2024-2025 / TRAD0104-1

Specialised translation from English to French : culture and literature

Museography, human and social sciences

Literary translation


Museography, human and social sciences : 30h Th
Literary translation : 30h Th

Number of credits

 Master in modern languages and literatures : general, professional focus in translation5 crédits 
 Master in modern languages and literatures : Germanics, professional focus in translation5 crédits 
 Master in translation, professional focus5 crédits 


Museography, human and social sciences : Anne Debras
Literary translation : Valérie Bada


Valérie Bada

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Texts of various cultural genres will be analysed and translated: excerpts from short stories, comic books, philosophical texts, texts dealing with translation theories, museum and exhibition catalogs, advertising...)

The linguisitc and stylistic aspects of translation will be particularly scrutinised. 

Museography, human and social sciences

- Translation of different types of documents :
   - Translation of different culturel texts as well as chosen documents from anthropological and social sciences specialized publications.  -

Literary translation

The course is an introduction to literary translation. Texts of various genres wil be translated and discussed using a range of translation theories. The course introduces students to various aspects of literary translation, including such professional considerations as contracts. We produce original translations and compare existing translations.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Students should be able to: - identify problematic segments, - analyse them, - find solutions to translate them, - justify their choices.
These skills will be developed in the perspective of translating any text in the broad field of "culture."

Museography, human and social sciences

At the end of the course, the students will be able to :
- draw on the necessary resources and search for relevant documents necessary to have a full and complete understanding of the text; - activate specific strategies and knowledge in the framework of a "specialized language"; - apply strategies discussed and tested throughout the year; therefore, define and comment on their methodology; - justify their choices on the basis of relevant criteria.

Literary translation

Students will have learned how to become part of the text to be translated so as to 'hear' its voice and be able to recreate it, if need be through departures from a superficial kind of 'faithfulness'. They will have learned how to analyse the stylistic specificities, tone and register of a literary text.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

High proficiency in English and French.
Highly developed translation skills.
Acute intellectual curiosity.

Museography, human and social sciences

Having been trained to the translation of general interest texts.

Literary translation

An excellent command of both English and French as to decipher and transfer the particular nuances and complexities of the texts to be translated.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Preparation of translations (at home) and critical correction (in class) including an analysis of the specificities depending on the type of documents used. Occasional group work, including the translation & the revision of a document.

Museography, human and social sciences

The students proceed to the translations at home and carry out complementary research on the strategies to apply. The teaching activities are complementary to the expected learning outcomes.

Literary translation

It is essential that students should have prepared the texts beforehand.  Learning proceeds from confronting different approaches.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face interaction

Museography, human and social sciences

Face-to-face two-hour weekly classes.

Literary translation

Face-to-face course

Museography, human and social sciences

Translation packs and resource documents posted when needed before the class sessions.

Literary translation

Texts will be posted on MyUliege.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

See EP for the 2 separate AA.

This teaching unit ("Unité d'enseignement," or UE) is subject to the principle of the "note absorbante," which means that the student having obtained a mark below 8/20 for one of the learning activities ("activités d'apprentissage," or AA) will receive a failing grade for the entire unit and will have to retake the failed AA in the second session regardless of the mathematical average of the two AA grades

Museography, human and social sciences

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Additional information:

EXAMINATION 2024 (B. KLINKENBERG): Final examination in June (100%)

Translation of an artistic presentation and/or a text from the humanities and social sciences.

Students will be given one week's notice of the subjects of the examination texts.


Literary translation

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

The students' competence in literary translation can only be assessed on personal translations, the source text(s) will be selected in agreement with the teacher. The oral examination provides feedback on that translation.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Museography, human and social sciences


Literary translation

2nd term. 

If the programme allows it, professional literary translators will be our guests.


Valérie Bada


Anne Debras



Bénédicte Klinkenberg


Museography, human and social sciences

Bénédicte Klinkenberg : B. Klinkenberg@uliege.be

Literary translation

Valérie Bada

Association of one or more MOOCs