2024-2025 / VTFE0008-1

Internship and final work


520h Internship

Number of credits

 Advanced Master in Management of Food Chain Safety20 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This Teaching Unit consists of a fourteen-week internship in the second semester, an internship carried out in a company, a laboratory, a research center or in an administration related to the food chain. It aims to put the student in a situation by applying the skills acquired during the first semester. The student will have to carry out personal and original work in order to answer a question or a need proposed by the host institution in agreement with the designated academic tutor.
The results of this internship work must be the subject of a report which will constitute the student's end-of-study work.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this teaching unit, the student should be able to personally apply the skills acquired during the first semester to carry out an original study in the food chain, namely i) precisely define the question asked and the objectives of the study; ii) propose a strategy and a work plan; iii) gather relevant information to carry out the study; iv) conduct the study and adapt the protocol if necessary; (v) collect the results, analyze them, synthesize them and draw conclusions; vi) write a complete, structured and intelligible study report for a general scientific audience respecting the proposed model.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The follow-up of the lessons of the first term is a prerequisite for the completion of the second term internship.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

This Teaching Unit will consist of a full-time internship for fourteen weeks in the host institution under the dual supervision of a person from the latter and the teaching tutor appointed to monitor the internship among the teachers of ULiège of the specialized master's degree.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Remote course

Additional information:

This is a practical full-time face-to-face course in a company, a laboratory, a research center or an administration related to the food chain.

The teaching materials will all be accessible via eCampus from the start of the academic year. They will be of various natures (MOOC, Podcasts, Powerpoint supports, reference documents available on eCampus or via links on the Web).

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

The final grade will be awarded by the jury by integrating the following three parts in equal parts:

  • Internship evaluation form completed by the external supervisor.
  • Written internship report
  • Presentation of the report in front of the jury and the external tutor and answer to their questions.

Work placement(s)

See above.

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The internship is chosen by the student freely or from a list provided each year by the jury. He is unpaid.

The institution accepting the internship appoints the member of its staff who will be responsible externally for the student. The latter must have a higher education diploma and skills in the field of work proposed.

In the case of an internship chosen freely by the student, it must be accepted beforehand by the jury on the basis of the subject and the proposed supervision.

The jury appoints an internal tutor from among the teachers of the specialization master's according to his skills in relation to the work. This will ensure the follow-up of the work, will guarantee the level of quality requirements of the work and will help the student if necessary.

Regular attendance at the internship is required of the student. He must comply with the requirements expressed by the host institution and respect the confidentiality of sensitive data, if necessary. He must sign a commitment to this effect before the start of the internship.


  • Pr Georges Daube, in charge of teaching and coordinator of the teaching unit
  • Mrs. Christine Bal, secretary

University of Liège, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Food Sciences, Avenue de Cureghem 10, 4000 Liège, Belgium.

Tel: +32-4-366 40 15 (40 40)

Fax: +32-4-366 40 54

Email: Georges.Daube@uliege.be, Christine.Bal@uliege.be

Website: http://www.dda.ulg.ac.be

Association of one or more MOOCs

There is no MOOC associated with this course.

Additional information:

The basic notions concerning biological and chemical risks are to be acquired via the MOOC "Chemical and biological risks in the food chain", inaugurated during the academic year 2023-2024 and made available to students for the duration of their registration. at the Teaching Unit.