2024-2025 / ARCH0009-3

Sustainable building construction techniques III: networks


17h Th, 35h Pr, 1d FW, 45h Proj.

Number of credits

 Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Architectural Engineering5 crédits 


Shady Attia

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course is structured around a project design looking at the spatial and technical integration of building services, to meet the functional, constructive performance objectives of sustainable buildings.
* The theoretical part of the course introduces technical and constructive concepts and materials for green buildings and the challenge of integration HVAC systems, networks and installations in the design process. Reflections are conducted in groups around a case study that is used as a reference for a design project. 
* In parallel, students are encouraged to explore different design alternatives as part of the study and creation of working drawings of a sustainable house. The emphasis is on the spatial coordination and technical - HVAC systems integration - and on the appropriate use of sustainable technologies is key. The created plans and schemes should describe the house and its building services including HVAC systems. The course covers the following topics: sanitation, electrical installation, heating, ventilation, and lighting. The project is looking to create the shop drawings on the building scale for a residential home.
The course involves studying in-depth the building services in terms of technical networks and integration principles such as HVAC systems and renewable energy systems in an overall architectural concept.
(1) Sustainable Construction and Building LCA. (2) Spatial and Technical Coordination: Principles equipment integration into an overall architectural concept. (3-4) Sanitary I & II: design and planning, drainage, sanitation, distribution and disposal and rainwater harvesting, solar hot water. (5-6) Heating I & II: design approach - choice of systems - renewable energy and heat distribution. (7) Ventilation: Ventilation for buildings - ventilation/air conditioning design approaches - heat recovery systems.
(8) Cooling
(9) Electricity, automation, and lighting: design approach - artificial lighting - Emergency and signaling. (10) Fire protection: concept and modalities of protection, technical resources, and networks. (10) Security and protection against theft.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of the course the student is expected to:
* Reading of technical texts related to building services * To analyze the constraints in the architectural project for the various fields of building services (security, noise, energy, environmental impacts). * Implement architectural solutions and propose measures that ensure spatial and technical coordination of building services. * Create and design networks and HVAC systems (determine sizing and planning of heating systems, plumbing, ventilation and electricity). * Undertake a summary preliminary design using appropriate tools (BIM) to integrate and visualize the project.
Transversal skills * Coordinate a team to develop, agree and make a work plan. * Access to appropriate sources of information and evaluate them. * To persevere despite difficulties or initial error to find the optimal solution. * Document and communicate the project. * Plan activities to make the best of the available time.
The complete list of learning outcomes for my course is defined on https://www.programmes.uliege.be/cocoon/20182019/formations/descr/A1ICAR01.html

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Prerequisite: "Techniques de construction des bâtiments durables Ia +b"
Students must be familiar with concepts such as: Heat transfer, heat storage, greenhouse effect, electric circuit, heat pump and natural lighting. 

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

During practical works, students have to develop technical details for buildings and systems design and calculate their energy performance.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

The courses follow a hybrid approach of blended learning involving different learning methods, different educational streams to achieve the course objectives.
Ex-cathedra and face to face in class presence from September to December: Ex-cathedra lectures, practical work (TP), Integrated Project.
Form of examination: multiple choice questions and written continuous assessment of project during the semester, Jury, Final Render.

Références obligatoires

  • Publications du CSTC, Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction: http://www.cstc.be/ (accès avec identification en bibliothèque FSA) - notamment les NIT 192 « La ventilation des
    habitations, 1ère partie », NIT 200 « Installations sanitaires, 1ère partie », NIT 203 « La ventilation des habitations, 2ème partie »

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Overall * A review of the theory: Case study 50% of the overall rating. * The evaluation of practical work: 50% of the dimension overall. * The course is interactive, so it is essential that all students participate in the sessions. Presence is Mandatory during the theoretical lectures and for site visits. It will be noted. In other words, the points will be lost for the final mark in the event of unauthorized absence validly. It will be the same for a lack of penalizing their work team during practical work. * All students must attend all the final presentations to the jury to make the proposed maximum feedback.
Evaluation criteria The following list of criteria lists a set of elements whose presence and/or design quality will be systematically checked in the exercises realized during the semester (examination and practical work). This list is not exhaustive but indicates the main points of attention that students should consider.   Practical work All reports will be listed and will be a collective feedback and/or customized. Each student will have the optional opportunity of the semester in progress, improve a portion of its work after receiving the corresponding feedback (except for the final rendering). This update, which will then be evaluated again, so let the opportunity for students to be wrong once before to make adjustments. They will get the learn from these mistakes and improve learning outcomes. The final result will be presented to a jury and will be a final feedback.
Evaluation criteria : * Completeness and accuracy of plans (content and graphic conventions); * Completeness and accuracy of reports; * Achieving a professional quality for the final presentation; * Respect the deadlines.
Students who have not completed all the mandatory activities may not be admitted to the exam (if an exam is organized). The absence of mandatory elements does not allow a  quantified evaluation of the student's work. An "A" grade is therefore awarded in this case (unless there is a special justification examined fairly by the teacher and accepted by him).

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Students must be officially enrolled to follow the course!
 The course is organized around a building project for the design and production of construction plans for a sustainable home. The students, in teams of three, are required to make working drawings (1: 50) and detailed drawings (appropriate scale of 1: 20 to 1: 5 ) as a sequence of steps enabling them to integrate systems and networks by gradually increasing the complexity of the project.
Five performance areas (health, electricity, heating, ventilation, and lighting) will be integrated into the design process by following the chronology of the theory. The constructive aspects of the house will be included along with this process to come to an acceptable proposal in terms of performance (Belgian or European standards), but at the same time being realistic in terms of construction details.
 These aspects will be introduced in three phases:
 1) In the first phase, we will develop a comprehensive outline of the project.
 2) In the second phase we will take a more quantitative approach in the form of analysis and application of the five aspects of performance; mentioned as well as positive aspects. The goal is to achieve the integration as fundamental design elements for the building. This phase will take place gradually, introducing the performance elements to be included in the set of constraints to be considered in order to advance the project in a more holistic way. Each theme will be considered first introduced as a theory and illustrated by an exercise.
 3) In the third phase, we will complete the project by integrating these different aspects in a global concept for the house approved by the supervisors.


Aurélie Piette,
Ingénieure civile architecte, assistante mi-temps
ARGENCO, Sciences Appliquées, Université de Liège

Bâtiment 52, Bureau: (0/441), Boite à lettre : (0/544)
13A Allée de la Découverte, B52/3, Quartier Polytech1
4000 Liège (Sart-Tilman), Belgique

email: aurelie.piette@uliege.be - www.sbd.ulg.ac.be

Shady Attia,  

Ingénieure civile architecte, professeur
ARGENCO, Sciences Appliquées, Université de Liège

Bâtiment 52, Bureau: (0/542), Boite à lettre : (0/544)
13A Allée de la Découverte, B52/3, Quartier Polytech1
4000 Liège (Sart-Tilman), Belgique

Tél: +32 - Email: shady.attia@uliege.be - www.sbd.ulg.ac.be

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Course Content on eCampus
Course Content on eCampus