2024-2025 / ARCH3330-1

Regional project - the open space


108h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in architecture10 crédits 



Anne Dengis

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The workshop will focus on the reading (description) and on the development of a territory project for the "Liège Europe" Metropolis (the 21-22 academic year will focus on the Liège-Maastricht axis) from its non-areas. built.The "Liège Europe" cross-border metropolis is currently experiencing significant demographic growth, exerting increasing pressure on the soils and waters that constitute it, and on the ecosystems that nourish it. The open space project is an opportunity to rethink the relationship between artificial and natural rationalities, in order to imagine strategies for regeneration and adaptation to climate change.

Open space will be at the heart of this workshop. Open spaces constitute territorial structures, sometimes weak or discreet, which must now be re-imagined to respond to the challenges posed by the ecological, social and economic transition underway. It is a question of observing, describing and rethinking space by reversing our habits and by paying attention to the negative of our built volumes: starting from the non-built, to be interested in what structures, constitutes and could reinvent space - it is, in particular, the built and the infrastructures, but also the ecological meshes, the expression of the ground, the topography, the flows, the habitus of the living, human and non-human.

These structures will be approached from the notions of continuities and fragmentations: by focusing on the open spaces of the "Liège Europe" metropolis, the workshop wishes to deal with the question of the continuity of space (artificial and natural) in the project. of the city and the territory, its requalification and densification. The infrastructures and the different modes of exploitation of the resources have progressively produced, since the advent of the industrial area, a strongly fragmented and damaged landscape. The reading of the existing open space allows to bring out the potential continuities within this heritage, the systems and the common denominators of the studied territory, to consider their reinforcement, their regeneration or their transformation from project hypotheses.

The main themes covered by the course will concern the blossoming of natural ecosystems, the restructuring of cultural / natural landscapes, the adaptation of artificial / natural infrastructures, the densification / regeneration of the city to face the challenges of the transition.

A detailed knowledge of the territory will be developed during the semester. Educational trips are an integral part of the courses. The open space project on a territorial and urban scale will be developed to propose and offer concrete configurations to the changes underway, questioning the conceptual and operational tools necessary to imagine and design them. An interdisciplinary approach will address new design-based ideas about the future of ecosystems in relation to the transformation and modification of spatial environments.

The territory project developed in Q5 provides a basis for deploying the questions of the architecture workshop in Q6, which will work on the same sites, based on the same problems, with good knowledge of the issues. A transversal theme allows to reinforce the community of concerns of the two workshops Q5 and Q6: Beyond understanding the physical, infrastructural and ecological structures of the studied territory, it will be a question of evaluating the opportunities that they offer in the idea of reinforcing the inter-university link between Liege and Maastricht, and reciprocally, to envisage in what this presence of two university poles can nourish the territory which connects them.

In Liege as in Maastricht, the universities and academies represent a significant number of buildings related to higher education, research centers, laboratories, housing, restaurants, sports complexes ... They are thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of students from the region but also from around the world (the University of Maastricht is considered the most international of the Netherlands), a community making city in the city. The workshops Bac 3 Q5 and Q6 will try to grasp the potential that the inter-university situation potentially offers to the regeneration of this territory and vice versa, in terms of housing, leisure, food, mobility, research....



Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Skill 1: Instruct an architectural question

The question broadens here to that of open space. The exercise allows, based on a critical description of the space and its issues at different scales, to experience the problematization stage supporting the intentions of the project process. It involves describing, observing, taking a position, developing a hypothesis and proposing the means to transform the problematic situation. The exercise is also an exercise in constructing an argument.

Skill 2: Develop a spatial response

At the scale of the site, it is a question of proposing the means of transforming a specific situation using the tools of open space development. It involves composing from a formal vocabulary learned in the workshop.

Skill 3: Implement a situated spatial response

The situated dimension of the exercise is preponderant: in the open space project, it is the detailed description of the specific site chosen by the student which dictates their needs and brings about a "program".

