2024-2025 / Master

Sociology, professional focus in migration and ethnic studies (Finalité spécialisée en Migration and Ethnic Studies)

120 credits

Programme content

This Masters programme is aimed at students wishing to study migration phenomena. At a time when people are on the move around the world and migration is increasingly mentioned in political discourse, there has never been a greater need to develop a comprehensive Master's degree course taking a multidisciplinary approach to the subject.

The master's degree in Sociology, focus on Migration and Ethnic Studies, offered by the Université de Liège, is a two-year master's programme taught entirely in English. Consequently, BLOC 1 and BLOC 2 courses are taught in English only.

The aim of this master's programme is to provide students with a critical view of society and to focus on migration-related phenomena. To this end, the master's offers an innovative multidisciplinary approach that takes into account the political, sociological, legal and economic aspects of migration. The various subjects concerned are taught by recognised experts and professionals. Students also benefit from courses that provide them with theoretical, practical and methodological skills in the social sciences, with a particular focus on migration processes.

Alumni testimonials

"As a migration student, taking part in the double degree program gave me the opportunity to experience for myself what I had previously known only through texts - that is, leaving my home country for a whole new environment. I have grown from this experience, not only intellectually but also on a human level: going abroad is indeed the best way to learn about the world and about yourself.

I am particularly grateful for the events organized by the EuMIGS program. We were able to meet twice with all the students of the program as well as the coordinators of the partner universities. This gave rise to very enriching discussions, be it on migration research, on our aspirations and interests as students, as well as on our respective experiences of the double degree. These privileged moments, where we were strongly supported by the coordinators, confirmed time and again that I had made the right choice of studies." Mirana Bauduin


The first 60-credit year will familiarise you with the many facets of mobility and migration. It aims to give you an understanding of all the issues involved in migration, as well as providing you with the theoretical and methodological foundations for conducting your own research in migration studies.

You will be introduced to the following subjects:

Sociology of Migration - 6 ECTS

Migration, Transnationalism and Development - 6 ECTS

Theories of Integration, Diversity and Multiculturalism - 6 ECTS

Refugee Studies - 6 ECTS

Gender, Intersectionality and Migration - 6 ECTS

Welfare, Labour and Migration - 6 ECTS

European Immigration Policy - 6 ECTS

Research Design and Methods in Migration Studies - 6 ECTS

Using Quantitative Date and Methods in Migration Studies - 6 ECTS

Digital Workshop in Migration Studies - 6 ECTS


In the second year, you will have the opportunity to explore the link between migration and ethnicity. All these courses will enable you to complete a personal research project in the form of a dissertation.

Once you have obtained a minimum of 45 credits from Year 1, you will be offered the following subjects:

Geopolitics of the Western Mediterranean - 6 ECTS

Arts, Ethnicity and Migration - 6 ECTS

Citizenship and Political Participation of Minorities - 6 ECTS

Sociology of Racism and Antiracism - 6 ECTS

Migration and Integration Practice and Policies - 6 ECTS

Master thesis - 30 ECTS


On completion of the Master's degree in Sociology, focus on Migration and Ethnic Studies, students will be :

·         prepared to pursue a career as migration experts (for NGOs, foundations, non-profit organisations, etc.), project managers for international organisations or diplomats ;

·         prepared to pursue a career as a researcher in migration studies as a doctoral student or research assistant.

More specifically, at the end of the Master's degree in Sociology, focus on Migration and Ethnic studies, students will have :

·         theoretical knowledge of sociology and migration studies ;

·         methodological skills (collection, processing and analysis of quantitative data; collection, processing and analysis of qualitative data), ensuring continuity in learning;

computer skills in the usual office tools (spreadsheets, word processing and presentation software)

Academic directors :

Dr. Marco Martiniello : M.Martiniello@uliege.be

Administrative coordinator :

Jérémy Mandin jeremy.mandin@uliege.be