2024-2025 / SOCI0589-1

Socio-anthropology of development: approaches, methods, illustrations


30h Th

Number of credits

 Bachelor in human and social sciences (New programme)5 crédits 
 Extra courses intended for exchange students (Erasmus, ...) (Faculty of social sciences)5 crédits 


Marc Poncelet

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Theoretical part and empirical presentations.
The course is an introductory course to the social sciences. It works on the similarities and differences between sociological and anthropological approaches at three different levels:

  • at a theoretical and methodological level, by presenting the disciplines's evolutions and by discussing the qualitative approach in socio-anthropology;
  • at the level of the heritages and major approaches in health;
  • in a specific field, using examples from developing countries in health/medicine.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

  • To try to qualify sociological and anthropological approaches to social events.
  • To reflect upon the status of social sciences using examples from sociological and anthropological research in the fields of health and medicine.
  • Shed light upon the similarities and differences between the two disciplines.
  • To introduce students to qualitative investigative methods in sociology and anthropology.
  • To introduce and learn how to use the practices and institutions of health/medicine in the context of developing countries.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

An introductory course to sociology or anthropology.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

  • Direct teaching, oral classes, presentations, interventions from invited researchers.
  • Reading an article and individual analysis are required.
This course lasts 30 hours and is given in the second term, on tuesdays from 8:15 to 10:15.

  • Olivier de Sardan, Jean-Pierre, 2008, La rigueur du qualitatif : les contraintes empiriques de l'interprétation socio-anthropologique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia-Bruylant.
  • Reading portfolio to be purchased at the start of the course.
  • Slides or texts from the external lecturers.

An individual written examination will be organised in the first term (multiple choice).

An oral exam is planned for the second session.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Lecturer : Prof. Marc Poncelet Tel.: 04 366 30 74 marc.poncelet@ulg.ac.be
Assistant :
Mélissa Schneider Melissa.Schneider@uliege.be
Secretary : secretariat.fass@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs