2024-2025 / VDOC0070-1

Legal training in laboratory animal science, "Master of Experiments", cat. C FELASA


Number of credits

 Doctoral training in veterinary sciences6 crédits 




Pierre Drion

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

 will follow

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

see annexes 8, 9, 10, 11

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

will follow

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Elearning et Practicals


Introduction and course organization J. BALTHAZART, L. DUWEZ, L. GILLET, E. TIRELLI, M. VANDENHEEDE, H GUYOT, C OURY, P. DRION,
Zebrafish in the lab J DELCOURT
Housing of experimental animals P DRION
Morphology of laboratory animals rodents, dog, cats and monkeys A GABRIEL
Morphology of laboratory animals rodents, dog, cats and monkeys A GABRIEL
Ethical committees illustrated by examples P DRION
Animal Welfare M VANDENHEEDE
Ethology of experimental animals M VANDENHEEDE
Environmental enrichment M VANDENHEEDE
Hygiene of facilities O. NICAISE
Ethics of animal experimentation M VANDENHEEDE / F CAEYMAEX
Legal Aspects of animal experimentation M VANDENHEEDE
Zoonoses and safety in working with exprimental animals B BODART
Hygiene of personal B BODART
Euthanasia of experimental animals D MARLIER
Experimental surgical techniques A. DELAUNOIS
Reproduction P DRION
Radiobiology and radioprotection V. PIRLET
Physiology of experimental animal: rodents, dogs,cats, monkeys L. FIEVEZ, T MARICHAL
Specific pathology of rodents and lagomophes D. MARLIER
Distress suffering and pain M VANDENHEEDE
Genetics of laboratory animals L GROBET
Anesthesia of experimentals animals C. SANDERSEN
Diseases of experimental animals. Bacteriology M THIRY
Transgenesis and cloning L. GROBET
In silico methods : computer simulation of animal experiments : a way to apply 3R's Rules L. GERIS
Protocol writing E. THIRY
Practicals cat A, B and C : voir ci dessous
Statistics and result analysis F. FARNIR
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics P. GUSTIN, C. CAMBIER
Alternatives for animal experiments P. DRION
Reproduction techniques F. ECTORS
Information literacy S. VANDENPUT
Nutrition of experimental animals: Rodents, Dogs, Cats and Monkeys M. DIEZ
Gnotobiology and xenotransplantation P DRION
Specific pathology of dogs and cats F. BILLEN
Zebrafish in the lab J DELCOURT
Diseases of experimental animals: parasitology B. MIGNON
Post-mortem examination D.CASSART
Icthyopathologie T JAUNIAUX
Immunology in animal experiments L. GILLET
Biology, conservation and ethics in manipulating amphibians: an introduction M DENOEL
Experimental designs and overall reduction of animal use E TIRELLI
How to build an artificial aquatic environment? C MICHEL
The carp, the firefly and the virus, ... not a fable but a beautiful scientific story A VANDERPLASSCHEN
Nutrition,feeding and growth in fish C ROUGEOT, C MELARD
Fish Reproduction C ROUGEOT, C MELARD
Systématic and general morphology of fish B FREDERICH, E PARMENTIER
Principles of Fish Physiology S ROBERTY, JC PLUMIER
Production of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies- alternative methods L. GILLET

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

WAY OF USE of the implementation of full e-learning


Legal University Certificates in Laboratory Animal Sciences


 Level A: Animal Worker, level B: Animal Biotechnician and level C: Researcher

1-How do I register myself or a member of my staff?

Send an email to Dr. Dufour: pascaledufour@skynet.be    

2-When can I register/enroll a member of my staff and at what level of training?

                Throughout the year. All levels combined.

3- Is the Certificate available in several languages?

                Yes, in French AND in English. All materials exist in both languages.

                The final exam is also available either in FR or EN.

4- Is the Certificate valid everywhere in Belgium? and in another country?

The University of Liège is the only institution in the French Community to organize the 3 levels of the certificate.

