2024-2025 / Certificate

Inter-university training certificate for an internship supervisor in the year of supervised practice in clinical psychology and clinical orthopedagogy

20 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

YCER0177-1Basic care techniques in supervised practice - MODULE 0: foundations of training Q12--1
YCER0178-1Basic care techniques in supervised practice - MODULE 1: reflexive practice at the heart of clinical training Q133-2
YCER0179-1Basic techniques in supporting supervised practice - MODULE 2: Familiarising yourself with evidence-based practice to support the development of clinical reasoning Q133-2
YCER0180-1Basic care techniques in supervised practice - MODULE 3: Supervised practice in special needs teaching and clinical psychology Q133-2
YCER0181-1Evaluation et ethique dans l'accompagnement en pratique supervisee - MODULE 4 : L'evaluation du stagiaire pendant son annee de pratique supervisee TA33-1
YCER0182-1Evaluation and ethics in care in supervised practice - MODULE 5: Ethics and multidisciplinary work
Justine Gauge, Romina Rinaldi
YCER0183-1Specific techniques in care in supervised practice - MODULE 6: Supporting remote consultations Q233-1
YCER0184-1Specific techniques in care in supervised practice - MODULE 7: Group supervision Q233-1
YCER0185-1The resource function of care in supervised practice - MODULE 8: professional identity Q233-2
YCER0186-1The resource function of care in supervised practice - MODULE 9: Self-care
Isabelle Merckaert
YTRA9022-1End-of-course work