2024-2025 / Master

Philosophy, teaching focus

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Cours obligatoire de la finalité

AESS0202-1General didactics: course and exercises ; observation placements ; reflexive practices - [10h internship]
Didactique spéciale en philosophie et citoyenneté (partim I)
AESS0321-1The specifics of teaching philosophy and citizenship (part I), Classes and exercices
Didactique générale : cours et exercices ; stages d'observation ; pratiques réflexives
PSTG0022-1Teaching philosophy and citizenship (Part I)TA   4
Observational internships - [10h internship]  --[+] 
Teaching internships - [20h internship]  --[+] 
Reflective practice  5-- 
AESS0246-1Analysis of scholastic institutions and educational policies Q215--1
AESS0248-1Elements of sociology of education Q210--1
AESS0339-1Understand and manage the diversity of public schools TA1015-3
Notice : You cannot choose your courses online for this cursus. Please contact your study advisor.

Cours obligatoire du tronc commun

PHIL0095-1Final dissertation: methodological issues Q2-15-5

Cours au choix du tronc commun

Choose one seminar from the following :

PHIL0175-3Seminar on the philosophy of sciences - [45h Seminar] TA--[+]10
PHIL0182-3Seminar on social and political philosophy - [45h Seminar] Q1--[+]10
PHIL1226-2Seminar on aesthetics and critical theories of culture - [45h Seminar] Q2--[+]10
PHIL0231-1Seminar on Ontology - [45h Seminar] TA--[+]10
PHIL0232-1Seminar on Phenomenology - [45h Seminar] Q2--[+]10

Choose 6 courses out of the following :

PHIL0207-1Political philosophy of history Q230--5
PHIL0032-1(pas organisé en 2024-2025) Aesthetics and poetics in culture Q130--5
PHIL0023-1Philosophy of language Q230--5
PHIL0208-1Modal logic Q130--5
PHIL0079-1Issues in metaphysics Q130--5
PHIL0031-1Clinical philosophy and the philosophy of human sciences Q245--5
PHIL0052-2Phenomenological philosophy Q130--5
PHIL0230-1(pas organisé en 2024-2025) Philosophy and history of religions and secularisms Q130--5
PHIL0214-2(pas organisé en 2024-2025) Philosophy of mind Q130--5
PHIL0091-1Issues in the philosophy of the sciences Q230--5
PHIL0092-1Issues in ancient and contemporary ethics Q230--5
[...] 1 course, worth 5 credits, from a Belgian university Masters programme5

Block 2

Cours obligatoire de la finalité

AESS0322-1The specifics of teaching philosophy and citizenship (part II), Classes and exercises
Didactique spéciale en philosophie et citoyenneté (partim I)
PSTG0023-1Teaching philosophy and citizenship (Part II)TA   5
Teaching internships - [20h internship]  --[+] 
Reflective practice  -5- 
Extracurricular school practice
Pratiques d'enseignement en philosophie et citoyenneté (partim I)
AESS0004-1Media education Q115--1
AESS0249-1Interdisciplinary seminar Q215--1
AESS0143-1Educational Psychology of adolescents and young adults Q115--2
AESS0140-1Professional ethics and training to neutrality and citizenship Q225--2
Notice : You cannot choose your courses online for this cursus. Please contact your study advisor.

Cours obligatoire du tronc commun

PTFE0019-1Final work
Travail de fin d'études : Question de méthode

Cours au choix du tronc commun

Choose one seminar from the following :

PHIL0175-3Seminar on the philosophy of sciences - [45h Seminar] TA--[+]10
PHIL0182-3Seminar on social and political philosophy - [45h Seminar] Q1--[+]10
PHIL1226-2Seminar on aesthetics and critical theories of culture - [45h Seminar] Q2--[+]10
PHIL0231-1Seminar on Ontology - [45h Seminar] TA--[+]10
PHIL0232-1Seminar on Phenomenology - [45h Seminar] Q2--[+]10

Choose two courses out of the following :

PHIL0207-1Political philosophy of history Q230--5
PHIL0032-1(pas organisé en 2024-2025) Aesthetics and poetics in culture Q130--5
PHIL0023-1Philosophy of language Q230--5
PHIL0208-1Modal logic Q130--5
PHIL0079-1Issues in metaphysics Q130--5
PHIL0031-1Clinical philosophy and the philosophy of human sciences Q245--5
PHIL0052-2Phenomenological philosophy Q130--5
PHIL0230-1(pas organisé en 2024-2025) Philosophy and history of religions and secularisms Q130--5
PHIL0214-2(pas organisé en 2024-2025) Philosophy of mind Q130--5
PHIL0091-1Issues in the philosophy of the sciences Q230--5
PHIL0092-1Issues in ancient and contemporary ethics Q230--5
[...] 1 course, worth 5 credits, from a Belgian university Masters programme5

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Additional ECTS Master in philosophy (120 ECTS)


Compulsory courses

PHIL0009-1History of Ancient philosophy Q145--5
PHIL0011-1History of the philosophy of the middle ages Q245--5
PHIL0013-1History of the philosophy of modern times Q145--5
PHIL0010-1History of contemporary philosophy Q145--5
PHIL0034-1Aesthetics and philosophy of art Q130--5
PHIL0030-1Theory of knowledge and philosophy of sciences Q230--5
PHIL0006-3Philosophy of citizenship II : Political philosophy Q230--5
PHIL1103-2Exercises of history of philosophy Q2-45-5
PHIL0016-2Metaphysics Q230--5

Optional courses

Choose two courses out of the following :

PHIL0026-1Antiquity Philosophical Texts Q130--5
PHIL0029-1Philosophical texts of the middle ages Q230--5
PHIL0028-1Modern philosophical texts Q130--5
PHIL0027-1Contemporary philosophical texts
Arnaud Dewalque, Valentina Martinis

Choose one of the following courses :

PHIL0042-1Logic and analysis of reasoning Q145--5
PHIL0043-1Logic and analytical philosophy Q145--5