2024-2025 / Master

Political sciences : general, professional focus in European policies - Euro-Mediterranean relations (CATANE (OUT))

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Cours obligatoires du tronc commun

SPOL2327-1Preparatory seminar for final dissertation - [30h Seminar] TA--[+]5
SPOL0966-1Comparative Politics in a Globalized World (english language) Q130--5
SPOL2328-1Theories and doctrines in the United States Q130--5
SPOL2226-1Seminar on international relations - [30h Seminar] (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q1--[+]5
SPOL2321-1International Relations of the European Union (english language) (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q130--5
SPOL2319-1Methods of futurology and strategic analysis Q130--5

Cours au choix du tronc commun

Choose courses totalling 15 ECTS out of the following :

SPOL2337-1European energetic policy (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q130--5
SPOL2240-1European policies analysis (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q1   10
General principles, exclusives, shared and support competences  30-- 
Area of freedom, security and justice
European Defence and Security Policy  15-- 
SPOL9215-1Analysis of the European Economic Governance (english language) Q130--5
SPOL0892-1The process of European construction : prospective views Q130--5

Choose courses totalling 20 credits out of the following :

SPOL0959-1Populism and the extreme right in Europe and the United States (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q230--5
SOCI2250-1Theories of Integration, Diversity and Multiculturalism (english language) Q230--5
SOCI2251-1European Immigration Policy (english language) Q230--5
SPOL0095-1Emerging powers and the challenges of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q230--5
SPOL2237-1Politological analyses of Africa - [30h Seminar] (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q1--[+]5
DROI1271-1Law and Practice of International Organizations (english language) Q224--5
DROI2330-3International humanitarian law
SPOL2001-1International strategic trade control regimes (english language) (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q230--5
ERAS0001-1International Relations Organizations (english language) Q130--5
ECON0258-1European Economics (english language) Q230--5
SPOL3012-1Advanced studies in political science, international relations Q130--5
SPOL3012-2Advanced studies in political science, European policy Q130--5
Students may choose other courses by making a request to the jury.

Block 2

Cours obligatoires de la finalité

Students who have been selected for this focus (at the end of their bachelor) will conduct a one-year study trip (60 credits) to the University of Catane in the B2 of their master depending on the modules set by the Faculty. This focus enables students to obtain a joint degree (ULG - UM).
Academic supervisor: Professor Q. MICHEL (qmichel@uliege.be)
Secretary: Ms C. Falzone - 04/366.27.37 - c.falzone@uliege.be
HULG9261-1Mediterranean politics (english language)
HULG9259-1World institutions and policies (english language)
HULG9569-1The Philosophy of Human Rights : the Contemporary Debate (english language)
SPOL9232-1Comparative Politics
Students may choose other course offered by the University of Catania y making a request to the jury.

Cours obligatoires du tronc commun

HULG9258-1Dissertation (english language)

Cours au choix du tronc commun

Choose courses totalling 12 ECTS from the following :

HULG9263-1Methodology of political research (english language)
HULG9265-1EU public policies (english language)
HULG2232-1Analysis of political discourse (english language)
SPOL9231-1Research Design in Political Science
HULG0503-1Migration and development (english language)
HULG9739-1Anthropology of Humanitarian interventions (english language)
HULG2234-1International human rights law (english language)
Students may choose other course offered by the University of Catania y making a request to the jury.

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année