2024-2025 / Master

Chemistry, research focus (FAME AIS)

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Specialised courses

Courses totaling 30 credits have to be chosen among:


Quantum materials: design and modelling

CHIM9227-1Quantum Chemistry (english language) Q13010-4
PHYS3003-1Physics of functional oxides (english language) Q12010-4
PHYS3004-1Physics of nanomaterials (english language) Q22010-4
PHYS3023-1Physics of magnetic materials (english language) Q22010-4
CHIM0725-2Modelling molecules and extended systems (english language) Q115--2
PHYS0981-1Quantum modelling of materials properties (english language) Q12010-4
CHIM9233-1Molecular logic and quantum computing (english language) Q215--2
PHYS0988-1Intrinsic and induced topological properties of matter (english language) Q22010-4

Functional materials and nanostructures: fabrication and characterization

CHIM9228-1Macromolecular Chemistry (english language) Q12015-4
CHIM9256-1Advanced solid state chemistry (english language) Q130--4
CHIM9230-1Nanomaterials: synthesis, properties and applications (english language) Q125--4
PHYS3037-1Nanofabrication : principles and techniques (english language) Q22515-4
CHIM9266-1Characterization of nanostructures by scanning probe techniques (english language) Q115--2
Polymers and environment, Part A (english language) Q115--2
CHIM9257-1Introduction to solid state NMR, Part A (english language) Q115--2
Physics of materials for energy (english language) - [15h Projet] Q120-[+]4
[...] Up to 10 credits can be chosen as well from other study programmes organized by ULiège (choice to be validated by the local coordinator)-
Notice : Dans le parcours du master FAMEais, le programme de cours proposé par l'ULiège s'adresse aux étudiants qui ont acquis les 60 premiers crédits au sein de l'université partenaire.

General courses

SMEM0040-1Research master thesis
PHYS3014-1Physics and chemistry of materials: complements (english language) - [15h Projet]