2024-2025 / PSYC5900-2

Problems of statistics and software usage


30h Th, 15h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in psychology and education : speech and language therapy4 crédits 
 Bachelor in psychology and education : general4 crédits 
 Master in speech and language therapy, professional focus in communication and disability4 crédits 
 Master en logopédie, à finalité spécialisée4 crédits 
 Master in speech and language therapy, professional focus in neuropsychology of language and verbal learning disorders4 crédits 
 Master in speech and language therapy, professional focus in voice4 crédits 


Francis Pérée

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This course deals with the problems encountered by researchers in psychology, pedagogy and speech therapy. Through the use of a statistical software, the course analyses and describes the traditional statistical procedures to solve those problems. Although a theoretical account synthesizes the various statistical concepts under consideration in each chapter, the course has a pragmatically character and is directed towards concrete applications. The topics taken into consideration are as follows: General information on the data processing software - the SAS Software - Data and Variables - Creation of data files - Processing the data - Elementary Statistics and Charts - Correlation and Covariance - Comparison of two Means - Tables of Contingency and Independence - Comparative Tests (means, correlations, proportions) - Multiple Linear Regression - Logistic Regression - Stepwise Regression - One-way Analysis of Variance - Two-ways Analysis of Variance (factorial and nested designs) - Analysis of Covariance - Repeated Measure Designs - Nonparametric Statistics (partim)

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

First of all, the course is intended to make the students able to solve statistical problems and to use a computer by themselves. For this purpose, the students must acquire and/or develop three kinds of knowledge : statistics, data processing and the use of a specialized statistical software (SAS). This software works on Microsoft PC (native mode) and on Mac (via SAS on DEMAND server) In addition to the necessary theoretical knowledge, the students must also become able to master the handling of a tool and to use it correctly in various concrete situations.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Ideally, having passed the exam after the two previous courses of statistics. But, even a weak knowledge of statistics allows to participate in this course.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Each session of the course will be delivered via a video available on the E-campus platform. It will be completed by exercises to be carried out at home, exercises for which the correction will be provided. These exercises will follow a curve of difficulty (and will also include data encoding exercises).
Q&A sessions will be held regularly face to face or via the TEAMS platform. During the sessions, the students'questions may be answered. Theses questions wil have been collected inthe space provided on the E-campus forum.
In order to follow the evolution in competence of the students and to identify any difficulties, several online formative tests will be planned, tests that will be completed online. These tests will be carried out via the "test" tool of the E-campus platform.
The active commitment of the students to the passing of these tests will accompany their progress in learning. It will also condition the possibility of their possible participation in remedial sessions organized face to face in the CAFEIM room or online on the subject of the course. These sessions, in small groups of 15 or fewer students, will be managed by student instructors.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

The course will be hybrid and will take place in the CAFEIM room and/or online, on both semesters, with the following tools: learning via the E-campus platform (videos, exercises, formative tests and remediation, etc.) and the TEAMS video conference platform.

PEREE F.P., Problèmes statistiques et Utilisation de logiciels (Notes de cours), Tomes 1 et 2, 2022-2023, Editions de l'Université de Liège.
PEREE F.P., Problèmes statistiques et Utilisation de logiciels (Exercices supplémentaires), Tome 3, 2022-2023, Editions de l'Université de Liège.

These course papers are also available in PDF format on the E-campus platform.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

- Remote

written exam

Other : If evaluation in hybrid : preferred In-person

Additional information:

The evalution takes place at the end of the academic year. So there is no partial in January.The evaluation is carried out by means of a three-hour written test in wich each student has to solve on his osn, on a computer, several concrete problems in the application of statistics. When the exam is done in person in the CAFEIM room, students receive their questionnaire and must upload their personalized data file identified by their service number to E-campus. They must provide their answers in writing on the questionnaire received.

If the exam is to be conduced remotely, on the date fixed for the exam, students must download on the E-campus platform a ZIP file including their data file and their questionnaire, both personalized. Students must respond in writing (in computer typing) on the questionnaire received. This questionnaire is to be sent back to E-campus at the end of the exam.

Prior to the real exam, two online "white exams" (old authentic exams) will be offered to the student volunteers. These "white exams" allow students to become familiar with both the type of questions asked and the online procedure of the exam.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

In addition to active participation in the study of course videos and in the realization of exercises, frequent individual training in the use of the software is strongly recommended to students.


UNIVERSITE OF LIEGE Service of Quantitative Psychology Sart Tilman B32 Quartier AGORA Place des Orateurs, 2 B-4000 LIEGE BELGIUM Tél : +32 4 366 22 31 e-mail : fperee@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs