2024-2025 / YTRA0008-1

Travail préparatoire à la recherche en logopédie


30h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in speech and language therapy, professional focus in communication and disability3 crédits 
 Master en logopédie, à finalité spécialisée3 crédits 
 Master in speech and language therapy, professional focus in neuropsychology of language and verbal learning disorders3 crédits 
 Master in speech and language therapy, professional focus in voice3 crédits 




Annick Comblain

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

In most cases, the content of the Master's thesis, Part 1, will lay down the foundations for the work to be done during the second year of the master programme, although this is not set in stone: in some cases, students can - for various reasons - choose a different topic for their thesis.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The project must enable students: - to apply the fundamental principles of evidence-based practice; - to formulate a question with sufficient accuracy and evaluate its relevance; - to search through bibliographical databases for literature that will contribute to solving the research question; - to carry out a critical assessment of the selected articles; - to draft a first formulation of the research question they intend to explore; - to develop an early concept of the methodology they will use; - to assess the feasibility (including in ethical terms) of the projected research; - to create a first draft of their research introduction project according to the guidelines (see the document setting out the rules for the research introduction project during the 1st year of the masters in Psychology, Education and Speech and Language Therapy).

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

(Pre)thesis in the Voice Unit (ULV):
At the end of the pre-thesis period, the thesis can only be started if the student has followed or is following the courses Logo 0019-1 and Logo 0018-1. Indeed, these courses are prerequisites for the proper realization of the thesis.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

  • Choice of topic
Students are required to decide on a topic with their teacher, as this might become the topic of their future thesis. In order to facilitate this decision, the Faculty's various services hold information sessions during the first term of the first master, and/or publish potential topics on their website. Students are therefore responsible for learning about the topics they could pick for their research introduction project.

  • Coaching
In order to carry out their research introduction project, students are coached by a teacher who offers advice and support during the project's initial development phase. Students are responsible for keeping the teacher informed of progress made on research and analysis.

  • Seminars
From 2020-2021, students will take part to support seminars. These seminars have several aims : help students developing their abilities to apply the scientific method, to search in the scientific literature, to critique scientific articles, to write a report using the scientific standards, to formulate aims and hypotheses, to understand the methodology underpinning the study, and to take into account the feasibility of the study and the ethical aspects.
Attending these seminars is mandatory for the Master's students in psychology and in speech therapy. Receiving help from the teaching assistant in charge of the seminars is only possible when attending the seminars. After the first seminar, students who do not want to attend the seminars can ask for a dispensation to their supervisor (it is, however, not allowed to attend specific seminars independently of the whole cycle).

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The rules for the research introduction project during the 1st year of the masters in Psychology, Education and Speech and Language Therapy are available on the faculty's website at the following page: http://www.fapse.ulg.ac.be/cms/c_253004/fr/reglements.
The rules for the master's thesis in Psychology, Education and Speech and Language Therapy are available on the faculty's website at the following page: http://www.fapse.ulg.ac.be/cms/c_253004/fr/reglements. ...
A eCampus space (MTFE0000-3) is available and gathers the planning and the various resources used during the seminars.

June session :

- In-person

written exam

- Remote

written work

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred remote

August-september session :

- In-person

written exam

- Remote

written work

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred remote

Additional information:

The end result of the research introduction project is a written document that is sent to the teacher. Maximum length is 20 pages or 5,000 words (12-point font, 1.5 spacing) and a one-page appendix describing the methodology used to retrieve information.
Students will hand in a first draft of their research introduction project at an agreed-upon date. They will then make improvements based on the teacher's feedback, and hand in a final version.
This final research introduction project will be graded by the teacher. A chart providing indications on how the project will be graded is included in the rules for the research introduction project during the 1st year of the masters in Psychology, Education and Speech and Language Therapy.
As attending the seminars is mandatory, the register will be taken and transferred to the supervisors. Each supervisor will decide whether a sanction is applied regarding the final grade.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Students choose a research introduction project which could determine the topic of their master's thesis (which will be written during the second master). March 1st, students will fill out a form (available on the Faculty's intranet at the following address: http://www.fapse.ulg.ac.be/cms/c_5000/accueil) and give it to the students' office, indicating the chosen topic (provisional title) and the coaching teacher's name. The document must be signed by the teacher and the student.


Administrative support for the master: Magda Thunus (04/366.20.26 or Magda.Thunus@ulg.ac.be)
Scientific support: all teachers in the masters in Psychology, Education and Speech and Language Therapy (students choose one coaching teacher).
Support to the seminars : Manuel DUPONT

Association of one or more MOOCs