2024-2025 / TREM0008-1

Remédiation en Technologie du bâti 2 - Structure et Confort


6h REM

Number of credits

 Bachelor in architecture- crédits 


Guirec Ruellan

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The remediation course consists of a review and re-explanation in a different format of the principles studied in the first quadrennium in the Building Technology 1 course.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of the course, students will be able to identify their weaknesses in the Building Technology 2 course: understanding of the principles studied and application exercises, etc.

Ultimately, the aim is to achieve the learning outcomes of the Building Technology 2 course:

Structure :

  • Calculate the weight of structural elements.
  • Choose the span direction of a structural element and understand the implications of this span direction on load distribution.
  • Know the main structural materials and associated load-bearing systems, as well as their main application characteristics.
  • Identify the main loads to be applied to a structure, and know their orders of magnitude.
  • Describe the loads of a simple structure.
  • Predimension foundations.
  • Predimension load-bearing elements using appropriate formulas and abacuses.
  • Know the basic principles of Statics (resolution of an isostatic beam).
  • Understand the concept of internal forces and stresses, and the main internal force diagrams for a beam on two supports.
  • Understand the problem of bracing and propose an empirical solution.
Envelope :

  • Calculate the resistance and thermal conductivity of a complex wall.
  • Choose a material and thickness of insulation to achieve a threshold insulation value.
  • Calculate a wall's resistance to water vapor transfer, and check the primary risk of internal condensation.
  • Understand and distinguish the different characteristics of glazing.
  • Know the main building systems commonly used in single-family housing construction in Belgium, and their hygrothermal behavior.
  • Understand the impact of implementation on envelope design.
  • Design a wall composition that meets various insulation and waterproofing criteria.
  • Understand the issues involved in a construction detail.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The learning activity is divided into two parts:

Firstly, students should review the content of the Building Technology 2 course to identify their weaknesses, and in particular any applied exercises they don't understand how to solve. To do this, they can also compare their exams with the correction provided.

On the basis of this self-criticism, the work sessions will enable the supervisors - student monitors - to re-explain the concepts covered, and the exercise solutions, varying the methods of approach so as to make them easier to understand. By interacting directly with the student-instructors, students have the opportunity to obtain a more personalized explanation.

It's important to note that re-explanation will only be productive if preceded by self-criticism. Just coming to the session without a question will greatly diminish the interest of these sessions.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Courses given exclusively in person, without recording.

Exchange sessions between small groups of students and the supervisors - student monitors.

Reference works :

  • CSTC (1998) Conventions Graphiques de Base pour le Bâtiment.
  • Région Wallonne (2022) Cahier des Charges Type Bâtiments 2022
  • Hauglustaine J.-M. & Simon F. (2018) Guide pratique pour les architectes - murs, toitures, fenêtres
Books for optional consultation available in the university libraries:

  • Provost, M., Attas, D., & De Kemmeter, P. (2011). Comment tout ça tient???: voyage au pays des structures
  • Bouteveille, U. (2013). La construction, comment ça marche???: toutes les techniques de construction en images
  • Gonzalo, R. (2008). Architecture et efficacité énergétique : Principes de conception et de construction.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course



Association of one or more MOOCs