2024-2025 / SSTG0062-1

Internship: Ecology and the conservation of freshwater communities and amphibians


13d FW

Number of credits

 Master in biology of organisms and ecology, research focus5 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The internship is a practical application of spatial / functional ecology in freshwaters where top predators are amphibians. It is initially planned to occur in Japan where rivers are inhabited by geant salamanders which can grow over one meter long and forage on numerous species, including fish and crabs. However it is planned to occur in new places in the near future. The approach is based on several sampling techniques across the trophic chain. The internship allows to encompass the wole aquatic environment for an adequate understanding on the functionality of its components. Additional fieldtrips around the study sites are also planned to illustrate conservation issues. Depending on the number of registered students, the internship could be divided in several sub-projects carried out by groups of two or three students.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The main objective of the internship is to place students in a realistic context of scientific research in functional ecology and biodiversity of freshwater communities. It will allow students to be prepared to the world of practical research in frewhwater and amphibian ecology. The students are expected to extract information from literature on their research topic, to collect adequately samples for their project and to analyze and interpret their data. On the other hand, the internship by its location in a foreign country will give a personal learning and opening to another culture and environment.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Basic knowledge in aquatic ecology

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Individual preparation of the bibliography on the topic selected with the supervisers, on site preparation of the methodology, field sampling by sub-groups of students in a river nearby the field station, on site discussion with the supervisers

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Presence mandatory during the whole internship (abroad)

Bibliographic searches to define depending on the selected project

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

The evaluation will be based on a report and the active participation during the field internship. The evaluation will take into account the adequation of the bibliographic search and its integration within the project, the accomplished work on the study site, the work in team, the data analyses and the discussion of obtained results. The report, preferentially writen in English, will take the form of a scientific paper of around 5000 words and be completed by figures, tables and annexes. The bibliographic search would be completed before the start of the internship.

Work placement(s)

The internship is planned to take place in a field  research station. It is typically to be taken in the summer between blocs 1 and 2 of Master cursus.

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The internship is planned in mainland Japan (Honshu) in summer (planned end of July and/or early August), but it will not take place in summer 23-24. It is planned to be around 13 days in taking in account the access (ie 10 days on site). Modalities could vary depending on possibilities. Lodging is planned to be provided in the field station of the partner institution in a small remote village. Complementary visits nearby are also planned. A financial participation to the local costs will be asked (with part of payment due upon acceptance). The organisation of travel from Belgium is to be taken in charge by students. Interested students need to send their CV and motivation to the superviser before to select the internship in their cursus (deadline in mid-October). A registration form would then be completed.

Website of the practical: https://www.leca.uliege.be/stage-japon



Prof. Mathieu Denoël
Laboratory of Ecology and Conservation of Amphibians

E-mail: Mathieu.Denoel [a] uliege.be

Website: https://www.leca.uliege.be

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