2024-2025 / Master

Msc. in computer science and engineering, professional focus in intelligent systems (double diplômation avec HEC)

70 credits


The Faculty of Applied Sciences is located on the Sart Tilman campus. The area is divided into large quarters. The Faculty is based in the Polytech quarter.

Do you need to travel between the town centre and the campus? There is very frequent bus service, particularly in the mornings and at the end of the day. There are many bus stops along the way enabling you to travel easily between your accommodation and your classes.

In the first part of the Bachelor's Degree, the majority of your seminars will take place in Sart Tilman:

  • in the Large and Small lecture halls (Buildings B7a and B7b) and in the Europe lecture halls (Building B.4)

  • in the different Faculty of Applied Sciences buildings:

              - Montefiore Institute (Building B28)

              - Institute of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (Building B52)

              - Institute of Mathematics (Building B37)

Personne de contact :

Christine PUIT

04/232 72 58 - christine.puit@uliege.be


Faculté des Sciences Appliquées

Bât. B37 - Institut de Mathématiques - Quartier Polytech 1 - Allée de la Découverte, 12 à 4000 Liège

Directeur du programme

Prof. Bernard Boigelot - bernard.boigelot@uliege.be



HEC Liège - Ecole de gestion de l'Université de Liège

Bât. N1 - rue Louvrex, 14 à 4000 Liège

Directeur du programme

Prof. Michaël Schyns - m.schyns@uliege.be
