2024-2025 / TMEM0562-1

Final dissertation


300h AUTR

Number of credits

 Master in architecture, professional focus in architecture and urban planning10 crédits 




Georges Mabille

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The final year master thesis (TFE) is a personal and original work carried out during the Master's years and presented at the end of the cycle. It constitutes an introduction to research in the broadest sense of the term (fundamental, exploratory, applied, etc.). Ideally, it produces knowledge and contributes to the deepening of knowledge in the field of architecture. At the very least, it requires the student to show that he or she is capable of mobilising concepts, theories and know-how taught during the course to grasp an architectural issue, as an exercise or case study. In both cases, he or she participates in disciplinary development.

Considering the particularities and multiplicities of research in architecture, the TFE can take one of the following two forms: TFE or TFE project:

  • The TFE is an objective and methodical textual production related to a given research subject or theme;
  • The TFE project includes two types of interrelated productions: a project-type production and a reflective text.
For further details, please refer to the TFE regulations published on the Faculty website:


Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Through this work, the student demonstrates his/her ability to carry out a personal, methodical and rigorous approach to a research question in architecture: to construct a relevant thought process, to seek, evaluate and cross-reference information, to identify, understand and deconstruct the obvious, opinions and commonplaces by adopting a critical stance, etc.

He or she also demonstrates the ability to organize and structure their thinking, to maintain an informed, critical and reflective position, to problematize architectural practice and to communicate the results of his or her research process in a well-argued manner.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The elaboration of the TFE requires in particular the mastery of the contents and competences of two preparatory courses: ARCH0562-A-a Research methodology in architecture ( 40h Th ) and ARCH0563-A-a Progress reports ( 40h Th ). See their respective pedagogical commitments.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The student demonstrates autonomy, proactivity and rigour in both his/her organisation and research process.

After having received the above-mentioned courses of Research Methodology in Architecture and State of Progress in the 1st block of the Master's degree, the student is regularly supervised by his/her supervisor and benefits from the supervision of the research laboratory to which he/she belongs.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

Each teacher promoter organises his or her own timetable for the TFE and possibly small private or group lessons in person or by distance learning (TEAMS).

Any readings recommended by the promoter.

The student should refer to the many useful documents available on the e-campus sites of the Methodology and State of Progress courses. They may also refer to the following book: VERDIER, Thierry. Guide pour la rédaction du mémoire et de la thèse en architecture. Paris: Ed. Eyrolles, 2023.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam AND oral exam

Additional information:

Successful completion of the course ARCH0563, "États d'avancement" or similar course at the Erasmus host institution is a prerequisite for submitting and defending the TFE.

For the evaluation criteria, please refer to the relevant section of the TFE regulations available on the Faculty website.

The dates for submitting TFEs for each session are specified each year by the Faculty and are communicated via eCampus.

For the 2023-2024 academic year, the Faculty has set these dates at January 5, 2024, May 6, 2024 and August 16, 2024. Students are therefore required to adhere strictly to these dates for communicating the composition of the jury and the title of the TFE, as well as for submitting the manuscript on MatheO. The penalty for late submission is deferral.

The submission dates for each session are set each year by the Faculty and are communicated via eCampus. Students are therefore required to adhere strictly to the dates for communicating the composition of the jury and the title of the TFE, as well as for submitting the manuscript on Mathéo. The penalty for late submission is deferral.

The submission of the TFE or TFE projet and the preliminary stages must be carried out on MatheO, the gateway site to the Master's Theses of the University of Liège (https://matheo.uliege.be/mymatheo).

If the TFE is supervised by a single promoter, the jury is made up of the promoter, possibly one or two members of the academic or scientific body of the Faculty of Architecture, possibly one or two persons from outside the Faculty of Architecture with expertise in the field of the TFE's research, and a chairperson.

If the TFE is supervised by a promoter and a co-promoter, the jury is composed of 4 to 5 members: the promoter, the co-promoter, possibly one or two members of the academic or scientific body of the Faculty of Architecture, possibly one or two persons from outside the Faculty of Architecture with expertise in the field of research of the TFE, and a chairperson.

The jury for a TFE project is made up of at least 5 members: the promoter, the workshop teacher who is part of the supervisory team, a teacher from the Faculty who is not part of the supervisory team, at least one person from outside the Faculty of Architecture with expertise in the research field of the TFE project, and a chairperson.

Jury members are free to choose the format of their copies: digital and/or paper. The student will ask the jury members if they wish to receive a paper copy of the TFE. If so, the student must send the paper copy to the jury members in the format they specify.

Each dissertation will be the subject of a public oral defence, in which the members of the jury will participate or give a detailed report. This test does not exceed 60 minutes. The student will present a summary of the subject of his/her research, the methods used and the results obtained (the introductory presentation of 12 to 15 minutes maximum will highlight the specific contribution of the research). Each reader expresses his/her opinion on the written work and the oral presentation, and, if he/she wishes, asks one or more questions concerning them, which the student answers.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Please refer to the regulations and the document containing the key dates for the academic year.

Submission of the work to MatheO, the gateway site to the Master's Theses of the University
of Liège.


TFE coordinator contact: Georges Mabille: gmabille@uliege.be

Administration contact: tfe.archi@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs