2024-2025 / TRAD0151-1

English - General translation to French, introduction to post-editing and sight translation

English - General translation to French and introduction to post-editing

English to French sight translation


English - General translation to French and introduction to post-editing : 30h Th
English to French sight translation : 30h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in translation and interpretation5 crédits 


English - General translation to French and introduction to post-editing : Valérie Bada
English to French sight translation : Valérie Maris


Valérie Bada

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This course is devoted to intensive translation practice (all textual types and genres as well as short sentences). It particularly focuses on idiomatic rephrasing, grammatical accuracy, and avoidance of lexical and syntactic traps. Postediting techniques will also be introduced. Special attention will be devoted to sight translation (technical skills and training).

English - General translation to French and introduction to post-editing

See the EP of the "unité d'enseignement"

English to French sight translation

This course is only for French-speaking students. 

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this course, the students should have further developed their translating responses: rephrase idiomatically, avoid syntactic and lexical calques, find reliable sources. They will have translated a great variety of texts and broadened their general knowledge. They will have had an introduction to translation theories and initiated into the conceptual difficulties of structuring a scientific reflection upon their own translation practice. They should then be ready to head to the Master's programme and delve into the complexities and nuances of translating as well as develop a critical reflection upon the various facets of the act of translating.

English to French sight translation




Prerequisite knowledge and skills

A good knowledge of English (as to understand complex specialised texts or news articles) and excellent command of the French language

English to French sight translation


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Most of the classes will be devoted to exercices (translation and sight translation).  THe founding texts of translation theory will be discussed.

English to French sight translation


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

4 hours a week during the 2nd term: two hours devoted to translating texts of a diversity of genres and two hours devoted to sight translation. The classes are divided into small groups of 14 students max.

English to French sight translation


Recommended or required readings

Texts will be posted on e-campus.

English to French sight translation





Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Additional information:

The final examination consists of a written translation in class (60% of the final grade) as well as of a sight-translation exercise (40% of the final grade). As most classes will be devoted to sessions of "drill" translation of various texts, regular attendance is strongly recommended.

This teaching unit ("Unité d'enseignement," or UE) is subject to the principle of the "note absorbante," which means that the student having obtained a mark below 8/20 for one of the learning activities ("activités d'apprentissage," or AA) will receive a failing grade for the entire unit and will have to retake the failed AA in the second session regardless of the mathematical average of the two AA grades

English to French sight translation

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Additional information:



Work placement(s)

Organizational remarks

Professional translators will be invited as guest speakers. Some extra sessions will also  be organised together with the Belgian Chamber of Translators and Interpreters.

English to French sight translation



Valérie Bada: vbada@uliege.be

Valérie Maris: valerie.maris@uliege.be

English to French sight translation


Association of one or more MOOCs