2024-2025 / VETE3011-1

Elements which are specific to sectoral, institutional and legal aspects of managing food-related risks


4h Th, 8h Mon. WS, 12h E-Lrng

Number of credits

 Advanced Master in Management of Food Chain Safety2 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

CT (including online course)

The theoretical course makes it possible to understand the architecture of official controls starting from a regional or national level to go to the European level and, then, to the international level. The legislative framework will also be exposed to the students so that they understand the mechanism behind the enactment of legislations and decision-making as well as the implementation of official controls in different sectors (animal, plant and foodstuffs).

The main chapters of the course will be the following (4 hours of CT, 12 hours of homework and 8 hours of tutorials):

General Introduction

Scientific aspects

Normative aspects

Operational aspects, self-checks, checks and audits



Not applicable.

Work at home :

Homework will allow students to deepen notions seen during theoretical courses and to search for information on the web. This will illustrate the connection between the different levels of power in order to better understand the links between the actors involved in decision-making and in official controls. Homework will also allow students to carry out information research exercises and synthesize them in order to prepare for the feedback session that will follow.

Group work idea: analysis of a risk at the level of Belgium. What are the steps with each student who would have a role. Each year, a scope is defined at the food chain level (e.g. primary production, processing, distribution). More focus on "food". (ex-question: do we explain the processes from risk assessment to risk management for an emerging hazard that affects food or action plan for managing an emerging risk in food that ranges from management risk assessment including communication).


The tutorials will take the form of restitution sessions devoted to the restitution of homework dedicated on the one hand to the scientific and normative aspects and on the other hand to the control and audit aspects.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this course, the student will be able to explain the interconnection of scientific, legislative and control processes at the level of foodstuffs, the animal sector as well as the plant sector, in a One-Health context. , with connections to public health. He/she will master the complexity of decision-making and the need to collaborate across different bodies, whether national, European or international.

The student must be able to integrate the fact that food chains are increasingly diverse and multifaceted and can cover different countries from primary production to distribution; it must also take into account societal aspects expressed or not by consumers and stakeholders.

The student will be able to find information quickly and efficiently showing that he or she has acquired precise knowledge of responsibilities and decision-making patterns at all levels (national, European and international).

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Basic knowledge of biology and chemistry as well as notions related to good hygiene practices and the creation of a HACCP plan are necessary for a good understanding of the course.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

This Course Unit focuses on an "eccentric" approach starting from the most local and national level to the European and international level in terms of legislative process and official controls. This approach, which will take place during the 4 hours of theoretical lessons, will be supplemented by documents and multimedia supports to be consulted at home. It will be illustrated by a reflective approach to be carried out by students at home. Feedback sessions will allow students to present their work and teachers to judge the students' understanding of the subject.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

It is a hybrid education combining theoretical courses, remote support consultations and homework completed by collegial presentation sessions by the students.

The teaching materials will all be accessible via eCampus from the start of the academic year. The reference websites will also be communicated on the eCampus platform. Different institutional sites should be consulted regularly by students (DGSANCO, AFSCA, ECDC, Codex Alimentarius, EFSA, FAO, OMSA, etc.)

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

The evaluation of the students will be carried out during the two sessions of restitution of the work carried out at home by all the teachers present on the basis of the relevance of the elements collected and the quality of their presentation.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Repeated unjustified absences may lead to the refusal of the presentation of the final oral test.


Pr Antoine Clinquart, in charge of teaching

Pr Georges Daube, in charge of teaching

Pr Véronique Delcenserie, in charge of teaching

Dr Nicolas Korsak, in charge of teaching and coordinator of the teaching unit

Pr Marie-Louise Scippo, in charge of teaching

Dr Caroline Douny, in charge of teaching

Pr Claude Saegerman, in charge of teaching

Dr Jean-François Heymans, in charge of teaching

Mme Christine Bal, secrétaire


Université de Liège, Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire, Department of food science, Avenue de Cureghem 10, 4000 Liège, Belgique.

Tél : +32-4-366 45 19 (40 40)

E-mail : nkorsak@uliege.be, Christine.Bal@uliege.be

Website : https://www.dda.uliege.be

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