2024-2025 / Master

MSc. in Computer Science and Engineering, professional focus in computer systems and networks (double diplômation avec HEC)

70 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Course to be intended in order to obtain de Master's degree in computer science and engineering.

Cours obligatoires de la finalité

INFO0031-1Network Engineering (english language) - [12h Laboratory work, 30h Projet] Q230-[+]5
INFO0045-3Introduction to computer security (english language) - [10h Laboratory work, 30h Projet] Q1306[+]5

Cours au choix de la finalité

Choose courses totalling 20 credits out of the following :

INFO0064-2Embedded systems (english language) Q12520-3
INFO2055-1Embedded systems project (english language) - [60h Projet] Q2--[+]2
INFO2051-1Object-oriented programming on mobile devices (english language) - [90h Projet] Q11510[+]5
INFO0056-1(pas organisé en 2024-2025) Securing Networks (english language) - [12h Laboratory work, 30h Projet] (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q230-[+]5
INFO0939-1High performance scientific computing (english language) - [20h Projet] Q13015[+]5
INFO8002-1(pas organisé en 2024-2025) Topics in Distributed Systems (english language) - [35h Projet] (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q230-[+]5
INFO8012-1(pas organisé en 2024-2025) Digital Forensics (english language) - [12h Laboratory work, 30h Projet] (Odd years, not organized in 2024-2025) Q230-[+]5
INFO8011-1Network infrastructures (english language) - [8h Laboratory work, 30h Projet] Q130-[+]5
INFO8013-1Advanced Computer Security (english language) - [20h Laboratory work, 30h Projet] (Even years, organized in 2024-2025) Q220-[+]5
INFO9016-1Advanced Databases (english language) - [20h Projet] Q22420[+]5
Course to be intended in order to obtain de Master's degree in computer science and engineering.

Cours obligatoires du tronc commun

INFO0016-1Introduction to the theory of computation (english language) Q12626-5
ELEN0062-1Introduction to machine learning (english language) - [40h Projet] Q1305[+]5
INFO0940-1Operating systems (english language) - [30h Projet] Q2306[+]5
PROJ0010-1Software project engineering and management (english language) - [280h Projet] TA20-[+]10
PROJ0019-1End of studies project (english language) - [300h Projet] TA--[+]10
INFO0012-2Computation structures (english language) - [40h Projet] Q12626[+]5
The following three courses are in addition to the above-mentioned programme. These courses may be followed as part of the Bachelor or Masters in Business Engineering programme, or be added to the third year of the Masters programme.
MATH0006-3Introduction to numerical analysis (english language) Q12020-5
MECA0003-2Rational Mechanics Q12030-5
SYST0002-2Introduction to signals and systems - [15h Projet] Q22626[+]5