2024-2025 / GCIV0201-2

Concretes and new Materials Technologies


32h Th, 20h Pr, 0,5d FW, 6h Labo., 8h Proj.

Number of credits

 Master MSc. in Architectural Engineering, professional focus in architectural and urban engineering5 crédits 
 Master MSc. in Civil Engineering, professional focus in civil engineering5 crédits 
 Master MSc. in Architectural Engineering, professional focus in urban and environmental engineering5 crédits 
 Master MSc. in Civil Engineering, professional focus in urban and environmental engineering5 crédits 


Luc Courard

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Concrete technology. Design methods. Admixtures and mineral additions. Design of formworks. Concrete increasing perfromances. Durability of concrete. Natural materials. Recycled materials.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Selection of materials. Design of concrete and formworks. Design of concrete durability. Principles of recycling. Design with clayey materials

Full list of KLO's/AA for this lecture are defined in matrix available on https://www.programmes.uliege.be/cocoon/20182019/formations/descr/A2UCON01.html

This course contributes to the learning outcomes I.1, I.2, II.1, II.2, II.3, III.1, III.2, III.3, III.4, IV.1, IV.2, IV.3, IV.4, IV.5, V.1, V.2, V.3, VI.1, VI.2, VI.3, VI.4, VII.1, VII.2, VII.3, VII.6 of the MSc in civil engineering.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

GCIV 0184 Building Materials (or equivalent)
Students have a good knowledge of materials (organic, inorganic and metals) and in particular cement, through their physical, chemical and mechanical properties.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Concrete lab: desing and manufacturing of concrete

MOOC ConstruiREcycler: following 5 education sequences

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Oral lecture
Exercizes (formwork, concrete design)
On line courses (podcasts)

Project: designing concrete
Laboratory: concrete casting and evaluation

MOOC ConstruiREcyler

Technologie des bétons. Groupement Belge du Béton
Formulation des bétons. L. Courard. Centrale des cours AEES
Emploi et calcul des coffrages. L. Courard. Centrale des cours AEES
Utilisation des géosynthétiques en génie civil. L. Courard. Centrale des cours AEES
Adjuvants et additions. L. Courard. Centrale des cours AEES
Amélioration et renforcement des bétons. L. Courard. Centrale des cours AEES

MOOC ConstruiREcycler

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Concrete design and laboratory report
Manufacturing of concrete in laboratory

Intermediate report at specific milestones
Quizz MOOC ConstruiREcycler

These activities are mandatory. The student who doesn't participate or doesn't present report in due time and form is not allowed to present the examination

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

1st Semester - Friday 8:30-12:30


Local -1/534 (B52)
Email: Luc.Courard@uliege.be

Assistant: Sophie GRIGOLETTO and Julien HUBERT
Email: Sophie.Grigoletto@uliege.be
Email: Julien.Hubert@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs