2024-2025 / Master

Sociology, professional focus in migration and ethnic studies (Finalité spécialisée en Migration and Ethnic Studies)

120 credits

Special access conditions

Specific entry requirements

- A bachelor's degree and/or master's degree in:

  • Humanities,
  • Social sciences,
  • Sociology,
  • Anthropology.


- A bachelor's degree and/or master's degree in:

  • Economics,
  • Political sciences,
  • Law,
  • International Relations

if the student's academic background and/or professional experience provide the necessary prerequisites to follow the Master's courses.

- B2 level in English.

More information...

- Students holding a non-Belgian diploma should contact the Admissions Office.

Access to the EuMIGS double degree in Migration Studies

This course, which leads to a double master's degree, is subject to a selection procedure to be presented during the first year of the Master's programme.

Registration details will be sent to students during the first period.


Tuitions fees

The tuition/registration fee for EU student is 835€. For non-EU nationals, the fee is 4175€. Some exceptions may result in the waiving of the additional fee for non-EU nationals. For more information please see the following link : https://www.enseignement.uliege.be/cms/c_9780514/en/enrol-in-uliege

Academic directors :

Dr. Marco Martiniello : M.Martiniello@uliege.be

Administrative coordinator :

Jérémy Mandin jeremy.mandin@uliege.be