2024-2025 / VETE0455-1

General nutrition and feeding of domestic animals

Nutrition and Food

Breeding of production animals


Nutrition and Food : 36h Th
Breeding of production animals : 10h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in veterinary medicine4 crédits 


Nutrition and Food : Marianne Diez, Isabelle Dufrasne, Jean-Luc Hornick
Breeding of production animals : Isabelle Dufrasne


Marianne Diez

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The full "engagement pédagogique" is presented for the 2 parts (lectures and practical - TP Elevage)

Nutrition and Food

The lectures of general nutrition and feeding of domestic animals provides :

  • Introduction- Definitions
  • Feeding units for energy and nitrogen
  • Description of groups of feedstuffs in relation with the nutrients contents (carboydrates, proteins, lipids, fiber, non energetic nutrients).
  • Feedstuff analyses, additives and legislation
  • Pratical feeding in production and companion animals (examples)

Breeding of production animals

This course consists in an introduction to methods of farm animals production. Practicals about feeds identification and a visit of the experimental farm are organized.  Online activities are organized to prepar the visit to the experimental farm.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Nutrition and Food

General objectives:

The lectures of general nutrition and feeding of domestic animals ( years 1 and 2, and clinical training) aim to develop the following competence "Conceive, formulate and evaluate the effect of feeding plans on health, welfare and performances of healthy animals, on the quality of animal productions in livestock, and on health or sick animals seen in veterinary practice".

In the first year (BAC 3), the lectures present general nutrition. General nutrition course provides a foundation in nutrients, feeds and prepares students to apply nutrition principles. During the second year, practical diet and feeding plans are explained in the following species: cattle, horses,  companion animals, swine and poultry. Feeding plans are given for healthy (cycle of life) and sick animals (clinical nutrition). Practical training (exercising) is organized during Master 1 (12h). Finally, during the clinical training, the objective is to transfer knowledge (theory) and technical know-how in high-order skills as communication with the owner to obtain a complete diet history, the study and analysis of an existing feeding plan, the formulation of a balanced diet.

In conclusion, the teaching of nutrition is organized in a hierarchy, and is provided between prerequisite courses (basic science knowledge : physiology, anatomy, biochemistry) and clinical training.

Objectives at the end of the BAC3
Learning of the concepts of nutrition (sources of nutrients) and feeding (food) in order to study and apply the principles of rationing for companion animals and livestock. At the end of BAC3, the learner should be able to mobilise and use the resources of the course, make comparisons of feeds, differentiate the characteristics of the diets of the main production animals from those of companion animals, understand the concept of winter rationing in cows, and develop a critical sense


Breeding of production animals

This course aims to introduce students to life on the farm and its traditional activities related to the production cycle of livestock. The students will also participate actively in the management of animals and learn the basics of animal production and husbandry. The objective is to illustrate the lectures. 

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Nutrition and Food

Anatomy, biochemistry and physiology of studied species

Breeding of production animals


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Nutrition and Food

Lectures, personal work using a learning book, exercises

Breeding of production animals

Practical work include 3 compulsory sessions
- 1 online session including exercising (4 h)  - 1 visit at the experimental farm (4 h) - 1 session of practical work on feeds and foods (2h)  

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Nutrition and Food

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Lectures with powerpoint slides (available on ecampus).

M. Diez : 24 hours
I. Dufrasne : 8 hours
J.L. Hornick : 4 hours


Practical work (TP d'élevage) gives examples and completes theory.

Breeding of production animals

Blended learning

Additional information:

Online session, 4 h
Face to face : visit of the experimental farm (4h) and practical work (2h)
The students have to follow the guidelines given by the organizers and to respect the provided materials. Any missing session has to be recovered. 

Nutrition and Food

  • At the "Office des cours"
  • On eCampus (slides and learning book)
The exam is build using lectures and practical exercises (TP).




Breeding of production animals

Supports are available on E Campus

Assessment methods and criteria

Any session :

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Nutrition and Food

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Additional information:

The examination will be organised in open class, with only paper-based material (lectures, notes, summaries, etc.). No electronic devices will be allowed. 

Written examination, with open questions in the 1st and 2nd sessions.  The weight of the different questions will be proportional to the subjects taught. 

The examination will be mainly based on exercises, comparisons and links between the different parts of the course. 

The subject on which the evaluation will be based is the whole course, including the Livestock practical work (TP d'élevage).

The practical modalities are specified in the course.


Breeding of production animals

The involvement, the motivation and the knowledge will be evaluated.

All the activities are compulsory.  In case of failure to complete all tasks, students are not allowed to sit the exam in June.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Nutrition and Food

The schedule with the different teachers will be given at the beginning of the second semester.


Nutrition and Food

M. Diez, E-mail : mdiez@uliege.be Tél. : 04/366 41 38
I. Dufrasne, E-mail : isabelle.dufrasne@uliege.be

J.L. Hornick : jlhornick@uliege.be

Breeding of production animals



Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Breeding of production animals

Le cours en ligne est à effectuer sur eCampus.