2024-2025 / ARCH3336-1

Setting up real-estate operations


32h Th

Number of credits

 Master MSc. in Architectural Engineering, professional focus in architectural and urban engineering3 crédits 
 Master MSc. in Architectural Engineering, professional focus in urban and environmental engineering3 crédits 


Mathurin Smoos

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Creating the conditions for an idea to become a reality, for an architectural project to come to life, for a building to exist, for it to be used, for it to last... This course provides an overview of the system and the factors that determine the completion of real estate projects. The design and development of real estate projects, from the smallest (buildings) to the largest (neighbourhoods), draw on a number of disciplines and subjects (in particular architectural and urban planning, real estate and company law, finance, marketing, etc.) and on a good understanding of the markets and the sector.

The course aims to provide a twofold understanding of the system within which construction professionals operate and a methodological and critical approach to using its parameters in the context of carrying out a real estate operation.

The aim is to enable you to understand the professional context and its paradigms (legal, environmental, economic, societal needs, resources, etc.) and to equip you to take advantage of them in the development of your projects.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

In this course, you will learn about the diversity of professionnals involved in real estate operations, their roles, objectives, tools and strategies. You will identify the variables in the system, the obstacles, constraints and margins.  You will approach the concepts of real estate strategy and management and use the tools of analysis, diagnosis, modelling and implementation that are useful for setting up real estate operations. You will learn how to carry out feasibility studies, draw up a project to set up a real estate operation and discover how to make a presentation of it to civil services departments, financiers, clients, etc.

At the end of this course, you will have a broad vision of the professional environment of the real estate and construction sector and will understand how it works. You will be able to draw up the outline of a real estate transaction, identify the players involved, and identify and use the relevant methods and tools to manage a real estate transaction. You will be able to integrate the principles of operation and maintenance into the structuring and management of a property portfolio.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Not applicable

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is based on theoretical lectures combined with practical work and a personal production.
Acquiring a knowledge base: Theoretical presentations (methods, references, etc.) are illustrated by an oral presentation of experiences, projects and achievements. The course is based on power-point presentations, a copy of which in pdf format will be provided digitally as the course progresses (some before the class session, others after, depending on the content).
Learning by doing: Students will work in small groups on a property development project, in the presence and with the assistance of the teacher. They are expected to carry out group work supplemented by personal analysis. This work consists of a real estate development study for a given site, including especially: 

- Research and analysis of relevant data
- Drawing up hypotheses for architectural programming
- Projecting the development of the building, including in particular a budget outline, overall planning, a programme, etc.
- Argumentation of the options selected for the development project
- Drafting of a final report in the form of a summary of the key stages and the arguments for the choices made
- Preparation of a summary presentation of the project and oral presentation


The project will be the subject of a summary report setting out the conclusions and milestones from each chapter.
Group work is an important aspect of skills acquisition. It reflects the reality of real estate project development and will require students to master the constraints of organisation, work distribution, negotiation, presentation techniques, etc.

Each student will write a 5-page note setting out their personal reflections on the processes and methods used in the group work. Students must therefore demonstrate :

- a good understanding of the development approach ;

- their ability to design a high-quality development project;

- their ability to carry out the stages of such a project properly.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

On-site course, given in French. Attendance at class sessions, which will include both lectures and practical work, is mandatory. Additional work will be provided by the student outside these sessions to finalise group and personal work.

Course materials are provided via the eCampus platform as the course progresses. Students are asked to follow the announcements and use the collaborative tools provided on the platform.
Work is carried out in groups of 4 to 5 students. Punctuality and regularity are required for this work, so as not to weaken the group dynamic.

Slides are supplied to students.

Recommended reading :

Oren Klaff : (2018) L'art du pitch - Eyrolles, Paris.

Suggested reading :

Gérard Pinot et Emmanuel Redoutey : (2021) Démarches de programmation architecturale - Le Moniteur, Paris.

Michel Possompés : (2018) Mes clients et moi - Un architecte raconte. Eyrolles, Paris.

Rudy Ricciotti : (2013) L'architecture est un sport de combat. Textuel


Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

All sessions :

Exams in session

In-person oral exam.

The exam will include the student's presentation of :

1. The work to be carried out as a group (presentation of the summary report)
2. The student personal critical analysis of the report.

The content of these presentations will be used as a basis for questioning on the subjects covered in the course.

Student work - written report

Additional explanations:

The study of the property development is to be presented in the form of a written report, the first part of which is collective and the second individual.
The first part, carried out by the group, will be formalised by the drafting of a report summarising the work carried out and by a powerpoint presentation which will be submitted to the teacher before the examination period and will be marked as written work. This part of the assessment will be worth 30% of the final grade for the course. This part of the assessment cannot be repeated in the second session.
The second element consists of an individual critical analysis, which will be formalised in a written note to be submitted to the teacher before the examination period and will be marked as a written production. Marking for this part will be worth 30%. It may be resubmitted in a second session.

The oral exam will consist of three parts:

1. Presentation of the powerpoint of the group work by the student (evaluation of the way in which it is presented, communicated, arguments presented, evaluation of understanding of the subject);
2. Theoretical" question on setting up real estate operations;
3. Question on the critical analysis produced by the student.

The examination mark will be worth 40% of the final course mark.

Work placement(s)

Not applicable

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Contact details : Mathurin Smoos, msmoos@uliege.be

I'm available by appointment on Wednesday mornings. You can contact me by e-mail if you have any questions about the course. You will receive a reply within three days.

Association of one or more MOOCs