2024-2025 / Master

Motor sciences, professional focus in sports physiotherapy

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Cours du tronc commun


Compulsory courses common to various orientations

EDPH0631-2Introduction to an analysis of intervention in physical and sports activities - [20h Exercise] Q120-[+]4
METO1018-1Evidence Based Practice - Research and critical analysis of literatureQ1   2
Presentation of research themes - [15h Seminar]
Evidence Based Practice  5-- 
PHYL0540-1Physiology of physical effort Q1152-4
EDPH0650-3Organization of leisure physical and sport activities (Part II) Q210--4
PHYL1006-1Special biochemistry of physical effort Q220--4
EDPH0653-1Depth issues in physical education and sports - [45h Personal research]
EDPH0705-1Physical education and sports practice IV - [20h Question and answer session] TA-210[+]10
EDPH0656-2Physical education teaching analysis and action research - [30h Personal research] TA5-[+]4
Field applications of the intervention in physical and sport activities (Part II) (Service Learning) - [50h internship] TA--[+]3

Compulsory courses specific to the study paths

PEDA0641-6Promotion of physical and leisure sports activities - [20h Exercise] Q115-[+]4
EDPH0660-5Designing training (part I: individual sports) Q11030-4
EDPH2003-1Disigning training (part II: team sports and martial arts and combat sports) Q21030-4
EDPH0670-1Practical and scientific applications of working in physical and sports activities - [100h internship]

Block 2

Focus courses

Notice : The specialized approach in sports physiotherapy of the master's degree in motricity sciences, general orientation can only be selected with the agreement of the jury.
KINE1003-1Analysis of athletic movement and lesional mechanisms, new developments in the physiology of effort and training Q12525-5
KINE1004-1Functional approach to pain mechanisms adapted to sport physiotherapy Q120--2
KINE1005-1Biomedical and clinical sciences specific to sport physiotherapy   4
Semiology and physiopathology  20-- 
Imaging and complementary examinations
Nadège Bottosso, Marco Tomasella
Basic pharmacology  8-- 
KINE1006-1Preventing injury and Return-to-Play Q210--1
KINE1008-1Medical practice adapted to sport physiotherapy Q210--1
COMM0008-1Introduction to therapeutic communication in sport physiotherapy Q21010-2
KINE1009-1Traumatology, surgery and rehabilitation of athletes TA7030-10

Compulsory Training

MSTG0690-1Placement in Sport Physiotherapy - [150h internship] TA--[+]5

Cours du tronc commun


Compulsory courses common to various orientations

EDPH0694-1Multidisciplinary integration activities - [15h Personal research] Q2--[+]2
EDPH0655-1Seminars for personal and professional development - [40h Seminar] TA--[+]2

Compulsory courses specific to the study paths

METO1032-1Methodology of scientific researchQ2   4
Analysis of the use of statistics in the literature  10-- 
Critical analysis of scientific literature  1010- 
MMEM0650-2Final thesis in sciences of motricity - general approach

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Additional ECTS Master in motor scineces : general (120 ECTS)


Compulsory courses

NERF0537-2Multidisciplinary approach to the nervous system (anatomy - pathology) - TheoryQ1   3
Introduction to neuroanatomy  10-- 
Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology: practical application to the motor sciences  -10- 
Introduction to neurophysiology  12-- 
Biochemistry  2-- 
Histology - [2h Question and answer session]  --[+] 
General pathology  2-- 
Contraindications  2-- 
EDPH0634-1Organization of leisure physical and sport activities (Part I) Q110--2
EDPH2004-1Basis of training and performanceQ1   4
Introduction  10-- 
Advanced knowledge of Motor sciences - [10h Apprentissage]  10-[+] 
PHYS0511-3Physics applied to Motor Sciences - [30h Monitored workshops] Q1--[+]1
CHIM1310-2Chemistry preparing to motricity sciences - [30h Monitored workshops] Q1--[+]1
STAT1001-1Biostatistics I - [15h Question and answer session] Q115-[+]3
HNOR0620-4Multidisciplinary approach to a normal human being (Part I)Q2   7
Human biochemistry  20-- 
Human physiology
Introduction to human histology - [4h Question and answer session]  8-[+] 
Varia contra-indications  5-- 
Introduction to nutrition  10-- 
LOCO0525-8Multidisciplinary approach to the musculoskeletal system (part II) - TheoryQ2   7
Histology - [3h Question and answer session]  4-[+] 
Biochemistry  4-- 
Traumatology  16-- 
General pathology  6-- 
Physiotherapy introduction  5-- 
Contra-indications  3-- 
RESP0520-5Multidisciplinary approach to respiratory tract pathologiesQ2   3
Anatomy  2-- 
Histology - [2h Question and answer session]  4-[+] 
CAVS0630-1Multidisciplinary approach to the cardiovascular systemQ2   3
Anatomy  2-- 
Histology - [2h Question and answer session]  3-[+] 
Special pathology  8-- 
Contraindications  2-- 
First aid and emergency care  4-- 
RACH0631-3Multidisciplinary approach to pathology of the spine - TheoryQ2   3
Anatomy  2-- 
Biomechanics  1,5-- 
Special pathology introduction  3-- 
Sport and spine  3-- 
Education et activités rachidiennes appliquées aux sciences de la motricité  66- 
LOCO0631-6Epistemology and psychomotility and body education didacticsQ2   2
Training  15-- 
EDPH0007-1Evaluation of the sport performance Q21040-3
EDPH0003-1Basis of sports training - Practice TA-50-3
EDPH9101-1Physical education and sports in practice M0 - [30h Autres] TA-210[+]10
LOCO0531-7Multidisciplinary approach to the musculoskeletal system (pathology - physiotherapy) (Part III) - TheoryTA   3
Microtraumatic traumatology  5-- 
Traumatology in motricity sciences  3-- 
Foundations of re-education  45- 
Paediatric traumatology  6-- 
MSTG9093-1Practical applications of working physical and sporting activities M0 - [50h internship] TA--[+]2