Skill 4: Interact with all stakeholders

The readings and presentations accompanying the workshop allow us to understand the issues linked to the territory studied from the point of view of multidisciplinary expertise. These different points of view will be the ferment of the project proposal which must be based on a systemic approach taking into account the entire living world.


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

  • Courses: Architecture workshops Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4.
  • Theoretical courses: Territory 1, Territory 2, and Territory 3.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The workshop is structured like a research team. The work is organized through a series of operations which feed the workshop notebook: 

field work, immersion, educational trips,
description by drawing: cartography for the territory of the valley, by the detailed palimpsest plan for the sector, and finally, in three dimensions for the site project
construction of an argued discourse supported by drawing and theoretical references, ranging from description to intentions, across scales.
spatial project and composition on the scale of the site, in axonometry

Workshop notebook

Description :

The workshop notebook is a tool developed by the student to keep track of the various feedback received session after session. This tool can be used by the teacher at each session and/or at the time of the jury. The content of the notebook is not subject to evaluation but is part of the completeness of the documents expected throughout the semester.

Goals :

- Build in students attention to exchanges with teachers (note-taking habit, accountability). - Build a trace of the learning journey and the reflections carried out
- Give a personal and dynamic meaning to learning.
- Allow constructive exchanges with the teacher(s).

Content :

Each week, the documents produced are scanned or photographed and recorded in the workshop notebook. The notebook is the exchange interface between teachers and students.
- This notebook is created on computer support (Miro or In Design type), its layout is careful (see outline of the booklet in ecampus). It is formed in groups of 4 (with two separate chapters for phase 3 in pairs).
- The notebook records the diverse and varied research, graphic and written, accompanying the reflection, it is a witness to the commitment of the group.
- The notebook is also the support for texts, an opportunity to manipulate and tame the vocabulary of open space. Each week it collects comments and objectives stated by teachers to be achieved for the following week. At the same time, the reflection is gradually put into words in short paragraphs depending on what constitutes the theme of the research, the issues which emerge from it and which give rise to in-depth research (step 1-2), the problems and the evolution history opening up hypotheses for the future (step 2) to be tested through a spatial scenario (step 3).

For juries 2 and 3, the Description - Problematization/issues - Scenario approach is summarized in a one-page text integrated into the evaluation.
In jury 2, this summary text is produced in groups of 4.
In jury 3, it is individual.

- At the end of the course, the notebook includes the final presentation documents and is printed and bound in A5 format with dust jacket according to the instructions.

Student Obligations

Workshop presence

In the interest of learning, monitoring and attendance in the workshop is mandatory. Each teacher will take attendance for their assigned group of students.

Conditions in case of absence from the workshop

Any absence must be justified. In the event of absence, the student is required to:
- Notify the referring teacher by email with a copy to the course coordinator in charge of recording absences.
- Update yourself for the next workshop and consult the weekly information provided by teachers via the official course channels (example: email, eCampus, Miro, etc.).
- Submit proof as soon as possible, by email to the person in charge named within the supervisory team. Access to the final evaluation is conditional on an 80% attendance rate. In the event that the student exceeds a rate of 20% through unjustified absences, access to the final evaluation is refused. The student will receive a grade of "0". In the case of justified and admissible absences, access to the final evaluation of the semester is conditional on a rate of 50% attendance.

A prolonged justified absence will be the subject of an exchange between the student, the teachers and possibly the appropriate services.

Obligations within the workshop

Each student must go to the workshop with the expected work. The latter will be communicated at the end of each workshop session or via the official course channels predefined by the teachers (example: email, eCampus, Miro, etc.). If the student does not respect this condition, the exchange with the teacher(s) may be refused.



Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Course given exclusively in person

Additional explanations:

Educational trips are an integral part of the course.

Support for students will be provided either by a group of teachers or by a single teacher depending on the periods of the calendar.



Information and other content will be accessible on eCampus

Required content: the study and use of certain content is mandatory. These will be specified when they are made available.

For information, the following books and articles constitute a theoretical basis in connection with the workshop.

