2024-2025 / MARK0012-1

Basics of marketing


30h Th

Number of credits

 Master in law, professional focus in economic and social law (Droit économique et social, mineure gestion)5 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in general management (H.D.)5 crédits 
 Master in human resource management, professional focus in management (Gestion)5 crédits 
 Extra courses intended for exchange students (Erasmus, ...) (Faculty of social sciences)5 crédits 
 Master in multilingual communication, professional focus in economic and social communication5 crédits 


Anne-Christine   Cadiat, Cécile Delcourt, Laurence Dessart


Anne-Christine   Cadiat, Claire Gruslin

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This course aims to present the principles of marketing.
More specifically, this course aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Highlight the context and the marketing challenges companies face
  • Show the importance of customer orientation
  • Present and be able to apply marketing strategy and planning 
  • Apply the marketing concepts to real business issues
  • Tease the sense of observation related to marketing issues
  • Provide the necessary tools and process to conduct marketing research

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The course is divided into 3 parts:
1. Strategic Marketing 2. Market Research 3. Exercises and case studies

Prerequisite knowledge and skills


Planned learning activities and teaching methods


  • Lectures with examples
  • Discussions and interactions 
  • Workshops
  • Case studies
  • Group project 

  • Power point slides
  • Podcasts 
  • Reference books
  • Industry and academic articles 
  • Digital content (videos, tutorials, quizzes, etc.)

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

Hybrid learning

  • Face-to-face sessions on Saturday mornings during the first semester
  • Meeting hours
  • Digital learning
  • Market research (in group)

The course material will be available at :


Textbook of reference

Livre de base en marketing management: Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller, et al. Marketing Management (2019), 16ème édition. This book exists in French and English. Older editions are suitable too (12-13-14-15ème édition).

Market research books (facultatif) 

Giannelloni, J.-L., Vernette E. (2019), Etudes de marché, 5ème édition, Vuibert. Older editions are suitable too

Malhotra, Naresh et al. (2014), Etudes Marketing, 6ème édition. This book exists in French and English. Older editions are suitable too (4 ou 5th ed).

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

20% of the final grade: continuous assessment through quizzes on lol@ 
80% of the final grade: Written exam based on the whole material discussed during the class.
-MCQ (+/- 40% of the written exam) 
-Open questions (+/- 60% of the written exam) 

In addition, you can get an extra bonus point by participating to the virtual escape game. 

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

All documents and useful information will be provided through Lola: http://lolahd.hec.ulg.ac.be



Anne-Christine CADIAT: accadiat@uliege.be 

Charlotte FERRARA : C.Ferrara@uliege.be 


Assistant: Youssra EL MIDAOUI youssra.elmidaoui@uliege.be 

Association of one or more MOOCs