2024-2025 / Master

Sociology and anthropology (60 ECTS)

60 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

Anthropology of the nature of animals Q130--6
ANTH0052-3Anthropology of relationships and the body - [30h Field work] Q130-[+]6
SOCI0111-1Sociology of social criticism
SOCI0009-1Introductory seminar to organisational analysis - [15h Seminar] Q115-[+]3
ANTH0048-1Anthropology of capitalism Q230--6
SOCI0208-1Sociology of families Q23015-6
HMEM0001-1Final thesisTA   18
Séminaire d'accompagnement
Mémoire  --- 

Optional courses

Choose courses totalling 9 ECTS from the following :

ANTH0046-1Anthropology of development Q230--6
ANTH0376-1Anthropology and art: ethno-artistic explorations Q23015-6
ANTH2228-1(pas organisé en 2024-2025) Anthropology of childhood and children - [30h Field work] Q1306[+]6
SOCI1240-2North-South: imperialism, development, globalisation - a history, Theory course Q130--3
SOCI0023-1Sociology of Education Q145--6
SOCI2241-1Sociology of employment Q145--6
SOCI0753-1Sociology of employment and unemployment Q245--6
Epistemology of social sciences Q245--6
LANG0913-1English - module 1, Reading scientific texts (english language) Q11020-3
LANG0914-1English - Module 2: Listening comprehension, taking notes and lectures, Listening comprehension, taking notes and lectures (english language) Q11020-3

Optional free courses

Students are required to register for one of the dissertation preparation seminars offered below, according to the subject matter of their dissertation:
ANTH0386-1Seminar to prepare the final thesis in anthropology - [15h Seminar] TA--[+]5
SOCI0763-2Sociology dissertation preparation, Seminar - [15h Seminar] TA--[+]1

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Additional ECTS Master in Sociology and Anthropology


Optional courses

Choose up to 60 credits of courses from the list below:

Notice : the choice will be made by the President of the jury according to the student's background

Sociology courses

SOCI9007-2Evolution of sociological thought, Classical sociology Q130--5
SOCI9007-3Evolution of sociological thought, Contemporary sociology Q130--5
SOCI0589-1Socio-anthropology of development: approaches, methods, illustrations Q230--5
SOCI9005-1Introduction to the sociology of organizations - [15h Lecture] Q130-[+]5
SOCI0078-2Advanced questions of Sociology Q14515-5
SOCI9006-1Comparative sociology of protest Q230--5

Anthropology courses

ANTH0001-1Introduction to anthropology Q230--5
ANTH0033-1Contemporary anthropological theories Q230--5
ANTH0007-1Anthropology: fieldwork methodology and practice - [30h Field work] Q1307,5[+]5
ANTH0388-1Political anthropology Q130--5
ANTH0003-1Anthropology of moods and communication Q130--5

Methodology courses

METO1015-1Scientific approaches and investigationQ2   5
Initiation à l'esprit critique, Theory  10-- 
Initiation à l'esprit critique, SHS practice  -4- 
Méthodologie de l'enquête  166- 
METO1016-1Qualitative research methods Q24015-5
INFO0818-1Information technologies applied to statistical analysis in social sciences Q130--5
SOCI1241-1Calculating probabilities in the social sciences Q23030-5

Language courses

Notice : according to the results obtained in the knowledge test taken at the beginning of the year
LANG4018-1Basic English for the human and social sciences (english language) TA60--5
LANG0001-2English level 1 (english language) TA6030-5
LANG0003-2English level 2 (english language) TA6030-5
LANG6006-1English - level 3 (english language) TA6030-5
[...] or any other course from ULiège at the choice of the President of the jury-

Optional free course

HREM0002-1Introduction to IT and office software Q2-20--
Notice : a self-assessment test, held at the beginning of the year, will help guide students in their choice of useful modules