2024-2025 / Master

Management, professional focus in management of transitional organizational systems (Management of transitional organizational systems)

67 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Cours obligatoires de la finalité

GEST7088-1Strategy and performance management Q225--5
GRHO0045-1Social dialogue and collective negotiation Q130--5
GEST7086-1Multidisciplinary project in a business: diagnosis and design Q130--10
GEST7087-1Multidisciplinary project in a business: implementation Q230--10
This programme is the 3rd year of the multi-disciplinary ¿Master in management, professional focus in management of transitional organizational systems (MOST)" and is only open to graduates of the Master in human resource management, professional focus in management.
Notice : Students are exempt from the final dissertation if they submit their interdisciplinary dissertation carried out during the Master of Human Resource Management, with a specialism in Management.

Cours obligatoires du tronc ommun

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (english language) Q124--4
FINA0050-1Corporate Finance - Lectures and Seminars (english language) Q230--5
GEST3029-1International Strategy (english language) Q130--5
ECON2262-1Industrial organization in the digital economy (english language) Q130--5
INFO2039-2Management Information Systems (english language) Q130--5
MQGE0005-5Quantitative Methods in Management (english language) Q1   5
Part : Operations Research  15-- 
Part : Statistics  15-- 
GEST1039-1Business simulation - [30h Monitored workshops] TA--[+]2
GEST1116-1Leadership (english language) Q130--5