->As far as the "ex cathedra" formula is concerned:

The Federal Public Service accredited the level C in 2005 and the levels B and C in 2009.

In 2019, the Public Service of Wallonia reviewed our accreditation and confirmed it.

->As far as the e-learning formula is concerned:

The e-Learning certificate that we offer was validated by the Public Service of Wallonia in December 2020.

The Certificate allows you to work abroad in animal experimentation. Some countries require additional subjects.

5- In which language is the diploma delivered?

                The diploma is delivered in English.

6- When will I be able to take the exam/when will my staff member be able to take the exam so that I can quickly get to work?

                Throughout the year.

7-How much does the registration cost?

Dr Pascale Dufour will send these amounts at the time of the inquiry prior to registration. For information, they have not been modified since 2005.

8-I welcome researchers in my laboratory. Is the B training "animal technician" sufficient to work with animals?

No. It is necessary to pass the Certificate of Master of Experience (level C). Scientists are indeed engaged in responsibilities that are not only related to what the training in laboratory animal science confers for Animal Technicians (level B).

9-I am a holder of a teaching of this Certificate. Am I entitled to a free registration for a member of my staff?

               Yes, one registration at any level (A or B or C) by subject title (2 hours).

                If one h, -100 €.

10-I hold a degree in biology, biomedical sciences, or I am a doctor or veterinary surgeon etc. Am I entitled to exemptions?

Yes, a table of automatic exemptions has been in existence for about ten years. Each registrant receives his/her list of exemptions automatically upon registration.

11- How will the "theoretical" courses take place ?

According to their registration category (A, B, C), the registered students receive a link to the online notes (texts, slides, video files).

12- How will the "practical work" courses take place in the laboratories?

a/ A "planning" is sent to each laboratory at the time of registration for the training (see the 3 annexes pdf).

b/ Actually, an ethics file validated by the Ethical Committee already covers the organized practical work (#1135, validity janv. 2026).

c/ Laboratory managers (in/out) who register one of their members will receive a copy of the dossier.

d/ All members of the LA (accredited laboratories) of the University are by default identified as taking part in this file on the basis of the list of personnel (and certifications) updated annually and received with the year-end statistics. There is no further action to be taken in this regard.

e/ LA's outside the ULiège who register one of their members will have to sent the complete list of their staff (and certifications) at the registration of this member.

f/ Practical work will be done

-> in the approved premises of the LA concerned.

-> via the legally certified animal exp. members of the LA concerned.

g/ Practical training carried out within this framework will focus on the skills required for the species studied in the laboratory in question.

Therefore, part of the practical knowledge can also be acquired at the beginning by observing the current manipulations carried out by the certified and older researchers. This will result in a sparing of animal lives.

For the LA depending on the ULiège: the additional animals that would be necessary for the practical training will be included in the statistics at the end of the year in a specific category which will then be included in the statistics associated with protocol N°1135 mentioned above. Thank you to be attentive to this.

  • For the LA outside the ULiège: it will be advisable to follow the same procedure, having had your local Ethics Commission accredit the practical training that you will organize.
13-What type of Certificate will be delivered if I only receive practical work on the species which is the object of the work of my laboratory ?

The Royal Decree of 2013 does not provide for the delivery of a certificate of competence on an identified species, whatever the level of training (A, B, C).

The modus operandi implemented in this e-learning training will logically restrict the number of animal species for which the training registrant will receive the practical work.

This will not be mentioned on the Certificate issued but on an annex signed by the head of the laboratory and the registrant (see 3.e. above).

14- What happens if I change my laboratory and therefore my animal model (species) or if my laboratory changes animal species for its work?

In addition to the compulsory further training of persons involved in animal experimentation (which must be registered), the extension of practical skills to other species (the Certificate remains targeted at all species) will be possible through additional practical training appropriate to the level and species envisaged. A Certificate will have to be completed and signed again if this is done via ULiège.

15-How will the evaluation of skills acquired through practical work be done?

