2024-2025 / Master

Political sciences : general, professional focus in science, technology and society (en Science, Technologie et Société (STS))

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Cours du tronc commun

Choose the programme according to the background



Notice : pour les étudiant·e·s inscrit·e·s pour la 1ère fois en 2024-2025.
SPOL2327-1Preparatory seminar for final dissertation - [30h Seminar] TA--[+]5

Science, Technology and Society (advanced)

SOCI0090-1Actor-network sociology Q130--5
SPOL9211-1Ecology and politics (english language) Q130--5
Science, Technology, Innovation Policies and Politics (english language) Q130--5
SOCI1247-2Seminar on science and society - [30h Seminar] Q2--[+]5
ENVT0027-1Technical and environmental democracy Q21510-5
Policy and socio-technical change Q230--5
SPOL2319-1Methods of futurology and strategic analysis Q130--5

Choose courses totalling 20 credits out of the following :

LANG0913-1English - module 1, Reading scientific texts (english language) Q11020-5
LANG0914-1English - Module 2: Listening comprehension, taking notes and lectures, Listening comprehension, taking notes and lectures (english language) Q11020-5
SPOL9217-1Comparative analysis of public governance in Belgium (english language) (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q130--5
Epistemology of social sciences Q245--5
DROI1357-1European law, (big) data and artificial intelligence applications seminar (english language) Q124--5
SPOL0970-1Policy design and evaluation (english language)
SOCI0752-1Introduction to gender studies, Theory course Q130--5
SPOL0966-1Comparative Politics in a Globalized World (english language) Q130--5
DSTG0008-1Placement TA---10
Students may choose other courses by making a request to the jury.


Notice : pour les étudiant·e·s inscrit·e·s avant 2024-2025.
SPOL0966-1Comparative Politics in a Globalized World (english language) Q130--5
SPOL2328-1Theories and doctrines in the United States Q130--5
SPOL0011-1Theories of the international relations Q130--5
SPOL2319-1Methods of futurology and strategic analysis Q130--5
SPOL2327-1Preparatory seminar for final dissertation - [30h Seminar] TA--[+]5

Science, Technology and Society (advanced)

SOCI0090-1Actor-network sociology Q130--5
SPOL9211-1Ecology and politics (english language) Q130--5
Science, Technology, Innovation Policies and Politics (english language) Q130--5
SOCI1247-2Seminar on science and society - [30h Seminar] Q2--[+]5
ENVT0027-1Technical and environmental democracy Q21510-5
Policy and socio-technical change Q230--5

Choose one course from the following :

LANG0913-1English - module 1, Reading scientific texts (english language) Q11020-5
LANG0914-1English - Module 2: Listening comprehension, taking notes and lectures, Listening comprehension, taking notes and lectures (english language) Q11020-5
SPOL9217-1Comparative analysis of public governance in Belgium (english language) (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q130--5
Epistemology of social sciences Q245--5
DROI1357-1European law, (big) data and artificial intelligence applications seminar (english language) Q124--5
SOCI0752-1Introduction to gender studies, Theory course Q130--5
SPOL0970-1Policy design and evaluation (english language)
DSTG0008-1Placement TA---10
Students may choose other courses by making a request to the jury.

Block 2

Cours au choix de la finalité

Students who have been selected for this focus (at the end of their bachelor) will conduct a one-year study trip to the University of Maastricht in the B2 of their master depending on the modules set by the Faculty. This focus enables students to obtain a joint degree (ULG - UM).
Academic advisor: Professor P. DELVENNE (pierre.delvenne@uliege.be)
Secretary: Ms C. Falzone - 04/366.27.37 - c.falzone@uliege.be

Choose courses totalling 38 ECTS amongst :

HULG9251-1Science and Technology in the Making: Entering the World of Laboratory (english language)
HULG9252-1Introduction in Society, Science and Technology (english language)
HULG9253-1Interpreting the History of Science and Technology (english language)
HULG9254-1Science and Technology Dynamics (english language)
HULG9255-1Politics of Knowledge (english language)
HULG9256-1Science and Public Policy (english language)
Students may choose other courses offered by the University of Maastricht upon request to the Jury

Cours du tronc commun

Choose the programme according to the background



DMEM0013-1Thesis - ULiege (english language)
Notice : students may choose other courses offered by the University of Maastricht by making a request to the jury.


DMEM0013-1Thesis - ULiege (english language)
Séminaire de préparation au travail de fin d'études
Notice : students may choose other courses offered by the University of Maastricht by making a request to the jury.

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Additional ECTS Master in political sciences : general (120 ECTS)


Optional courses

The programme will be determinated by the admissions jury according to the conditions of access

Choose courses between 15 and 60 credits depending on the access conditions :

[...] among the list of additional credit courses-
[...] Where necessary, one course chosen from another programme with the agreement of the jury.-

List of additional credits courses

SPOL0968-1Introduction to political science (english language) - [15h Lecture] Q110-[+]5
SPOL0969-1Introduction to international relations (english language) - [15h Lecture] Q110-[+]5
LANG0840-1French, S1 - 1er quadrimestre Q1---5
SPOL0090-1Introduction to Belgian politics (english language) Q220--5
SPOL0091-1Introduction to EU politics (english language) Q120--5
SPOL0970-1Policy design and evaluation (english language)
SPOL0100-1Methodological issues in Political Science (english language) - [15h Lecture] Q2-15[+]5
LANG0840-2French, S2 - 2e quadrimestre Q2---5
SPOL1101-1Introduction to political science, Part 1 Q130--3
SPOL1101-4Introduction to political science, Part 2 Q230--3
SPOL1103-1Political history of Belgium Q260--6
SPOL0961-1European construction history Q230--4
SPOL2331-1Analysis of public policies (theory) Q13015-4
SPOL2330-2Methodology in political science (theory) Q13015-4
SPOL2333-1Methodology and analysis of public policies (practice) Q2-30-6
SPOL2202-1Evaluation of public policies Q13015-3
DROI1307-1Introduction to public law - [15h Autres] Q260-[+]6
Constitutional law - [15h Lecture] TA75-[+]8
SPOL1203-2Introduction to International Relations Q260--5
STAT0002-2Descriptive Statistics Q12010-3
DROI0964-1International relations law Q130--3
SPOL0377-1Political conflict resolution Q230--3
SPOL0021-1Principles and functions of the European Union Q230--3
SPOL9214-1Principles of the European Economic Governance (english language) Q230--5
SPOL0084-1Belgian policy issues Q130--5
SPOL9212-1Administrative sciences Q24515-6
SPOL2315-2Risk and politics - [30h Seminar] Q1--[+]4
DTRA0002-1Supervised work in political science (including a preparatory seminar) TA30--6