2024-2025 / University certificate

Psycho-legal expertise

60 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

DCER0092-1Formation en droit à l'usage des experts judiciaires, traducteurs et interprètes jurésQ1   3
Organisation judiciaire, principes généraux du droit de la procédure civile, principes généraux du droit de la preuve et des moyens de preuve en matière civile  6-- 
Principes généraux du droit de la procédure pénale, principes généraux du droit de la preuve en matière pénale et de l'enquête préliminaire en matière pénale  3-- 
Registre national des experts judiciaires, traducteurs et interprètes-jurés  1-- 
Notions de base en droit civil  3-- 
Introduction au droit pénal  3-- 
DCER0093-1Droit de l'expertise judiciaireQ1   4
Désignation de l'expert, déroulement de l'expertise et rapport en matière civile, intervention du juge, honoraires et frais en matière civile  10-- 
Désignation de l'expert judiciaire, déroulement de l'enquête et rapport en matière pénale, indemnité légale et tarification des prestations en matière pénale  6-- 
Expertise judiciaire, expertise amiable et modes non juridictionnels de règlements des différends  3-- 
Médiation, conciliation et expertise : outils et techniques
Nathalie Uyttendaele
Introduction au droit des contrats et de la responsabilité à l'usage de l'expert judiciaire  3-- 
Responsabilité, assurance et déontologie de l'expert judiciaire  3-- 
Pratique de l'expertise judiciaire en ce compris étude de cas  -3- 
Principes de droit des assurances  3-- 
DCER0095-1Legal module for court-appointed psycho-legal or medical expertsQ2   3
Legal principles of insurance
Concepts of protecting young people
Rights of individuals and families: basic principles
YCER0145-1Procedures and practices in psychological expertiseQ2   4
Procedures and practices in criminal, civil and family law  3-- 
Psychological intervention in terms of child protection  3-- 
Generalities and specificities of psychological expertise  3-- 
Psychological interviews in penal and civil settings, and the College of Experts  3-- 
The normal and the pathological  3-- 
YCER0047-1Seminar on drafting professional psycho-legal expert reports - [6h Seminar] TA--[+]2

Research and training

YSTG9003-1Internship to observe two expert assessments - [30h internship]
YSTG9004-1Internship - [100h internship]
YCER0082-1Attending a court process
YCER0048-1Ethics and deontology for experts TA6--3
YCER0065-1Seminar on case analysis and integrative outlooks - [12h Seminar] TA--[+]5
YMEM0010-1Final dissertation

Expert assessment of victims (10 credits)

YCER0049-1Children's moduleQ1   3
Physical and sexual abuse of children : Theoretical references  3-- 
Evaluation tools and methods  3-- 
Assessing psychological consequences  3-- 
YCER0050-1Adult moduleQ1   3
Domestic (conjugal) violence, physical and sexual aggression, harassment. Theoretical references  3-- 
Sexual victimization  3-- 
Assessing psychological sequela  3-- 
Psychological trauma  3-- 
Expertise in domestic violence  3-- 
YCER0051-1Analysis of withness accountsQ1   4
False memories and eye-witness accounts  3-- 
Evaluation of credibility of speech in children : methods and critical analysis  6-- 

Expert evaluation by authors (5 credits)

YCER0146-1Assessment of types delinquencyQ2   3
Delinquency-antisocial behaviour and psychopathy
Thierry Pham
Adult and juvenile sexual delinquency  3-- 
Assessment of dangerousness and recidivism
Thierry Pham
Violent adolescents  6-- 
Paranoia  3-- 
YCER0147-1Psychopathology and assessment in a prison environmentQ2   2
Assessment in a prison environment
Isabelle Resimont
Psychopathology in a prison environment  3-- 

Expert evaluation in family matters (4 credits)

YCER0148-1Family expertise and assessment Q2   4
Expert context, tasks, procedures and specificities  3-- 
Accommodation arrangements within the framework of parental separation with regard to the child's and the adolescent's psycho-affective development  3-- 
Parental disorders  6-- 
Mediation in family expertise  3-- 

Expert assessment in the assessment of incapacity and disability (8 credits)

YCER0149-1Assessment of disability and incapacity   3
Introduction to disability and incapacity  3-- 
Contribution of the neuropsychological assessment in expertise

Research and training

An observational internship (2 expert opinions) and a practical internship (4 expert opinions) are compulsory. For the internships, at least one of the observational internships and one of the practical internships must be carried out within the CPLU of the University of Liège with Prof. Blavier. For a better understanding of the issues involved in an expert opinion, attendance at a criminal court session during the presentation of an expert opinion by a psychology expert is also required to complete the curriculum.

A research dissertation with a theoretical part on a specific theme (literature review and development of a scientific question) will be drafted for the end of the expert training. The dissertation is an original written document which must also be presented during an oral defence before a jury consisting of at least three people.

Exams and assessments

Active participation in class is required, particularly for the courses in the psychology part, where 80% presence is required to access the evaluation and the diploma. A written or oral exam will be organised for each module and an integrative oral exam will be organised at the end of the course.

The overall evaluation for the certificate will take into account the results of the exams organised at the end of each module, the result of the integrative test at the end of the course, the notes from the internship supervisors for the four internships as well as the grade for the dissertation (written work and oral defence).
Notice : The admissions committee may require students, during their studies, to take, as a corequisite, the course on "Qualitative analyses and projective methods, Part 1" (PSYC5876, Profs. Blavier and Englebert) et "Qualitative analysis and projective methods, Part 2" (PSYC5877, Profs. Blavier and Englebert), for master's students, or to follow a course on the Rorschach test according to the Exner method.