2024-2025 / BIOL2026-2

General biology in preparation for medical, dental and pharmaceutical sciences


65h Th, 16h Pr, 10h QA Sess.

Number of credits

 Bachelor in dentistry9 crédits 
 Bachelor in medicine9 crédits 
 Bachelor in pharmacy11 crédits 


Olivier Peulen

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The Biology course is at a central and capital place in the training of students engaged in a course of Medical Sciences and Dentistry. It must establish the fundamental concepts which govern living matter. The course is a real journey into the living world and its evolution. Evolution will also be the common thread of the course, illustrated by the quote from Theodosius Dobzhansky: "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution".
The Biology course will be divided into 26 chapters:
Chapter 1 Biology or the convergence of natural sciences Chapter 2 Theories of Evolution Chapter 3 The abiotic era at the origin of biomonomers Chapter 4 The prebiotic era at the origin of life Chapter 5 Protocells or the beginnings of life Chapter 6 The First Cells Chapter 7 What happened to LUCA's competitors? Chapter 8 The Origin of Eukaryotes Chapter 9 Functions of the endomembrane system Chapter 10 Functions of Mitochondria Chapter 11 How Chloroplasts Work Chapter 12 The evolution of energy metabolism Chapter 13 Evolution of the genetic heritage of the eukaryotic cell Chapter 14 Expression of Genome I - Transcription Chapter 15 Genome expression II - translation Chapter 16 The perpetuation of the genome Chapter 17 Cell Division Chapter 18 The cell cycle and its control Chapter 19 Transmission of the genetic heritage I - the origin of gametes Chapter 20 Elements of general embryology Chapter 21 The emergence of multicellulars and the diversity of living things Chapter 22 Archaeplastids Chapter 23 The Functioning of the Higher Metazoa Chapter 24 Transmission of the genetic heritage II - genetics Chapter 25 Transmission of the genetic heritage III - population genetics Chapter 26 Interactions between living things and with their environment

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this teaching unit, the student will be able to describe and understand the elements related to the 26 chapters constituting the Biology course. A detailed list of learning outcomes, chapter by chapter, will be available in the space dedicated to this course on eCampus.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The course will take into account the great disparity in biology training of students from very different backgrounds in the first year. Fluency in French is essential as well as basic knowledge of chemistry, physics and mathematics.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Biology is composed of theorical lessons, exercises sessions and practical classes.
Theoretical courses are the place where the matter is delivered, an interaction with the teacher is strongly recommended.
Exercises sessions allow the students to ask questions about the theory, acquire specific skills and help them integrate the different chapters of their Biology course.
Practical classes were conceived in order to show to the students some animal or plant cells and organisms; to familiarize them with various instruments or techniques (microscopy, drawing); to initiate them with observation and experimentation. Practical classes must also allow them to confront theory notions with a personal and more experimental approach of the living realities.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Theoretical Cours

The biology course is based on a syllabus available from the University Press. The subjects targeted by the assessment is that delivered during the ex cathedra course.

Course slides will always be available on the eCampus course space.

Reading several Biology books is possible but not recommended:

  • Campbell BIOLOGY, Jane Reece, PEARSON Education,> 9th edition.
  • BIOLOGY, Peter Raven, Jonathan Losos, Kenneth Mason, Georges Johnson, Tod Duncan, DE BOECK supérieur, 5th edition
Exercice sessions

The exercise booklet is available from university presses.

Practical classes

The practical work guide is available from university presses.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Theory is assessed exclusively in session. Practical work is assessed:

  • during practical sessions (continuous assessment) - 5% of the final biology grade
  • during the examination (in session) - in proportion to the number of questions included in the questionnaire (4/60).
Warning statement

The identification of exam papers is the responsibility of each student. Unidentified or misidentified copies (student identity or questionnaire variant) during exams will not be corrected and will receive a mark of 0/20.

Materials Required

During the exams, each student must bring a blue or black ballpoint pen, correction tape and a calculator. No exchange of material will be tolerated between students.

Prohibited material

Sheets of paper, fluorescent markers are prohibited.
Cell phones, smart watches and other electronic devices will be turned off and placed in a bag.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Attendance at practical work is compulsory. One absence not justified by a medical certificate may lead to an inadmissibility for the Biology examination during the first period.

In the event of a justified absence from the practical work, a medical certificate must be sent electronically to the teacher's secretariat (veronique.goffin@uliege.be) within 5 working days of your absence. In addition to the certificate, your message will contain the following information: Last name, First name, Student ID number, Section, Date of the missed TP. If possible, the missed session can be rescheduled.

Students must be, at any time, in possession of their student ID card. It allows the recording of the attendance to the practical classes. Students without their Student ID during a practical classes will be considered as absent for the current Practical classes.

During the practical work sessions, the use of mobile phones for purposes other than teaching is strictly prohibited.

The practical work takes place at the Institute of Zoology, 22 quai Van Beneden at 4020 LIEGE. The strictest punctuality is required.


Dr Olivier PEULEN - Professor


Mme Véronique Goffin

Laboratory for practical classes:
Institute of Zoology, Practical classe

Association of one or more MOOCs