2024-2025 / TRAD0114-1

Specialised translation from Dutch to French : tourism, museography, press and the media

Tourism and museography

Press and media


Tourism and museography : 30h Th
Press and media : 30h Th

Number of credits

 Master in modern languages and literatures : general, professional focus in translation5 crédits 
 Master in modern languages and literatures : Germanics, professional focus in translation5 crédits 
 Master in translation, professional focus5 crédits 


Tourism and museography : Pierre Geron
Press and media : Pierre Geron


Pierre Geron

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents


Tourism and museography

Introduction to how cultural communication and its products work (genre-based approach)

Introduction to useful resources and translation strategies

Comparative stylistic analysis of original texts and translated texts

Translation exercises based on cultural texts and other cultural products / Analysis and justification of translation choices

Press and media

Introduction to how texts work in the fields of journalism and the media (genre-based approach)

Introduction to useful resources and translation strategies

Comparative stylistic analysis of original texts and translated texts

Translation exercises based on cultural texts and other cultural products / Analysis and justification of translation choices

Learning outcomes of the learning unit


Tourism and museography

At the end of the course students will be able to...
[A/ Translation competence]
1° analyse a source document, identify potential textual and cognitive difficulties and assess the strategies and resources needed for appropriate reformulation in line with communicative needs.
2° translate tourism- and museography-related materials and produce a 'fit for purpose' translation.
3° check, review and/or revise their own work and that of others according to standard or work-specific quality objectives.
4° analyse and justify their translation solutions and choices, using the appropriate metalanguage and applying appropriate theoretical approaches.
[B/ Cultural and transcultural competences]
5° approach Dutch-speaking cultures (within and outside Europe) in their historical, social, and artistic dimensions.
6° spot the underlying/implicit socio-cultural components of a written or spoken text.
[C/ Domain-specific competence]
7° deal with and use the sort of language specific to tourism and museography (i.e. the field-specific phraseology, jargon, and terminology)  both in French and Dutch.
[D/ Cognitive comptences]
8° use theoretical insights in order to hone their translation techniques.
9° master strategies for gaining a thorough understanding of complex materials and for processing such materials, using their ability to analyze and synthesize (to distinguish the non-essentials from the essentials).
[E/ Technological competence]
10° explore websites intended for the promotion of tourist attractions in order to localize/adapt the contents.

Press and media

At the end of the course students will be able to...

[A/ Translation competence]

1° analyse a source document, identify potential textual and cognitive difficulties
and assess the strategies and resources needed for appropriate reformulation
in line with communicative needs.

2° translate journalism- and media-related materials and produce a 'fit for purpose' translation.

3° check, review and/or revise their own work and that of others according to
standard or work-specific quality objectives.

4° analyse and justify their translation solutions and choices, using the
appropriate metalanguage and applying appropriate theoretical approaches.

[B/ Cultural and transcultural competences]

5° approach Dutch-speaking cultures (within and outside Europe) in their historical, socio-economic, political and artistic dimensions.

6° spot the underlying/implicit socio-cultural components of a written or spoken text.

[C/ Domain-specific competence]

7° deal with and use the sort of language specific to journalism and the media (i.e. the field-specific phraseology, jargon, and terminology)  both in French and Dutch.

[D/ Cognitive comptences]

8° use theoretical insights in order to hone their translation techniques.

9° master strategies for gaining a thorough understanding of complex materials and for processing such materials, using their ability to analyze and synthesize (to distinguish the non-essentials from the essentials).

[E/ Technological competence]

10° use the key functionalities of subtitling programmes.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills


Planned learning activities and teaching methods


Tourism and museography

This part of the teaching unit consists of several modules that illustrate several facets of the practice of translating texts in the fields of tourism and museography. A whole array of texts and audiovisual documents will be the focus of our attention during these practical translation classes. Here is a non-exhaustive list of possible resources: tourism brochures, leaflets published by travel agents and tourist information centres, guide books, scripts of interactive city guides for smartphones, exhibition catalogues or fliers, audio guide scripts, websites designed for sightseers, ...

Press and media

This part of the teaching unit consists of several modules that illustrate several facets of the practice of translating texts in the fields of journalism and the media. A whole array of texts and audiovisual documents will be the focus of our attention during these practical translation classes. Here is a non-exhaustive list of possible resources: press articles, ads, comic strips, video clips (to be subtitled), ...

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)


Tourism and museography

Face-to-face two-hour weekly classes during the first term

Press and media

Face-to-face two-hour weekly classes during the first term

Recommended or required readings


Tourism and museography

Useful biographical references:

BAKER Mona et SALDANHA Gabriela (eds.) (2008), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, Londres/New York: Routledge.

BOYER Marc et VIALLON Philippe (1994), La communication touristique, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France / Col. Que sais-je ?

CHARAUDEAU Patrick (1992), Grammaire du sens et de l'expression, Paris : Hachette.

CLAES Paul (2012), « Gouden vertaalregels », Filter - Tijdschrift over vertalen, n°1.

CLAES Paul (2018), Gouden vertaalregels : tips voor beginnende (en andere) vertalers, Nijmegen: Vantilt.

MAINGUENEAU Dominique (1999), L'énonciation en linguistique française, Paris : Hachette Supérieur / Col. Les fondamentaux > Lettres.

SEOANE Annabelle (2013), « Les guides touristiques : vers de nouvelles pratiques discursives de contamination », Mondes du Tourisme [En ligne], 8 | 2013, mis en ligne le 01 juin 2015, consulté le 30 septembre 2016. URL : http://tourisme.revues.org/81

Course materials:

- Most of the materials that we will be using in class will be posted up on eCampus or Teams.

Press and media

Useful biographical references:

ADAM, J.-M. (1997). « Unités rédactionnelles et genres discursifs : cadre général pour une approche de la presse écrite » in Pratiques, 94, pp. 3-18.

BALLE Francis (2017), Les médias, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France / Col. Que sais-je ?

GROSSE, E.-U. (2014). « Évolution et typologie des genres journalistiques », in Semen [En ligne], 13, 2001, mis en ligne le 10 février 2007, disponible à l'adresse suivante : http://semen.revues.org/2615.

MARTIN-LAGARDETTE, J.-L. (1994). Guide de l'écriture journalistique. Écrire - informer - convaincre, Paris : Syros.

Websites :


GoPress Academic: https://academic.gopress.be/fr/vowb-login

Europresse: https://nouveau.europresse.com/Search/Reading
(See the "Espace PDF" thumbnail where countless newspapers and magazines are available in PDF-format)

Course materials:

- Most of the materials that we will be using in class will be posted up on eCampus or Teams.

Assessment methods and criteria


Tourism and museography

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Students will be expected to...

come to class regularly and thoroughly prepare the weekly assignments (= 5% of the final mark);
give an oral presentation on the localisation of websites. This presentation will take place before the whole class (= 20% of the final mark);
take a written exam (= 75% of the final mark).

Press and media

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Students will be expected to...

come to class regularly and thoroughly prepare the weekly assignments (= 5% of the final mark);
hand in a digest of a press article (= 20% of the final mark);
take a written exam (= 75% of the final mark).

Work placement(s)


Organizational remarks


Tourism and museography

Depending on the communicative needs Dutch and French may be used interchangeably during classes.

A visit to a town in Flanders or the Netherlands, depending on current cultural events and the themes covered in the course. This year, we'll probably be visiting Leuven and the surrounding area (tentative date: Saturday 16 December).

Press and media

Depending on the communicative needs Dutch and French will be used interchangeably during classes.

A visit to a town in Flanders or the Netherlands, depending on current cultural events and the themes covered in the course. This year, we'll probably be visiting Leuven and the surrounding area (tentative date: Saturday 16 December).



Tourism and museography


Press and media


Association of one or more MOOCs