2024-2025 / ARCH3335-1

Synthesis - From the regional to the detail


108h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in architecture10 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents


The natural and built environments constitute our habitat and have an effect on our feelings and emotions every day. We seek spaces for moments of intimacy, but also to share time together.

We will explore how to give form to meaningful and high quality spaces. We will cultivate the ability to develop and communicate both constructed and empty space, receptacles of our lives and as a social phenomenon.

"This is the time of the finished world".

Albert Jacquard

It is up to us to cultivate an awareness of the inevitable interactions between our actions and the world.

Thinking and designing space is not a mechanical act. On the contrary, it proceeds from a permanent questioning and development of an awareness of phenomena linked to anthropocentrism in order to develop hypotheses to promote a sustainable, supportable world. For those involved in this field, it is therefore important to adopt an attitude based on history, realities and new aspirations, and to reveal desirable futures.

To do so, it appears to be important for architects called upon to exercise their skills in different situations, to develop autonomy, understanding of the setting and the ability to forge beliefs;

"It is not difficult to do things. What is difficult, is to get into the state of mind to do them."

Constantin Brancusi

We will base ourselves on your research, your input, your questions. In a word, your proactiveness, so that the workshops are time for research, debate and iterative experimentation.

Collaborative working increases perspectives and strengthens critical thinking. The clear objective is to avoid preconceptions and to develop your individuality.


Through the practical implementation of spatial responses, the workshop will aim to raise awareness of and cultivate project methodologies which are both rational and intuitive;

Work will fall within an extension of the field reading explored in the workshop in Q5. The term "reading" refers to the input, understanding and revelation of the relevant context in terms of its landscape and its geographical, human and cultural components. This involves assessing the relevance of information, comparing it and putting it into perspective.

See the text by Giancarlo De Carlo.

The act of projecting constructed or unconstructed space will lead to understanding and developing the ability to order and define relationships between different statuses: public for all, collective for a defined community, and private. Envisaging pathways for different types of users will lead, notably, to the study of systems of distribution and architectural journeys;

Thinking about spaces involves taking use into consideration in the choice of directions.

The development of a project involves multiple skills and calls upon multiple factors, some of which may appear to be antagonistic. Research will strive to control this complexity to try to formulate an analysis.

A wealth of knowledge from courses in writing space, science and techniques, and the social sciences will be connected: from all of these, those relating to structural systems, constructive methods, materiality and equipment will progressively be integrated into developments, striving for consistency between the different bodies to create a coherent whole based on general objectives. The "spirit" paragraph above clearly conveys the subjects relating to the social sciences, while the "Outcomes/Learning Objectives" make clear reference to writing space.

It appears obvious that the discipline of architecture cannot be isolated. It is essential to enrich it with direct and indirect input from other artistic and cultural disciplines: literature, cinema, painting, landscape, etc. which make up the culture of our societies. There is a need to awaken the capacity to identify elements likely to feed into the architectural approach.

Throughout, digital tools will be used, without losing sight of the importance of simultaneously developing other tools such as manual drawing and sketches.

The workshop is structured in such a way as to explore the four cross-cutting areas of the Faculty: digital, art and culture, sustainability-supportability, and society.

The sub-title of the teaching unit (project workshop) is: "COHABITATION_Crossing scales, from the regional to the detail." This clarifies the objective of producing an analysis between regional considerations and the formulation of proposals down to the detail, constructing spaces that strive to encourage living together.

Based on the outcomes of Q5, the understanding of the region being studied and the opportunities that will have been identified, the unit develops the capacity to prepare an architectural project in its constructed dimension with, as the backdrop, the connection and link that it cultivates with the regional scale. How does the crossing of spatial scales, from the regional down to the detail, give meaning to the proposal and does it encourage taking into account the current changes in our environment and our society?

The course description will be communicated before the start of the course. It will contain organisational details and information on the more practical aspects of the course.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Participation in the workshop aims to develop the ability to conceive of spatial responses which are constructed or not constructed, and which are situated at the heart of the context in which they fall.

Another objective is to acquire the ability to take a position when faced with the resources of the landscape and materials to be used, moving towards a collective approach.

Throughout the course, the value of use as well as the way of giving relevant and high quality form to it will be explored, considering ergonomic, programmatic, social and cultural aspects.

