2024-2025 / ARCH0066-2

Architectural studio IB: architectural compositon


10h Th, 40h Pr, 1d FW, 25h Proj.

Number of credits

 Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Architectural Engineering4 crédits 


Catherine Elsen

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

In the continuation of the course "Architectural Studio IA - Graphic composition" (its indispensable prerequisite, except specific students cases left to the appreciation of the teaching staff), this course deals with the fundamentals of composition, particularly through short and simplified exercises, progressively involving the different constraints and facets of the architectural project.
The student sharpens his/her creative and autonomous approach to architectural composition and gradually incorporates user-centric considerations. In complementarity with the morphological and ergonomic approach taught in the Methodology of the Architectural Project courses, this architecture studio considers the phenomenological, sociological and cultural aspects of the architectural project.
Through several concrete architectural projects that he/she is asked to analyze, as well as several excursions and study tours, the student finally sharpens his/her reflexive and critical approach of the built environment and enriches his/her architectural culture.
This course is the essential prerequisite to any architectural studios taught throughout the curriculum of an architectural and civil engineer.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this course, and in addition to the learning outcomes of the Architectural Studio IA course, the student will be able to:
- consider the multi-sensory qualities of an architectural artifact and to propose a personal interpretation through simple composition exercises;
- progressively integrate into his/her reflection the socio-cultural, sociological and contextual dimensions of a place, a resident, a user;
- autonomously explore the multiple sources of inspiration to any conceptual and formal approach;
- integrate concrete technical and structural constraints into his/her design.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Prerequisite: ARCH3270-1 - Architectural Studio IA - Graphic Composition.
The course is also structured on many learning outcomes of the following courses:
ARCH0002-1 Methodology of the architectural project I and
ARCH0003-7 Durable Building Construction Techniques IA and IB.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The proposed theoretical sessions nurture open debates in which students take a proactive role. Everyone is then invited to compose, either alone or in small groups, his/her proposal of architectural artifact in response to specific statements.

The student discusses and defends his/her choices in front of his/her peers and supervisors, who suggest constructive ways to improve the project. The supervision mode and the possibility of individualized follow-up encourage an iterative and co-constructed learning approach. Most of the work will be carried out on a face-to-face basis. Participation in practical sessions is mandatory and opens access to the evaluation.

Several mandatory visits to exemplary buildings in rural or urban environments are organized during the year (if sanitary situation allows it). In particular, a first "architectural visit" is organized by the pedagogical team during the first term (duration: 1 day), and a second "architectural trip" is organized during the second term (duration: between 3 and 5 days).


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face when the pandemic situation makes it possible.
The workshops are organized in the drawing room, Building B52 floor 0, Sart-Tilman Campus.
All precautions related to barriers behaviors and safety distances will be taken. Students will be asked to disinfect their work surfaces before and after use.

Juhani Pallasmaa, Le regard des sens (« The eyes of the skin »),  Editions du Linteau 2010
Peter Zumthor, Thinking Architecture, Eds. Birkhauser 3rd Edition, 2010
Christian Norberg-Schulz, Genius Loci - Paysage, ambiance, architecture. Eds. Mardaga, 3ème Edition, 1997
The consultation of architectural journals is also essential to the acquisition of pedagogical objectives, as well as any participation to architectural visits, conferences or exhibitions.

Any session :

- In-person

oral exam

- Remote

oral exam

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Additional information:

To have access to the final evaluation, the student must have been present at the studio sessions and have done all of his / her work on time. Without valid proof of absence, the teaching staff reserves the right to refuse access to the final assessment.
The evaluation will cover work done during the year (in paper or digital format) as well as the projects defenses conducted in front of juries, including the final examination defense. The juries, during these defenses, will be composed of faculty supervisors and external professional experts. Their deliberation is sovereign.
The faculty and the members of the juries evaluate the adequacy of the student's proposal in regard of the question asked; the coherence of the discourse given the constraints of the program; the conceptual, technical and formal mastery implemented to express the architectural artifact as well as the quality and attention to detail provided by the student in regard of his/her graphic and verbal communication of ideas.
The weighting of the scores obtained for projects and defenses will depend on the level of difficulty of each exercise and the overall evolution curve of the whole class group.
The examination concerns the graphic and verbal presentation of a project elaborated during the quarter, usually during the last sessions of the course. If the student obtains a grade of less than 10/20 for the quarter, and if he / she has regularly participated to the studio sessions and regularly returned his / her work, he / she will be allowed to rework the last design project and represent it to the next session. The rating obtained at this second session will replace the previous rating for this project in the overall weighting.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Teaching staff:

Catherine Elsen, catherine.elsen@uliege.be, professor

Audrey Mertens, assistante, Audrey.Mertens@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs