2024-2025 / Master

Msc. in computer science and engineering, professional focus in intelligent systems (double diplômation avec HEC)

70 credits

Job opportunities

The IT sector is and remains an important source of employment. Not only are IT companies (software development, sales of complete and customized IT systems, consulting...) in demand for qualified IT specialists, but companies active in other areas of the economy can increasingly do without IT experts.

There are also many job opportunities in the research, public administration and education sectors.

All jobs directly related to computer science are also accessible to graduates of both programs. However, engineers are generally favored in scientific functions or in projects that involve a fine interaction between software and hardware.

Personne de contact :

Christine PUIT

04/232 72 58 - christine.puit@uliege.be


Faculté des Sciences Appliquées

Bât. B37 - Institut de Mathématiques - Quartier Polytech 1 - Allée de la Découverte, 12 à 4000 Liège

Directeur du programme

Prof. Bernard Boigelot - bernard.boigelot@uliege.be



HEC Liège - Ecole de gestion de l'Université de Liège

Bât. N1 - rue Louvrex, 14 à 4000 Liège

Directeur du programme

Prof. Michaël Schyns - m.schyns@uliege.be