The exploratory process and the elaboration of proposals will aim to strengthen students' autonomy and their ability to develop their own attitude, developed from beliefs in relation to the question raised. This progression will be the opportunity to experiment and raise awareness of project methodologies and then to acquire the ability to bear witness to them.

Through the various sessions, improvements in the clarity and effectiveness of graphic, oral and written communication will be sought. This will make it possible to demonstrate the wealth of responses given to the complexity of parameters influencing the development of a project and the consistency of the analysis based on the preceding elements.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills



  • Content and objectives of workshops Q3 and Q4;
  • The ability to establish links between different learning units and to put the content of theory courses into practice through designing a project within the workshop;
  • The ability to produce working documents: background drawings, digital and physical models;
  • The ability to compose, particularly on the basis of an understanding of the principles taught in the various learning units;
  • An understanding of contemporary architectural culture and the ability to use this as the basis for developing a project.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The teaching methods will take various forms, but mainly:

  • Debates (round tables) in small, collegial groups;

  • Interviews in small groups, or even individual interviews which are not corrections, but discussions during which the students will be active participants in their education: they will choose and formulate the questions. Among other things, each individual is asked to prepare analytical notes with a view to contributing towards individual pathways and enriching the memory of learning;

  • Individual or collective exercises, themes;

  • A substantive individual exercise throughout the term;

  • Visits to project sites and architectural sites (towns and constructed buildings);

  • Oral presentations before the group and in front of juries organised at key moments. They will lead to the awarding of summative and formative evaluations.

  • Expectations will be set according to various stages. These are predefined so that each student can organise their own work freely according to their priorities and working methods.

  • Keeping a workshop log book:
The workshop log book is a tool developed by the student to keep track of different feedback received session after session. This tool can be referred to during class by the teaching staff and during the jury. The teaching staff will provide details on how to use it and what form it should take during each workshop. Each workshop is likely to involve different things for the workshop log book. The content of the workshop log book is not evaluated but forms part of the comprehensive range of documents expected throughout the term.

To help students focus attention on discussions with teaching staff (note taking, taking responsibility);
To build a record of a learning pathway and reflections around it;
To give personal and dynamic meaning to learning;
To enable constructive discussions with teaching staff.

It contains information on (minimum):
The material used (external representations) by the student (photographs of the table/board) for each session. The student's thoughts following discussions with teaching staff.


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

Attendance at workshops

It is compulsory to attend the workshops in the interests of learning. Teaching staff will note attendance at all groups.

Teaching staff will note the presence of students after individual and collective discussions. Students who have attended the workshop but who did not follow the discussions will not be considered as "present".
In specific circumstances (e.g. a student has to leave the workshop for valid and justifiable reasons before the end of the day), the student must coordinate with the teacher to catch up on the discussions.

In the event of an absence from a workshop:
All absences must be justified.

In the event of an absence, students must:

  • Inform the course teacher by email with a copy to the course coordinator responsible for noting absences;
  • Catch up before the next workshop and consult weekly information issued by teaching staff via the official course channels (email, eCampus, Miro, etc.).;
  • Submit a written justification as soon as possible, by email to the relevant person within the teaching staff.
Access to the final evaluation is conditional upon having an 80% attendance rate. If a student has been absent without justification for more than 20% of the workshops, access to the final evaluation will be refused. The student will receive a grade of "0".
In the event of justified and eligible absences, access to the final evaluation for the term will be conditional upon an attendance rate of at least 50%.
Prolonged justified absences will be the subject of discussion between the student, the teaching staff and the relevant department, where necessary.

Obligations within the workshop

Students must attend the workshop with the expected homework. This will be given at the end of each workshop session or through the official course channels defined by the teaching staff (e.g. email, eCampus, Miro, etc.).
If students do not respect this, discussions with the teaching staff may be refused.
Students are responsible for keeping the premises clean and tidy. At the end of the day, the premises must be returned to the state they were in at the start of the session to enable other students to use them.
Waste management and recycling is essential within the workshop. Bins for paper/cardboard, non-recyclable waste and plastics, metal and cardboard are available.

