2024-2025 / ARCH0002-1

Methodology of Architectural Projects I : functional and ergonomical composition


30h Th, 60h Pr, 1d FW, 100h Proj.

Number of credits

 Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Architectural Engineering8 crédits 


Pierre Leclercq

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Traditional process and rational process of the architectural designing, synthesis methodology.
Architectural programming elements: internal functional requirements and local performances.
Plan and dual graph:

  • Functional spaces and borders
  • Graphs and adjacencies
  • Intimacy and semantic structuring
  • Accessibility graph
  • Composition by graph
  • Geometrical design of a graph
  • Plan circulations
  • Vertical circulations and floor composition: centered distributions, corresponding surfaces
  • Integration of the plans and elevation drawings in composition
Architectural ergonomics:
  • Ergonomics of domestic equipment. Equipment dimensioning.
  • Particular issues in ergonomics : children, people turning to an old age, people with reduced mobility
  • Applications: study and design of particular interior spaces

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

  • At first, erase any perception the student may have of architecture.
  • Learn to analyse architecture.
  • Learn organisational design of architecture.
  • Learn contextual integration of architecture.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

- Introduction à la composition et expression graphique (ARCH0066-2)
- Techniques de construction des bâtiments IA and IB (ARCH3258-1, ARCH3259-1).

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The class is structured on both theoretical sessions (around 30 hours) and pratical sessions (around 60 hours).Concepts and fundamental rules of composition are progressively introduced, and the various layers of composition are progressively presented, analyzed and implemented. Concepts are introduced at the beginning of each theoretical class. Mastering those concepts is then an immediate goal for the following practical session, first through short problems resolutions, then inside a more operational approach (complete but short exercises), finally through complete and contextualized architectural projects.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face class. Course given in French. Highly available staff makes an individualized follow-up of students easier, while dynamic "group" learning is encouraged to reach a collaborative learning approach.
Participation to classes and practical sessions is mandatory.
Students will have to complete work outside those time-frames in order to finalize their projects.
Any written document will be provided. Students have to take notes during the lectures. Summary files will be given to support some projects.

  • Architectural Graphics, Francis D.K. Ching, Fourth Edition, New-York, USA, 1996.
  • Architecture-Form, Space and Order, Francis D.K. Ching, Second Edition, New-York, USA, 1996.
  • Les éléments des projets de construction, Ernst Neufert, 8e Edition française, Editions Le Moniteur Paris, France, 2002.

Formative evaluation is organized through practical sessions, with continuous correction and feed-back through the whole year. This evaluation is qualitative and is built on both functional criteria announced inside each brief and the quality of the composition developed by each student inside each of his/her architectural projects.
A more quantitative evaluation is then calculated at the end of each year. This evaluation integrates both qualitative evaluation made around the year and the learning dynamics developed by the student. A final, public presentation is made in front of a jury at the end of each year.
Student will receive detailed and personal feedbacks about his/her practical works. A assessment form will be completed by the student (self evaluation) and by the evaluator (confronted evaluation). This process aims to bring student in front of his/her weakness and strenghts.
The global grade obtained at the end of the year is the result of a ponderation of grades obtained through the year and the grade obtained for this final presentation. A grade inferior to 12/20 for this final project (the most important one) opens access to a second session, if all the other exercices are completed (¿10/20) : the student will be offered the opportunity to re-defend the concerned project (and only this one), the grade obtained then replacing the global note.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Class is organized during half a day each week, the whole year long (please consult the yearly timetable for first year of bachelor in architectural and building engineering, available each academic year on the Faculty web site).


Professeur Pierre LECLERCQ
pierre.leclercq @ uliege.be

John Schrayen, assistant (Q1)
john.schrayen @ uliege.be

Xaviéra Calixte, Mâitre de conférence (Q2)
xaviera.calixte @ doct.uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs