2024-2025 / Master

Nursing Sciences, professional focus in advanced practices

120 crédits

Cycle view

  • Bloc
  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Focus courses

SANT4031-1Specific clinical domainB1Q2   10
Examen clinique - Sémiologie générale - [6h Practice]   4-[+] 
Mesures diagnostiques - Explorations complémentaires   5-- 
Pharmacologie spéciale   20-- 
Biochimie et physiologie humaines normales et pathologiques, Endocrine system and metabolism   15-- 
Biochimie et physiologie humaines normales et pathologiques, Digestive system   15-- 
Biochimie et physiologie humaines normales et pathologiques, Nephro-urinary system   10-- 
Biochimie et physiologie humaines normales et pathologiques, Cardiovascular system   10-- 
Biochimie et physiologie humaines normales et pathologiques, Respiratory system   10-- 
Biochimie et physiologie humaines normales et pathologiques, Système nerveux   5-- 
HULG9619-1Legislation specific to advanced nursing practice B2Q210--1
SANT4034-1Care pathway and seminar on complex situations in advanced practice - [20h Seminar] B2Q2-20[+]4
MSTG9094-1Multi-professional internship B2TA-275-15

Cours du tronc commun

HULG9571-1General clinical approaches, Part 1 B1Q12020-4
HULG9570-1Health promotion and preventing disease - interdisciplinary approaches - [15h Seminar] B1Q115-[+]3
METO1026-1Project methodology B1Q11010-2
LEGI1007-1Healthcare regulations and legislation B1Q128--4
SANT4008-1Social issues and ethics in healthcare - [14h Autres] B1Q16-[+]2
STAT1001-1Biostatistics I - [15h Question and answer session] B1Q115-[+]2
METO1034-1Digital research tools - optional B1Q11010-2
INFI0001-1Foundations of nursing and epistemology of health sciences - [40h Seminar] B1Q210-[+]5
METO1028-1Research methods - quantitative approaches B1Q220--2
METO1031-1Research methods - qualitative approaches B1Q220--2
METO1029-1Research methods - qualitative approaches B1Q210--1
METO1030-1Drafting a research protocol - [20h Monitored workshops] B1Q2--[+]2
SANT4026-1Therapeutic education and the patient - [10h Monitored workshops] B1Q21010[+]3
SANT4027-1Professional integration activity (practical workshops, simulation, etc.), Part 1 - [25h Autres] B1TA-50[+]5
HULG9572-1Professional internship B1TA-75-5
COMM0011-1Communication strategies, including difficult conversations and Team Working (theory and practice) B1TA1515-3
SANT4028-1Advanced practical seminars - analysis of complex clinical situations - [30h Monitored workshops] B1TA--[+]3
METO1027-1Evidence-Based Practice and nursing - [10h Monitored workshops] B2Q110-[+]2
STAT1750-1Multivariate statistical analysis B2Q11510-2
HULG9615-1General clinical approaches, Partim 2 B2Q11010-2
HULG0456-1Clinical ethics - [20h Seminar] B2Q1--[+]3
HULG9616-1Health determinants: ageing, cross-cultural issues, etc. B2Q120--2
HULG9617-1Management and HR management B2Q220--2
HULG9618-1Team training and resource management - [10h Monitored workshops] B2Q210-[+]2
SANT4035-1Professional integration (practical workshops, simulation, etc., Part 2 - [25h Seminar] B2TA-50[+]5
GEST7084-1Managing risks, change and quality of care, and project development - [25h Seminar] B2TA25-[+]5
MMEM9013-1Dissertation - [10h Seminar]
Méthodes de recherche - Approches qualitatives
Méthodes de recherches - Approches mixtes
Méthodes de recherche - Approches quantitatives