2024-2025 / Master

Management (60 ECTS) (evening classes)

60 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Compulsory courses


Module: General management

GTFE0015-1Final Work
GEST1097-1Workshops in People ManagementQ2   5
Change management
Management by objectives
INFO9019-1Business Analytics (english language) Q230--5
GEST0009-1Business Simulation Q2---3
DROI7004-1Indirect corporate taxation Q220--3
ECON2313-1Macroeconomics (english language) Q230--5
INFO2040-1Management Information Systems Q130--5
MARK8001-1Digital marketing Q224--4
FINA0070-2Finance and insurance principles Q130--5
GEST7088-1Strategy and performance management Q225--4

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Additional ECTS Master in management (evening classes)


Optional courses

Each student¿s programme will be determined by the Jury depending on their prior education; it consists of 60 course credits essentially from those offered below (exemptions of up to 15 credits may be granted if the student can demonstrate in their application that they have acquired the harmonisation levels required in their previous course):

FINA9018-1Analytical accounting and budget management Q230--5
DROI0908-1Law and businesses Q130--5
MATH0109-1Mathematics Q245--6
DROI7003-1Direct corporate taxation Q2305-5
FINA0072-1Analysis of financial statements
Grégory Gonzalez Rodriguez
STAT0068-1Statistics (night classes) Q2306-5
Operations and quality management Q230--5
GRHO0010-2Human resources management Q130--5
MARK0012-1Basics of marketing Q130--5
GEST3061-1Skills workshops Q2---4
LANG9917-1English for management (level 3) - part 1 TA30--3
LANG9918-1English for management (level 3) - part 2 TA30--3
GEST7081-1Preparation of final dissertationQ2   4
Preparing the scientific approach  -15- 
Methodology in management sciences  15-- 
GEST6004-1Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility
FINA9019-1Key concepts in general accounting Q118--3