  • Marot S. The landscape alternative. The visitor 1/54. France: 1995.
  • Corboz A. The territory as a palimpsest. Printer's Editions. France: 2001.
  • Pisano C, « The Patchwork Metropolis 1989-2014 », Eurau 2014, Composite cities, Istanbul : 2014

Continuous assessment

Other : juries with documents to be produced - see details below

Additional information:

The materials produced by the student (in groups, in pairs and individually) will be the basis of presentations which will be evaluated taking into account:

- Acquisition of a language and graphic vocabulary specific to open space, the quality of manual and digital, written and oral graphic expressions
- Acquisition of knowledge specific to the complex issues of open space (in reference to the content transmitted during the semester in the form of presentations, visits, texts and conferences)
- Progressive acquisition of a mastery of the grammar of the project in open space, quality of the spatial project, the relevance of the hypotheses and the composition - Constructed and argued critical posture, quality and complexity of the discourse, problematization and hypothesis, ability to make connections between scales, appropriation of the notion of continuity
- Continuous commitment (regular contribution of the student to teamwork, progressive and regular creation of the workshop notebook, ability to work in a group, presence and proactivity)

The evaluation takes the form of jury stages, as well as an individual final summary and participation mark over the duration of the workshop. The weighting is as follows:
- Jury I Territory Mid-October: 5% (hand-drawn map of the valley and workshop notebook)
- Jury II Sector Mid-November: 5% (series of 500X500m square maps, summary text and workshop notebook)
- Jury III Site Mid-December:
part 4: 30% (workshop notebook)
Part 2: 50% (space scenario in pairs before and after and workshop notebook)
- Individual synthesis work 10%

The individual work corresponds to a summary text explaining the project (Observations, Problems, Hypotheses, Means, References), from the description to the proposal, through the scales, taking into account the evaluation criteria listed below. above.




Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Obligations of the student. for awards and juries

The student is required to appear on the day of the jury or submission with the expected and complete documents. In the event of non-delivery, the student must notify the coordinator(s) by email.

Teachers will notify any shortcomings in the expected documents during the evaluation. These deficiencies will influence the rating.

Modalities linked to the evaluation

The juries are constituted as follows:
- Members of the course management team
- Internal members (teachers at the Faculty)
- External members (teachers from other faculties, architects, resource people, etc.)

Jury minutes:

At the end of the end-of-term certification juries, teachers fill out a report. The latter attests:
- Names of the jury members
- The grade assigned to the student
- Evaluation criteria and their assessment
- Comments left by the jury which justify the rating (in case of failure only)

The student can come and consult the minutes during the "copy consultation" sessions organized on dates to be communicated later.

Conditions in case of absence for submissions and juries

In the case of a certification evaluation, an unjustified delay or absence of submission is penalized by the inadmissibility of the work and a rating of "0". A one-off justified absence does not exempt you from the work expected and required.

In the event of justified impossibility for the student to be present on the day and at the time of a certificate presentation, the protocol to be followed is as follows:
- Notify the lead teacher of their group as well as the course coordinator(s) by email before the date and time of submission
- Submit the work (in the state in which it is) by a third party, on the day, at the time and in the place scheduled. AND, transmit the documents in digital version (including scan and/or photos) via the MIRO platform before the date and time of submission.
- Submit proof for the day of absence, maximum the day after the test, to the administration department: administration.archi@uliege.be with a copy by email to the coordinator(s).

The student, who for justified reasons cannot appear before an intermediate or final jury, is bound by the same conditions set out above (with digital copy via the official course channels, email, eCampus if necessary ).

An unjustified delay or absence from the jury, intermediate or final, is penalized by non-admissibility of the work. The student will receive a rating of "0".

In the event that, despite an absence, the work has been submitted, the members of the jury will deliberate on the admissibility or otherwise of the documents, as well as any arrangements that they consider necessary for their examination. If admissible and on the scheduled date of the evaluation, the work will be evaluated on the basis of the documents as they stand without the presence of the student.







Association of one or more MOOCs