2024-2025 / Master

MSc. in Architectural Engineering, professional focus in urban and environmental engineering

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Depending on your educational background or depending on the focus, it is possible that the prerequisites / corequisites for the 1st year of the programme are presented in the block 2. You are therefore invited to read through the list of courses in block 2 even if you are registering for the first time in this master.

Cours obligatoires du tronc commun

Environmental design of buildings in the context of sustainable development - [2d Field work, 40h Projet]
Ateliers d'architecture IV
ARCH0115-1Architectural studio IV, integrated conception - [1d Field work, 88h Projet]
Conception architecturale et urbaine durable
Studio Digital Collaboratif BIM
GCIV0201-2Concretes and new Materials Technologies - [0,5d Field work, 6h Laboratory work, 8h Projet] Q13220[+]5
Existing constructions - Intervention principles
ARCH3271-1Introduction to scientific research - [30h Projet] Q21010[+]2
PHIL0076-1Aesthetics and contemporary art Q230--3
ARCH3283-1Acoustics and lighting of buildingsQ1   5
Introduction  1514- 
Methods and applications - [16h Projet]  1510[+] 
ARCH0080-1Building physics and air conditioning Q23030-4
ARCH2011-1Sustainable building construction techniques IV : Building renovation - [2d Field work]
GCIV2063-1Planning buildings, co-ordination and safety on building sites - [1d Field work] Q11515[+]2
ARCH2003-1Urbanisation dynamics - [65h Projet] Q22626[+]5
ARCH0075-3Studio Digital Collaboratif BIM - [1d Field work, 78h Projet]
Ateliers d'architecture IV
ASTG9002-1Professional internship - [20d Field work, 20h Projet] TA--[+]3
ARCH3336-1Setting up real-estate operations Q232--3
Notice : Cycle de conférences sur les compétences professionnelles de l'ingénieur architecte (déontologie, montage d'opérations immobilières, marchés publics,... ) : participation obligatoire
Notice : Study trip: guided tours on architectural and urbanistic achievements (optional)

A visit to a business (optional).

Final year trip: at the beginning of the academic year, prior to the organisation of the courses, guided tours to companies, geological sites (optional).

Block 2

Focus courses

UEEN0007-1District Energy Systems (english language) - [8h Projet, 1d Field work]
UEEN0008-1Urban water systems (english language) - [12h Projet] Q11818[+]3
Land rehabilitation in urban environments (english language) - [10h Laboratory work, 20h Projet, 2d Field work] Q12010[+]5
UEEN0003-1Urban resilience (english language) - [60h Projet, 1d Field work] Q13616[+]5
UEEN0004-1Urban planning and transportation (english language) - [1d Field work] Q12626[+]5
UEEN0005-1Participatory Design at an Urban Scale (english language) - [20h Projet, 1d Field work] Q12010[+]3
UEE Integrated Project (english language) - [100h Projet, 1d Field work] Q1-90[+]6

Cours obligatoires du tronc commun

ARCH0116-3Architectural studio V: integrated project - [1d Field work, 150h Projet]
Ateliers d'architecture IV
ATFE0009-1Master thesis / project - [600h Projet]
Collégialité, Mario Cools
Notice : Cycle de conférences sur les compétences professionnelles de l'ingénieur architecte (déontologie, montage d'opérations immobilières, marchés publics,... ) : participation obligatoire
Notice : Study trip: guided tours on architectural and urbanistic achievements (optional)

A visit to a business (optional).

Final year trip: at the beginning of the academic year, prior to the organisation of the courses, guided tours to companies, geological sites (optional).
Notice : with the agreement of the President of the jury, students can also choose a course from catalogue UNIC.

Additional courses for Erasmus students

LANG0840-1French, S1 - 1er quadrimestre Q1---5
LANG0840-2French, S2 - 2e quadrimestre Q2---5
GCIV0008-2Energy and transport (english language) - [25h Projet] Q13015[+]4

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Additional credits, Master of Science (MSc) in Architectural Engineering (aimed at Bachelors and qualified engineers - in particular students from the "Institut Mines Telecom d'Alès", from the "Ecole d'Ingénieurs de La Rochelle, de Polytech Lille", from the "Institut de Technologie du Cambodge" and from the "EPF Troyes, Sceaux, Montpellier").


Compulsory courses

Notice : this programme is likely to be adjusted according to skills previously acquired by the student.
ARCH0002-1Methodology of Architectural Projects I : functional and ergonomical composition - [1d Field work, 100h Projet] TA3060[+]8
ARCH3270-1Architectural studio IA: Graphic composition - [1d Field work, 35h Projet] Q11040[+]3
ARCH0066-2Architectural studio IB: architectural compositon - [1d Field work, 25h Projet] Q21040[+]4
Methodology of Architectural Projects II : bioclimatic composition - [1d Field work, 85h Projet] TA4050[+]8
ARCH0068-7Urban Analytics, Theory Q11520-2
ARCH0017-4Digital architectural modeling - [98h Projet] Q22070[+]6
ARCH2224-1Architectural culture 2 - history of construction - Antiquity to the 19th century
ARCH3260-2Architectural studio II, Introduction - [1d Field work, 85h Projet] TA2070[+]7
Architectural studio III A - [1d Field work, 55h Projet] Q11035[+]5
Architectural studio III B - [1d Field work, 55h Projet] Q21035[+]4
GCIV0646-1Buildings conception and executionQ2   4
Basic concepts - [1d Field work]  40-[+] 
Advanced concepts + Project - [40h Projet]
ARCH3281-1Summary of construction practices in the building industry - [1d Field work, 30h Projet]

Additional ECTS Master of science in architecture and engineering (aimed at bachelors in architecture)


Compulsory courses

Notice : this programme is likely to be adjusted according to skills previously acquired by the student.
MATH0002-5Mathematical analysis 1Q1   8
Part 1  2222- 
Part 2 - [26h Question and answer session]  --[+] 
MATH0066-1Complement of mathematics 2 Q22626-4
Methodology of Architectural Projects II : bioclimatic composition - [1d Field work, 85h Projet] TA4050[+]8
MECA0001-2Mechanics of materials - [2h Laboratory work, 12h Projet] Q12725[+]5
MECA0012-6Solid mechanics - [15h Projet] Q22626[+]5
GCIV0184-5Building Materials - [0,5d Field work, 12h Laboratory work, 12h Projet] Q23616[+]5
GCIV2172-1Metallic Elements Calculation - [1d Field work, 10h Projet]
GCIV2173-1Reinforced concrete (english language) - [1d Field work, 10h Projet] Q22626[+]5
Sustainable building construction techniques III: networks - [1d Field work, 45h Projet] Q11735[+]5
ARCH3281-1Summary of construction practices in the building industry - [1d Field work, 30h Projet]
GCIV0608-1Introduction to Structures engineering - [4d Field work, 40h Projet] Q11212[+]5