2024-2025 / ARCH3263-1

Architectural studio III B


10h Th, 35h Pr, 1d FW, 55h Proj.

Number of credits

 Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Architectural Engineering4 crédits 


Sigrid Reiter

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This architectural studio works on the link between architectural composition and urban design. Each architectural studio should learn to develop what B. DONNADIEU and D. SPINETTA call "the learning of the vision" but also a "know-how to think" and a "know-how to do". The student thus learns to prioritize his thinking and, on this basis, to simplify his action to respond appropriately to a specific request. He thus develops the expertise necessary for the act of composition.
This architectural studio is a continuation of architectural studios I, II and IIIA, which are included in a progressive learning program that is developed over five years of study. The themes addressed in this studio series gradually incorporate a growing degree of constraints and complexity. The architectural studio IIIB addresses architectural and urban composition at the urban block scale. The studio focusses in particular on studying the interaction between questions of density, mixed functions,  as well as quality of life in buildings and in public spaces.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The architectural theme developed during this studio is an urban block design including residential buildings, services and facilities of medium-sized communities and the design of public spaces.
At the end of this architectural studio, the student will be able to integrate and adapt, in a critical and coherent way, the constraints linked to the program. It will be able to propose a coherent solution integrating all the constraints and architectural parameters at the scale of the urban block: programming constraints, ergonomics, constructive constraints, spatial environments and qualities, plastic qualities, sustainable performances, relation to the context and the external environment. It will also have gradually mastered the graphic expression and the verbalization of its production.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Compulsory prerequisite courses necessary to be able to enroll in this architectural studio: Architectural studios IA, IB, IIA, IIB &  ARCH0068-6

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The courses are given in the form of exchanges around the students' projects. Proactive participation of students in practical sessions is mandatory.
A portfolio, developed by the student throughout the semester, will allow him to develop a critical point of view on his evolution and the stages of his project development.
Theoretical seminars echo the studied projects and sites. Several site visits will be organized through an architectural study trip during a few days.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The architecture studio is provided exclusively face-to-face. In addition, a significant amount of additional work will have to be provided by the student outside the sessions in order to benefit from the supervision.

Reference books related to the specific topic of the design studio are provided in the project brief, which changes each year. These different readings will be commented and discussed during the studio sessions.
However, the student is asked to enrich intellectually through the critical reading of other writings (essays, monographs, articles ...) addressing the main themes of architecture and its composition, particularly in relation to architectural production during the last ten years.
Regular and attentive consultation of architectural journals is also an essential element in the acquisition of pedagogical objectives, as well as any critical participation to visits, conferences or exhibitions related to architecture and creative work in general.

The evaluation of the course relates to the project carried out during the year. Projects are defended in front of a jury of experts, both internal and external to the University. The evaluation covers the work provided throughout the quarter (based on a portfolio), the quality of the architectural project submitted at the jury presentation and the quality of the overall argumentation.
A score of less than 10/20 obtained per project opens access to a second session. The student will have the opportunity to represent the concerned project.

Work placement(s)

No work placement.

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Any questions or requests for additional information is welcome.
Students wishing to meet me can get an appointment by sending an e-mail.


Sigrid Reiter - Sigrid.Reiter@uliege.be

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