2024-2025 / YTFE0005-1

Final Work


Number of credits

 Advanced Master in Risk Management and Well-Being in the Workplace15 crédits 




Joëlle Kinon

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

To define and develop a graduation work, using a scientific approach and a rigorous methodology, in order to define and examine in details a practical problem from professional practice in the field of risk management and well-being at work, and to contribute to the creation of knowledge and the development of concrete actions for the benefit of the stakeholders.

  • Defining a concrete approach in the field of prevention in the workplace: - by specifying its anchoring in a socio-professional field and its pertinence in terms of professional practice, - by describing the problem in its various aspects, taking care of separate facts, workers' opinions and personal subjective impressions, - by specifying the selected disciplinary angle(s), the scope of analysis, the study question(s)/interest.
  • Producing a critical review of the scientific literature, including English-language literature and by mobilising the relevant theoretical frameworks.
  • Formulating the relevant questions and the potential hypotheses to be tested.
  • Developing and implementing a rigorous, valid, reliable and relevant methodology for data collection and analysis, quantitative or qualitative, in order to solve the relevant study question(s).
  • Analysing and discussing the results up to the reasoned criticism: - by mobilising the relevant theoretical frameworks in an appropriate manner, - by confronting them with the hypotheses and the literature, - in relation to the relevant questions of prevention and intervention.
  • Demonstrating a spirit of synthesis, formulating scientific conclusions or practical recommendations and thus contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the scientific or professional field.
  • Demonstrating a concrete spirit and suggesting new approaches to intervention and prevention that are useful to people working in the field, and, if necessary, carrying out an evaluation of the work undertaken.
  • Demonstrating the rigour, precision and critical spirit that are essential to any university approach at every stage.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The goal is to bring the student to rigorously adopt a preventive attitude towards a problem as much as possible related to his or her current or future professional practice. The student will therefore have to demonstrate his/her ability to apply the principles of the risk management approach according to the selected specialization module in the context of a specific work situation. He or she will also have to use a scientific methodology to develop a relationship between the risk factors observed and relevant indicators of system performance and workers' health and well-being at both the individual and collective levels.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The performance of a graduation work is an important part of the training: 15 credits. The dissertation work includes : - The submission of a personal and original written paper; - an oral presentation of maximum one hour (including the Jury's deliberation), during which the student will have to present his/her work orally in a maximum of 20 minutes time and then will answer questions from the Jury members.
Structure of the study project

  • Anchoring in a professional field and adequacy to professional practice
  • Argumented explanation of the selected disciplinary perspective
  • Clarification of the problem in terms of risk management and well-being at work
  • Formulation of questions of interest and, where appropriate, hypotheses
Literature review
  • Formulation and adequacy of the theoretical framework
  • Quality of literature review (scientific, relevant, specific)
Research method and presentation of results
  • Explanation and justification of the methodology adopted
  • Relevance, validity and reliability of the data collection process
  • Quality of data processing and presentation of results
Discussion of the results
  • Confronting the results with the questions of interest / hypothesis and literature
  • Discussion of results in relation to prevention/intervention topics
  • Summary of the main results obtained
  • Critical review of approaches, tools and results (identifying limits)
  • Proposals for new intervention and prevention approaches
  • Respect of the technical aspects (see next point)
  • Writing (coherence and structure of the text, spelling, comprehension)
Oral presentation
  • Clarity and precision of the oral presentation, including the supports being used
  • Knowledge of the topics
  • Relevance of the answers to the questions (arguments)

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Organizational comments
The students will have to send back their "TFE Jury" form - by 31 March at the latest for an oral presentation planned in June or August; - by 27 November at the latest for an oral presentation planned in January.


Administrative supervision: info.grbet@uliege.be Scientific monitoring: all lecturers in the master

Association of one or more MOOCs