2024-2025 / VCER2095-1

Foundations of food hygiene

Biological risks associated with the food chain

Chemical risks associated with the food chain

Food industry procedures and technologies


Biological risks associated with the food chain : 24h Th, 8h Mon. WS
Chemical risks associated with the food chain : 27h Th, 5h Mon. WS
Food industry procedures and technologies : 28h Th, 12h Pr

Number of credits

 University Certificate in Food Safety 1. Part 1 Risk Management 2. Part 2 Controlling the Food Chain (organised in odd years)5 crédits 


Biological risks associated with the food chain : Christophe Blecker, Georges Daube, Frédéric Farnir, Elisa Martinez, Claude Saegerman
Chemical risks associated with the food chain : Christophe Blecker, Caroline Douny, Claude Saegerman, Marie-Louise Scippo
Food industry procedures and technologies : Christophe Blecker, Antoine Clinquart


Georges Daube

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Biological risks associated with the food chain

* Main foodborne pathogens: helminths, protozoa, bacteria, viruses, mycotoxins, marine biotoxins, biogenic amines and non conventional transmissible agents.
* Characteristic of the main bacteria responsible of foodborne poisoning : Salmonella, Yersinia, E. coli O157 entérohémorragique, Yersinia enterocolitica entéropathogène, Campylobacter, Vibrio cholerae, Vibro parahaemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium botulinum, Listeria monocytogenes. * Main spoiling and technological micro-organisms. *Management of the shelf life of foodstuffs by producers.

Chemical risks associated with the food chain

The course is a lesson of toxicology of food products, which makes an inventory of the chemical risks associated with food products (residues and contaminants, additives, pesticides, brominated flame retardatants, migrating chemicals, allergens, ...).

Chemical risk analysis:
An example of chemical risk will be investigated according to the classical approach: risk characterization (hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment), risk management, risk communication).

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Biological risks associated with the food chain

* At the end of this course, the student will know the main characteristics of biological agents foods: taxonomy, physiology, virulence, reservoirs, sources of contamination, foods associated control measures.
* He should also be able to propose solutions to fight against pathogens and spoilage flora and sought to promote positive micro-organisms in the main food categories
* Finally, he will know the procedure and will be able to perform a simple exercise of food quantitative microbiological risk assessment.

Chemical risks associated with the food chain

The goal of this lecture is to inform the trainee who will be involved in the field of the food safety and quality : - about the available analytical methods to detect chemical hazards in food, - about the toxicology of these chemical hazards,

Chemical risk analysis:
The goal of this lecture is to inform the trainee who will be involved in the field of the food safety and quality about the chemical risk analysis.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Biological risks associated with the food chain

Basic knowledge in microbiology required for a proper understanding of education.

Chemical risks associated with the food chain

Basic notions of chemistry and physics

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Biological risks associated with the food chain

* Tutorials consisting of an exercise carried out in predictive microbiology in a computer room

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Biological risks associated with the food chain

Blended learning

Additional information:

8 hours of lectures, 16 h eLearning and 8 hours of tutorials

Chemical risks associated with the food chain

theory and exercice about risk analysis

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Biological risks associated with the food chain

Via eCampus

Chemical risks associated with the food chain

voir e-campus

Biological risks associated with the food chain

Oral examination after short period of preparation

Chemical risks associated with the food chain

Personnal work.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Biological risks associated with the food chain

  • Pr. Georges Daube, professor
  • Pr. Nicolas Korsak, professor
  • Pr Philippe Jacques, professor
  • Elisa Martinez, assistant
  • Mme Christine Bal, secretary
Université de Liège, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Département des Sciences des Denrées alimentaires, Bld de Colonster, 20. Sart-Tilman, B43bis, Liège, Belgique

tél : +32-4-366 40 15 (40 40)

fax : +32-4-366 40 54

E-mail : Georges.Daube@uliege.be; nkorsak@uliege.be; emartinez@uliege.be; Christine.bal@uliege.be ; philippe.jacques@uliege.be

Website : http://www.dda.ulg.ac.be/

Chemical risks associated with the food chain

Prof. Claude Saegerman : (claude.saegerman@ulg.ac.be) Marie-Louise Scippo, chargé de cours :(mlscippo@ulg.ac.be)
Caroline Douny, assisante :(cdouny@ulg.ac.be)
Christine Bal, Secrétaire du département des denrées alimentaires :(christine.bal@ulg.ac.be)

Association of one or more MOOCs