This evaluation is based on 4 points: practical training certificates, Experts, Wellness Unit, LA holder.

a/ We will require each laboratory to return to us, signed on honour, the practical training certificates of each registrant (see above).

b/ The Welfare Experts who control the animal facilities thus participate in this verification of competence within the framework of their mission.

The Experts are responsible for the control of the well-being and the state of health of the animals, they ensure a regular follow-up and report any important anomaly to the Laboratory Director and to the Ethics Commission.

An adequate monitoring program of the welfare and health status of the animals by the Expert includes the following areas (non-exhaustive list):

1) Ethical evaluation of experimental protocols:

In application of the Royal Decree, the Expert in charge of monitoring the well-being and state of health of the animals is an ex-officio member of the Ethics Commission; he participates actively in the evaluation of the experiments planned and carried out.

->In this context, the Expert is familiar with the techniques used in the Laboratories he controls and can verify the competence of each one.

2) Handling and restraint of animals :

-The Expert is responsible for giving and ensuring any advice or guidance he considers useful concerning the handling, restraint and care of the animals under his supervision.

-The Expert has the authority to check whether the conditions for administering sedatives, analgesics or anaesthetics are correct to avoid unnecessary suffering to the animals and are compatible with the needs of the experiment.

-> In this context, the Expert has knowledge of the techniques used in the Laboratories he controls and can also check the competence of each person.

3) Surgical procedures :

The Expert is responsible for advising on the best methods for preparing animals for surgery and post-operative care practiced on animals, as well as for checking them.

->In this context, the Expert is familiar with the techniques used in the Laboratories he controls and can also check the competence of each person.

4) Animal welfare :

The Expert has the authority and responsibility for defining the optimum conditions of animal welfare if he considers that they are not or no longer adapted to the circumstances defined in the program and must ensure that the daily examination of the animals' welfare is correctly followed up.

The Expert may discontinue any handling that seriously affects the welfare of an animal and/or does not correspond to the accepted protocol for the experiment. He may also terminate an experiment if the conditions under which the animals are kept do not meet the relevant standards of hygiene and animal care.

The Expert is responsible for providing the laboratory director with any useful information relating to the proper housing of the animals. He must inform the Experimental Supervisor of this information.

->In this context, the Expert has the power to check that the welfare of the animals is respected on these points in the Laboratories he controls and can also check the competence of each person (the competence serving the objectives to be achieved by the Laboratory).

In the case of ULiège, the 3 Experts are Veterinary Doctors, Doctors of Science and Masters of Experience. As always, in all these missions of follow-up of protocols and laboratories, the Experts pay a very particular attention to the new researchers of the laboratories who have recently followed the training.

c/ The Animal Welfare Unit of each LA is also involved in this mission.

According to articles 35 and 36 of the Royal Decree of 29052013, the welfare cells can of course benefit from the support of the expert, who can even be part of it. The circular of the FPS (220495/13/21/2/01) concerning the application of the Royal Decree 2013 describes the missions of the cell in question:

"The Animal Welfare Unit is an intermediary link between the user, breeder or supplier and the veterinarian or expert in charge of the state of health and welfare of the animals. The veterinarian or expert in charge of monitoring the health and welfare of the animals has a guiding role vis-à-vis the Animal Welfare Unit. Each Animal Welfare Unit should designate a person other than the animal health and welfare expert from among its members to be responsible for animal health and welfare surveillance. »

"The role of the Animal Welfare Unit is essentially an advisory role:

-Disseminate to the staff concerned all the information it receives from the Ethics Commission and from the veterinarian or expert in charge of monitoring animal health and welfare. This involves (i) encouraging the development and implementation of the 3Rs and (ii) advising on the best methods for the acquisition, housing, care, use and placement of animals.

-Actively participate in the development, implementation and review of internal animal welfare control processes. Monitor, with the collaboration of those responsible for their project, the progress and results of projects. During the course and at the end of the project, collect all observations that contribute to the 3Rs and that may be necessary for the retrospective evaluation of a project.

