2024-2025 / Master

Sociology, professional focus

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Cours obligatoires du tronc commun

SOCI0762-1Applied research seminar TA6030-12
STAT0162-1Statistical analysis of qualitative and quantitative data in social sciences
Méthodes multivariées appliquées à l'analyse statistique en sciences sociales
STAT0806-1Multivariate methods applied to statistics in the social sciences, Programmation SAS
Analyse statistique de données qualitatives et quantitatives en sciences sociales
SOCI0763-1Sociology dissertation preparationTA   3
Seminar - [15h Seminar]  --[+] 
Personal work
Collégialité, Jean-François Guillaume

Critical sociologies, Part 1:

Epistemology of social sciences Q245--6
SOCI0111-1Sociology of social criticism

Socialisation, normativité et inégalités, Partim 1 :

SOCI0752-2Introduction to gender studiesQ1   6
Theory course  30-- 
Additional work  --- 
SOCI0090-1Actor-network sociology Q130--6

Gouvernance, action publique et action organisée, Partim 1 :

Multi-disciplinary seminar in the environment - [1d Field work] Q1342[+]6
Sociology of organized action - [15h Lecture] Q230-[+]6

Block 2

Cours obligatoires de la finalité

Collégialité, Bruno Frère
SOCI1247-2Seminar on science and society - [30h Seminar] Q2--[+]6
Critique of political economy and managementQ1   6
Theory  30-- 
Additional work  --- 
ENVT0027-1Technical and environmental democracy Q21510-6
SOCI0717-2Sociology of public action - [30h Seminar] Q2--[+]6

Cours obligatoires du tronc commun

HMEM0002-1Final thesis (included a preparation seminar to thesis) TA---18

Socialisation, normativité et inégalités, Partim 2 :

SOCI0208-1Sociology of families Q23015-6
Notice : à titre transitoire en 2024-2025, les étudiants qui ont déjà réussi ce cours dans le cadre de leur programme de bloc 1 doivent suivre le cours SOCI0752-2 Introduction aux études de genre
SOCI0023-1Sociology of Education Q145--6

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Additional ECTS Master in sociology (120 ECTS)


Optional courses

Choose up to 60 credits of courses from the list below:

Notice : the choice will be made by the President of the jury according to the student's background
SOCI9007-2Evolution of sociological thought, Classical sociology Q130--5
SOCI9007-3Evolution of sociological thought, Contemporary sociology Q130--5
INFO0818-1Information technologies applied to statistical analysis in social sciences Q130--5
SOCI1241-1Calculating probabilities in the social sciences Q23030-5
METO1015-1Scientific approaches and investigationQ2   5
Initiation à l'esprit critique, Theory  10-- 
Initiation à l'esprit critique, SHS practice  -4- 
Survey methodology  166- 
SOCI0085-1Practicing the questionnaire survey - [30h Field work] TA1515[+]5
METO1016-1Qualitative research methods Q24015-5
SOCI0078-2Advanced questions of Sociology Q14515-5
SOCI0589-1Socio-anthropology of development: approaches, methods, illustrations Q230--5
SOCI9006-1Comparative sociology of protest Q230--5
SOCI9005-1Introduction to the sociology of organizations - [15h Lecture] Q130-[+]5
Choose 1 language course from:
Notice : according to the results obtained in the knowledge test taken at the beginning of the year
LANG4018-1Basic English for the human and social sciences (english language) TA60--5
LANG0001-2English level 1 (english language) TA6030-5
LANG0003-2English level 2 (english language) TA6030-5
LANG6006-1English - level 3 (english language) TA6030-5
[...] or any other course from ULiège at the choice of the President of the jury-

Optional free course

HREM0002-1Introduction to IT and office software Q2-20--
Notice : a self-assessment test, held at the beginning of the year, will help guide students in their choice of useful modules