3
ANTH0048-1Anthropology of capitalism Q230--6
SPOL2314-1Comparative Analysis of Public Action
SPOL2202-1Evaluation of public policies Q13015-6
SOCI0717-2Sociology of public action - [30h Seminar] Q2--[+]6
SOCI0009-1Introductory seminar to organisational analysis - [15h Seminar] Q115-[+]3

Thematic group ¿International relations: politics, economics, cooperation¿

SPOL1203-2Introduction to International Relations Q260--6
SPOL0011-1Theories of the international relations Q130--6
SPOL2226-1Seminar on international relations - [30h Seminar] Q1--[+]6
SPOL2237-1Politological analyses of Africa - [30h Seminar] (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q1--[+]6
ECON0011-2Development Economics (english language) Q13015-6
Seminar on current issues in international cooperation Q130--6

Language courses

LANG0917-1Spanish level 1 (spanish language) Q245--6
LANG0914-1English - Module 2: Listening comprehension, taking notes and lectures, Listening comprehension, taking notes and lectures (english language) Q11020-3
LANG2917-1Spanish level 2 (spanish language) Q145--6

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Additional ECTS Master in population and development studies (15 ECTS)

Notice : Intended for bachelor's students in international cooperation (s), university bachelor's students outside the human sciences and master's students outside the university

Compulsory courses

METO1015-1Scientific approaches and investigationQ2   5
Initiation à l'esprit critique, Theory  10-- 
Initiation à l'esprit critique, SHS practice  -4- 
Survey methodology  166- 
METO1016-1Qualitative research methods Q24015-5
SOCI9009-1Reading workshop in development studies - [24h Seminar] Q1--[+]5

Optional free course

HREM0002-1Introduction to IT and office software Q2-20--
Notice : a self-assessment test, held at the beginning of the year, will help guide students in their choice of useful modules

Additional ECTS Master in population and development sciences (max 60 credits)

Notice : aimed at any other non-university bachelor

Compulsory courses

METO1015-1Scientific approaches and investigationQ2   5
Initiation à l'esprit critique, Theory  10-- 
Initiation à l'esprit critique, SHS practice  -4- 
Survey methodology  166- 
METO1016-1Qualitative research methods Q24015-5
SOCI9009-1Reading workshop in development studies - [24h Seminar] Q1--[+]5

Optional courses

Choose courses totalling 5 ECTS from the following :

Notice : according to the results obtained in the knowledge test taken at the beginning of the year
LANG4018-1Basic English for the human and social sciences (english language) TA60--5
LANG0001-2English level 1 (english language) TA6030-5
LANG0003-2English level 2 (english language) TA6030-5
LANG6006-1English - level 3 (english language) TA6030-5

Choose up to 40 credits of courses from the list below:

Notice : the choice will be made by the President of the jury according to the student's background
Introduction to international cooperation and humanitarian aid Q230--5
ANTH0001-1Introduction to anthropology Q230--5
ECON2293-1General Political Economics - Microeconomics Q13015-5
SPOL1101-1Introduction to political science, Part 1 Q130--5
ANTH0033-1Contemporary anthropological theories Q230--5
SOCI0589-1Socio-anthropology of development: approaches, methods, illustrations Q230--5
SOCI9006-1Comparative sociology of protest Q230--5
[...] or any other course from ULiège at the choice of the President of the jury-

Optional free course

HREM0002-1Introduction to IT and office software Q2-20--
Notice : a self-assessment test, held at the beginning of the year, will help guide students in their choice of useful modules