2024-2025 / Master

Bioengineering: chemistry and bio-industries, professional focus

120 credits

Job opportunities

Job opportunities

Specialisation in Chemistry and Biotechnology leads to the employment of qualified managers in sectors that are looking for versatile engineers with strong scientific skills: public or private research, services (administrations, consulting firms, bioinformatics, chemical and biological analysis laboratories), agri-food and bio-industries, fine chemistry of medicines, cosmetics, plant protection products, education and the environment sector. 

Graduates interested in doing research pursue a doctorate.  The most common jobs targeted in companies or laboratories include mainly the professions of process engineer, quality manager, R&D engineer, purchasing manager, design engineer, logistics specialist,....

The skills of bioscience engineers in chemistry and bio-industries are thus applied in many fields:

Basic research on molecules of life : studying molecules of life in order to discover the fundamental laws governing the living world and its functioning in order to perceive their potentialities and the limits of their application, modification or improvement;

Analysis : implementing the most appropriate chemical, physicochemical and biological analysis techniques to identify, characterize and/or quantify molecules in often complex systems;

Innovation : making a reasoned and thoughtful choice of certain molecules or micro-organisms or the implementation of new technological processes to enable their application;

Production : for example, using biological mechanisms in a bioreactor to obtain vaccines, pharmaceutical, cosmetic or agrochemical products, enzymes..., water, as well as the manufacture of industrial water-based products...;

Recycling : preparing, processing, treating and packaging food, from the most traditional to the most sophisticated ("functional food"); developing new outlets such as recycling, non-food use of agricultural production, green energy from organic waste, etc;

Control : ensuring, in particular, that food products meeting food safety standards are placed on the market, by setting up the most appropriate preventive quality management systems (ISO standards, HACCP systems, traceability, certification, etc.).

Find out more about the professions of bioscience engineers

Within the Faculty

On the Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech campus, specific services are available to students to assist them with queries relating to registration and administrative procedures, social or financial support and housing.

List of contacts at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

For any information on studies in Gembloux : + 32 (0)81 62 22 65 info.gembloux@uliege.be www.gembloux.uliege.be/futur-etudiant

Access to the Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech campus

For any other training from the University of Liege Information on Studies + 32 (0)4 366 56 74 info.etudes@uliege.be www.enseignement.uliege.be/futur-etudiant/contacts

Access conditions and registration For any questions : Contact platform

Student on mobility for a study stay in Gembloux: erasmus.gembloux@uliege.be in Liège: International Relations Department - Erasmus IN: mobil.in@uliege.be