2024-2025 / EDPH9103-1

Engineering of physical preparation and athletic performance

The work of a physical trainer and planning: "Failing to plan is planning to fail"

Managing modern athletes nowadays

New issues in the field of recovery and how to develop better aerobic ability

Building the athletes of the future - neuromuscular training

Injuries that can spoil life


The work of a physical trainer and planning: "Failing to plan is planning to fail" : 4h Th, 4h Pr
Managing modern athletes nowadays : 7h Th
New issues in the field of recovery and how to develop better aerobic ability : 6h Th
Building the athletes of the future - neuromuscular training : 8h Th
Injuries that can spoil life : 8h Th

Number of credits

 Master in motor sciences : physical education, teaching focus5 crédits 
 University certificate in advanced physical activity and training5 crédits 


The work of a physical trainer and planning: "Failing to plan is planning to fail" : Boris Jidovtseff, Carlos Rodriguez de la Cruz
Managing modern athletes nowadays : Jean-Louis Croisier, François Delvaux
New issues in the field of recovery and how to develop better aerobic ability : Florence Schleich
Building the athletes of the future - neuromuscular training : Boris Jidovtseff, Cédric Lehance
Injuries that can spoil life : Bénédicte Forthomme, Jean-François Kaux

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The work of a physical trainer and planning: "Failing to plan is planning to fail"

Not planning is planning to fail!

This first module will focus on the job of the physical trainer and his fundamental role in the planning of training. After an introduction and a presentation of legal information useful for the physical trainer, the course will approach through the intervention of scientific experts and field the concepts of planning, training load, sports monitoring and adaptation to the realities of the field. 

Building the athletes of the future - neuromuscular training

c "Building the athletes of tomorrow

In this part we will discuss the particularities of a sport practice adapted to the age and characteristics of children. The different interventions will address: 

-the problematic of early sports specialization

-the detection of young talent and the limits of existing tools

-the physiological particularities of the child and its consequences for training

-Problems related to growth and date of birth

-Mental management strategies and introduction to sophrology with children.

"neuromuscular training

In this section we will consider specific methods of neuromuscular training. The various interventions, carried out in class and on the ground will concern:

-modern bodybuilding methods



-speed based training

-competition between weight training and aerobics

-Combinatorial training

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The work of a physical trainer and planning: "Failing to plan is planning to fail"

Know the main planning models and their context of use

To know the contours of the job of physical trainer

Know the main tools for quantifying and monitoring loads adapted to sports contexts.

Mobilize the knowledge and fundamental logic of training to propose a relevant planning  

Building the athletes of the future - neuromuscular training

"build the athletes of tomorrow

Know the issues related to age-appropriate practices

-Know the dangers of early sport specialization and the benefits of early sport diversification

-Know the advantages and limitations of sport talent identification tools

-know the problems related to growth and birth date

-Know the physiological particularities of children and the consequences for training

-know the main tools for monitoring growth

-propose a sport activity adapted to the age

"neuromuscular training

-Explain the importance of the specificity of the muscular work

-adaptations to muscle training, especially when working in hypertrophy or competing training

-recommendations for hypertrophy and competitive training

-Speed based training 

-Combinatorial training 

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The work of a physical trainer and planning: "Failing to plan is planning to fail"

evaluation of physical abilities

basics of training

conceptualization of training

Building the athletes of the future - neuromuscular training

Psychomotricity and child training module

Basics of training

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The work of a physical trainer and planning: "Failing to plan is planning to fail"

theoretical courses, reflection workshop and experience sharing

Building the athletes of the future - neuromuscular training

Theoretical courses

Practical courses

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The work of a physical trainer and planning: "Failing to plan is planning to fail"

Face-to-face course

Building the athletes of the future - neuromuscular training

Face-to-face course

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Building the athletes of the future - neuromuscular training

diaporamas on MyUliege

The work of a physical trainer and planning: "Failing to plan is planning to fail"

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Building the athletes of the future - neuromuscular training

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


The work of a physical trainer and planning: "Failing to plan is planning to fail"

Pr Boris Jidovtseff (b.jidovtseff@uliege.be)

Managing modern athletes nowadays

CROISIER, Jean-Louis, Professeur ordinaire - ISEPK, Bât. B.21 - C.H.U., Médecine physique et Kinésithérapie - Réadaption, polyclinique -2 (Tél. : 04/366.39.32 ; 04/323.78.25 ; Fax. : 04/366.29.01 ; E-mail : jlcroisier@uliege.be

Dr François DELVAUX- Fdelvaux@uliege.be - 04/366.38.95

Secrétariat : Mme A. DEFAIFVE, adepaifve@uliege.be - ISEPK Tél 04/366.38.90 et Mme A. HANSSEN ISEPK, Tél 04/366.38.97

Coordinateur pédagogique : Sébastien WOLFS 04/366.38.97 (sebastien.wolfs@ulg.ac.be).







New issues in the field of recovery and how to develop better aerobic ability

Prof. Thierry BURY
Bât. B21 Physiologie humaine et physiologie de l'effort physique
Tél.: 04/366.78.81
Email : tbury@ulg.ac.be

Stéphanie HODY, assistante
04/366.38.86 - shody@uliege.be

Secrétariat : Nadia ELGARA (04/366.38.91 - nelgara@uliege.be)


Building the athletes of the future - neuromuscular training

Boris Jidovtseff (b.jidovtseff@uliege.be)

Injuries that can spoil life

Prof Jean-François KAUX

Médecine de l'Appareil Locomoteur, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, B4000 Liège, Belgique
+32 4 3668241

Mon bureau se situe au CHU Sart Tilman, bloc Central, +3, porte 151 (route 396). Vous pouvez me contacter si vous avez des questions sur les différentes cours via mon adresse e-mail (jfkaux@uliege.be) ou via ma secrétaire au 04/366 82 41.

Secrétariat ULiège - Bât. B21 : A. DEPAIFVE (Tél. : 04/366.38.90) et Nadia ELGARA (04/366.38.91 - nelgara@uliege.be) 


Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Module 1 - vendredi - Bertrand Fabien
Notes de cours de M. B. Fabien

Module 1 - vendredi - Berwart Gilles
Notes de cours de M. Berwart

Module 1 - vendredi - Brennenraedts Cédric
Note de cours de M. Brennenraedts

Module 1 - vendredi - Jidovtseff Boris
Notes de cours de M. Jidovtseff

Module 1 - vendredi - Toussaint Karin
Notes de cours de Mme Toussaint

Module 3 - HODY Stéphanie
Notes de cours de Stéphanie HODY

Module 4 - Bornheim Stephen
Module 4 - Bornheim Stephen

Module 4 - Delvaux François
Module 4 - Delvaux François