2024-2025 / Master

Information and communication (60 ECTS)

60 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

COMU0025-1Media, experts and ideologies Q230--5
THEA0015-1The performing arts and society Q130--5
CINE0038-1Contemporary documentary (cinema, television, web) Q230--5
PEAV0022-1Analysis of reception (arts et médias) Q130--5
ASPE0006-1Film and visual arts theory Q130--5
COMU0024-2Socioeconomics of media and journalism
SOCI0053-5Survey methodology Q2166-5
PSTG0013-1Placement in a cultural institution or a media organization - [120h internship] TA--[+]5
PTFE0028-1Final work

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Additional ECTS Master in information and communication (60 ECTS)


Compulsory courses

COMU0008-1Analysis of Cultural Institutions Q130--5
CINE0004-1Cinema and Video Documentaries Q130--5
COMU2145-1Introduction to media and information Q130--5
COMU0019-1Introduction to Cultural Policies and Economics Q230--5
HIST0055-1Introduction to historical criticism Q230--5
COMU0016-1Theories of Communication Q130--5
PEAV0020-1Techniques of journalism Q230--5
COMU2147-1History of information and communication sciences, with an introduction to document research Q130--5
COMU0002-1Media and digital mediations Q230--5

Optional courses

Choose two courses out of the following :

HIST0056-1History of books and libraries
Pascal Durand, Veronica Granata, Philippe Raxhon
MEDC0002-1Observations on political and cultural institutions TA30--5
PEAV0016-1Journalistic discourse and stereotypes Q230--5

Choose one of the following courses :

LANG0086-3English level 1 (english language) TA60--5
LANG0044-6Dutch level 1 (dutch language) TA60--5