The head of the Animal Welfare Unit must keep a register in which all opinions and decisions of the Animal Welfare Unit are recorded. Once completed, these records should be kept for three years. ».

d/ The head of the LA, or the person expressly delegated by him, is legally responsible for the training of his staff, as is clearly stipulated in Royal Decree 29052013 (art.11 §2 3°): "When applying for approval, the head of the LA shall provide a list of his staff. This list also includes the name of the person responsible for ensuring compliance with the provisions of the law and of the present decree and the names of the persons who, on site, are responsible for the supervision of the animals' welfare in the establishment and the care given to them, who ensure that personnel handling animals have access to information specific to the species housed in the establishment and who are responsible for ensuring that personnel have an adequate level of education, competence and continuing education and are supervised until they have demonstrated competence. »

The circular of the FPS ( 220495/13/21/2/01) concerning the application of this Royal Decree of 2013 specifies: "The person in charge of the establishment retains the ultimate responsibility for the respect of all the legal provisions which are linked to his approval as a user. He is responsible for the level of training, competence, continuing education and supervision of his personnel. If the person in charge of the establishment does not himself assume the mission of monitoring the training, competence, continuing education and supervision until demonstration of competence of his personnel, he must communicate the surname, first name and functions of the person he designates for this purpose. »

 Similarly, these responsibilities are still included in art. 32 §6 of the same Royal Decree of 2013, particularly in terms of supervision and continuous training: "The user or breeder or supplier may only call upon personnel who meet all the conditions of continuous training and competence as specified in this article. The persons referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article shall be supervised in the performance of their duties until they have demonstrated that they possess the required competencies. The user or breeder or supplier must ensure that the personnel referred to in this article keep their knowledge up to date according to their category and according to the corresponding topics listed in Annexes 8 to 11 of this Order. The user, breeder or supplier shall present, at the request of the Service, proof of this maintenance of up-to-date knowledge. The user, breeder or supplier must ensure that the personnel dealing with the experimental animals have access to information specific to the species housed in the establishment. »

16-How will the course evaluation be done?

It should be noted that the Certificate currently also includes a knowledge exam that validates the training received via an MCQ on each subject. This will be maintained (either face-to-face one to one or in small groups or remotely via eCampus).

17-How did we guarantee to the SPW who accredits us that the personnel supervising the students in the laboratories had the required competencies?

Any person involved in animal experimentation holds the Certificate corresponding to their missions (and we will have these lists, see above).

In addition, members of the scientific and academic bodies of the Universities (including members of the FNRS) are all responsible for teaching missions and have for this reason validated their pedagogical competence (competence to teach, competence to transmit knowledge).

Finally, practical workshops are also regularly given in the different LAs by technical and working personnel, highly qualified and experienced in these exercises (science sharing).

For additional information, there is a "little extra" that will allow the usual laboratory staff to film their demonstration to make it available to colleagues. A database will be developed, as well as a directory of contacts in the different practices. An extremely important database of slides (and some videos) classified by themes (restraint, sampling, etc.) are already available (in addition to the courses given in the certificates) and will also be shared with the registrants in order to further illustrate the subject. Finally, the use of online videos will be recommended (e.g. webinars).

18-Are the laboratories that will have organized this practical work required to mention these data in the annual statistics?

No if it concerns organ donations.

Yes if they are animals specifically enrolled for TK.

Animals that are usually subjected to experiments are automatically included in the annual statistics.
For the LA depending on the ULiège: the additional animals that would be necessary for the practical training will of course be included in the statistics at the end of the year in a specific category that will then be entered in the statistics associated with the protocol N°1135 mentioned above. Thank you to be attentive to this.

  • For the LA outside the ULiège: it will be advisable to follow the same procedure, having had your local Ethics Commission accredit the practical training that you will organize.

Course materials and recommended or required readings

on line

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

please contact P Dufour


Cellule AEE

Association of one or more MOOCs