2024-2025 / VETE2073-1

Special nutrition and feeding of pets


22h Th, 12h Pcl Pr.

Number of credits

 Veterinary surgeon2 crédits 


Marianne Diez, Isabelle Dufrasne, Jean-Luc Hornick


Marianne Diez

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course "Special nutrition and feeding practices of domestic animals" includes the study of feeding practices of the following species :

-Cattle and small ruminants, pigs and poultry, rabbit : sytems of production and feeding practices

-Horse : feeding practices

-Companion animals : feeding practices during the cycle of life and introduction to clinical nutrition

-Pet rabbit

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

General objectives

The main objective of the lectures of "Nutrition and feeding of domestic animals" (years 1,2 and clinical teaching) is to teach the vet to "To conceive, to formulate and to evaluate the impact of feeds on animals health, welfare and performances and on health of sick animals examined in vet's practices"

The first year lectures (Bac 3) aims to teach general nutrition -basic nutrition, energy, nutrients, feeding sources-. The second year lectures (Master 1) are about feeding practices and rationning in the main species. Feeding practices are given for healthy production animals (livestock) and healthy companion animals during lifestages and according to lifestyles. A practical teaching (exercises of rationning) is organized during 12 hours using an excell program for large animals and special resources for companion animals.

For the companion animals part, the using of resources is essential. During the final exam, points are given both for theoritical knowledges and for using efficiently resources.

Finally, the principles of clinical nutrition are integrated in the pathology lectures of Master 2 for the following species : calf, horses and companion animals. During clinical teaching, the objective is to apply those knowledges (theory) and technical skills (rationning) in clinical skills ie to obtain a complete diet history, to criticize a feeding plan and to propose a balanced diet.

In conclusion, the teaching of nutrition is organized in a hierarchy and is given beween basics siences (pre-requisites) and clinical teaching.



Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Course of "Basics Nutrition and feeding of domestic animals" (VETE0455)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures : 22 h, practical work 12h

Practical work aims to apply theoritical knowledges in the following domains : 1) feeding pratices of cattle, 2) feeding practices of companion animals according to lifestages and lifestyles.

  • Cattle
Practical work is organized in  sessions at the informatic room , during which students are calculating feeding plans using a software. 

  • Companion animals
Practical sessions are organized as exercises (feeding plans) under the supervision of an assistant. The resources are available on e-campus. 

The participation to all sessions of practical work are compulsory. If a student is absent at at least 1 session of practical work, the final note will be zero for the practical work. Further, he/she will not be allowed to sit the exam, in 1rst as in 2nd session of exams. If a student is absent at at least 1 session, he/she must contact the assistants and the teachers as soon as possible to organize a compensatory session. The reason of the absence is leaved to the appreciation of the teachers.


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:


The content of the lectures is the lectures and the practical works.


  • Feeding cattle, sheep and goats  : 11 h (I. Dufrasne)
  • Feeding companion animals and pet rabbit : 9 h (M. Diez)
  • Feeding horses : 4 h (M. Diez)
  • Feeding pigs and poultry : 2 h (J.L. Hornick)

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Lecture files are available online : ecampus
Required reading/using:
1. Software for feeding plans in cattle
2. Powerpoint file about the software utilization
Recommended reading (cattle):

  • Signes de vaches : connaître, observer et interpréter. Ed. : Roodbont, Hulsen J., 2010.
  • Guide pratique de l'alimentation du troupeau bovin laitier - Institut de l'élevage, collection Les Incontournables, 2010.
  • Stratégies d'engraissement de la femelle de réforme Blanc-Bleu Belge cularde - Performances, qualité des carcasses et de la viande, approche métabolique et bilan économique - Publication du Ministère des Classes moyennes et de l'Agriculture, JF Cabaraux et al., 2001
Reference books in pratical and clinical nutriton of companion animals :

  • 1. Small Animal Clinical Nutrition 5th edition, Ed. : Hand, Thatcher, Remillard, Roudebush et Novotny, Mark Morris Institute, 2010 (available at the Librairy of FMV).
  • 2. Encyclopédie de la nutrition clinique canine, 2006, Aniwa SAS (available on IVIS)
  • 3. Encyclopédie de la nutrition clinique féline, 2008, Aniwa SAS (available on IVIS)
Recommended reading (pigs and poultry):

  • Gaining the edge in pork and poultry production. Enhancing efficiency, quality and safety. Editors:J. A. Taylor-Pickard and P. Spring
Published: eISBN: 978-90-8686-595-6 | ISBN: 978-90-8686-018-0. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-595-6

  • Gut efficiency; the key ingredient in pig and poultry production. Elevating animal performance and health. Editors:J. A. Taylor-Pickard and P. Spring.
Published: eISBN: 978-90-8686-636-6 | ISBN: 978-90-8686-060-9. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-636-6


  • W. Martin-Rosset. Nutrition et alimentation des chevaux. editions Quae 2012
  • Equine Applied and Clinical Nutrition: Health, Welfare and Performance.Raymond J. Geor (Auteur), Manfred Coenen (Auteur), Patricia Harris (Auteur). Saunders-Elsevier 2013.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Further information:

First session : written exam (open and MCQ multiple choice questions).

Second session : written exam, as described for the first session 

For the students who have to take again the exam, no dispense will be given for the practical works.


Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The schedule and rooms for the practical works will be specified in January 2024.




M. Diez mdiez@uliege.be tél. : 04 366 41 38, coordinator

I. Dufrasne isabelle.dufrasne@uliege.be 

J.L. Hornik jlhornick@uliege.be

Nutrition Unit (general) : 04 366 41 30 (assistants room)


Travaux pratiques

M. Dequenne (companion animals): mdequenne@uliege.be
F. Lessire (cattle) : flessire@uliege.be

S. Czaplicki sebastien.czaplicki@uliege.be


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