2024-2025 / GEST1097-1

Workshops in People Management

Change management

Management by objectives


Change management : 15h Th
Management by objectives : 15h Th

Number of credits

 Master in management, professional focus in general management (H.D.)5 crédits 
 Master in management (60 ECTS) (evening classes)5 crédits 


Change management :
Management by objectives :

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Change management

The course provides a number of theoretical and conceptual tools in order to support the design of an accurate and relevant action plan in terms of change management.

  • It proposes a certain number of analytical grids that are available in Management Sciences, in order to describe the various proposed changes, their nature, scope and temporality.
  • It shows how these changes can be explained through the use of different theoretical approaches. Critical thinking and discussions are undertaken on how to evaluate a change process using a multidimensional grid.   
  • Finally, it addresses the change as a process to manage, exploring various actions related to the previously proposed theoretical approaches.

Management by objectives

This people management Workshop is dedicated to the three following core manager's activities : 1) goal setting, 2) delegation, 3) evaluation.

The philosophy of the course is inspired by the principles of two complementary approaches: Evidence Based Management (for the theoretical aspects) and Solution Focused (for the practical aspects).

Each of the three manager's activities will be examined through the following questions : (a) Does it work ? (critical process), (b) Why does it work ? (understanding of the mechanisms involved), (c) How to implement it? (practical application).

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Change management

The workshop objectives are:    

  • To learn about and use the key concepts, approaches and theoretical models of change management
  • To propose a critical view on the different theoretical and practical approaches to organisational change
  • To undertake a diagnosis in situations of organisational change
  • To identify appropriate actions and interventions in situations of organisational change
  • To analyse his/her own professional experience in light of the theories and case studies undertaken in class

Management by objectives

At the end of the workshop, the future managers will be able to lead the process that, step by step, starts with goal setting and ends with goal evaluation, and learning the coaching role in between as well.
The concepts and tools the approach rests on are applicable to the person who wants to set goals for him/herself as well as to the manager who has to set and evaluate goals for his/her team.

More specifically, following skills will be developed during the workshop :

  • Leadership
  • Teams working and people management
  • Coaching
  • Issue management and solution finding
  • Communication
  • Critical mind

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Management by objectives


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Change management

The teaching methods include:

  • oral presentations
  • readings on key topics
  • case studies, where students are asked to use the theoretical concepts in order to analyse practical cases, and to compare their respective views and opinions
  • an analysis of lived experiences, through concrete examples from the students' work experiences, and a group work on the analysis of a real case

Management by objectives

Basically, our approach for workshop facilitation is based on participant's professional experiences, in order to ease knowledge transfer.

On day 1 : theorical concepts and practical cases

On day 2 : reversed classroom principle.  Groups composed of 3-5 participants, preparing and facilitating a 30 min workshop based on a specific assignment. A slide deck (+- 10 slides) is expected as outcome.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Change management

Face-to-face (2-day workshop)

Management by objectives


Change management

Documents availabe on line.

Management by objectives

Bibliographical details are communicated through the platform Lol@.

Assessment methods and criteria

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

No translation

Change management

The evaluation is done on a case study based on real projects brought by the students. A large part of the workshop consists in working on the case study. Your presence is therefore crucial !

The final group work consists in:

  • exchanging around the respective professional experiences in terms of change management
  • choosing a change process in one organisation, and analyse it
  • prepare written presentation, in groups


Management by objectives

Written work / report

Other : Attendance to the 2 sessions

Additional information:

For this seminar, we apply the "Rules for evaluating people management seminars".

More specifically, the evaluation of this seminar consists in three elements.

1. Attendance on both days.

2. Facilitation of the 2nd day workshop. The workshop led by each team on Day 2 will be assessed on 5 criteria: (1) analysis and mastery of the assigned theme, (2) ability to draw out the theory practical implications, (3) team's ability to reflect and take a step back, (4) quality of the workshop facilitation and (5) quality of the support / slidedeck.

3. Team work (between the first and second day). A confidential peer review process will be carried out to assess each team member's contribution to the preparation of the workshop.

Overall evaluation of the seminar :
- Each component accounts for 1/3 of the overall evaluation.
- Any absence, attendance rating or rating below 10 for any of the 3 evaluation components will prevail for the entire final grade. In other words, all three evaluation components must be successfully passed in order to pass the workshop.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Change management


Management by objectives

Fabrice de Zanet : fabrice.dezanet@uliege.be

Jean-Louis Pire : jean-louis.pire@uliege.be

Office hours: on appointment only.

Association of one or more MOOCs