Information and other content will be available on eCampus;

  • The course syllabus
  • Suggested materials: content of other courses, books, films, exhibitions including those which will be suggested during the workshops;
  • Compulsory content: the study and use of certain content is compulsory. All content given in class and/or made available on eCampus is compulsory, as well as anything set out in the description.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Out-of-session test(s)

Additional information:


Types of evaluations:

Evaluations may take many forms and may also be combined;

  • Formative: feedback from teaching staff on the work produced that week. This evaluation helps students to progress but is not taken into account in preparing the grade;
  • Continuous: individual evaluation with regard to the explicit criteria defined by the teaching team;
  • Summative: grades awarded for different tools and evaluations which are then added together to create an overall grade;
  • Certifying: grade awarded for work submitted and presented orally, during a jury, and which confirms the acquisition of elements learned.
In the context of this course, the evaluation is both formative and summative, and incorporates evaluations which are certifying and continuous.


Sketch = 5%
Preliminary project = 20%
Jury = 75%


  • Quality of the position and integration of the project into its context: a well-situated project. Quality of approach to landscape resources and materials to be used, moving towards collective thinking;
  • Quality of the constructed and non-constructed (empty) spatial response and spaces connected with use;
  • Quality of the project methodology, the iterative experimentation process, the integration of resources and links between learning units;
  • Quality of analysis and graphic, written and oral expression.
Composition of the juries:

Among the various types of jury members, there are:

  • Members of the course teaching staff;
  • Internal members (Faculty teaching staff);
  • External members (teaching staff from other faculties, architects, resource people, etc.)
Depending on the type of jury (pre-jury, end of exercise jury, etc.), the jury always includes at least one member of the internal teaching staff.


Student obligations for presentations and juries

Students are required to attend the jury or presentation with the complete, expected documents. In the event of no presentation, the students must warn the coordinator(s) by email.

Teaching staff will note any missing documents expected during the evaluation. These missing documents will have an impact on the grade.

Evaluation methods

The juries will be made up as follows:

  • Members of the course teaching staff
  • Internal members (Faculty teaching staff)
  • External members (teaching staff from other faculties, architects, resource people, etc.)
Jury reports:

At the end of the certification juries at the end of the term, the teaching staff will complete a report. This will state:

  • The names of the jury members;
  • The grade awarded to the student;
  • The evaluation criteria and assessment;
  • Comments made by the jury in justification of the grade (only in the event of a fail).
Students can consult the reports during "consultation" sessions organised on dates which will be communicated at a later stage.

Procedure in the event of absence for presentations and juries

In the event of certifying evaluation, failing to submit or being late with submission without good reason is penalised by the submission being considered inadmissible and given a grade of "0". An occasional justified absence does not exempt the student from having to provide the required work.

In the event that the student has a justifiable reason for not being present on the day and time of the submission, the following protocol must be followed:

  • Inform the head teacher of their group as well as the coordinating course teaching staff by email prior to the date and time of the submission;
  • Submit the work (in its current state) through a third party on the day, time and place in question. Moreover, documents must be communicated in digital format (including scans and/or photos) by email to the coordinators and through eCampus before the date and time of submission;
  • Submission of a document justifying the absence no later than the day after the evaluation to the administration department: arch@uliiege.be, with an email copy to the coordinator(s).
If a student cannot attend an interim or final jury for reasons which are justified, they are held to the same procedures given above (with a digital copy through the official class channels, email, eCampus if necessary).

Late attendance or failure to attend an interim or final jury, which is not justified, will be penalised by the work being not eligible for submission. The student will receive a grade of "0".

If the student is absent, but the work has been submitted, the jury will consider whether or not the documents are admissible, as well as any other provisions it considers necessary to examine them. In the event of the documents being admissible, and on the date planned for the exam, the work will be assessed on the basis of the documents in their current state.



Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


All correspondence should sent by email to the coordinators.

Contact details for teaching staff.

Coordinators of the Teaching Unit:

Daniel Delgoffe: daniel.delgoffe@uliege.be

Philippe Vander Maren: Philippe.VanderMaren@uliege.be

Other teaching staff:

David Crambert: dcrambert@uliege.be

Patrick David: Patrick.David@uliege.be

Anne Dengis: adengis@uliege.be

Sébastien Ochej: sebastien.ochej@uliege.be

Michel Prégardien: mpregardien@uliege.be

Jean-Marc Schepers: jmschepers@uliege.be

Margarida Tavares Alvares Serrão: mserrao@uliege.be

Other staff to be assigned at a later stage depending on the number of students registered for the course.

Association of one or more MOOCs